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Forum: Old versions

Sujet: problem with left play button

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once in a while when i hit the left play button it will

stop the track on the right side,
turn on the beatlock, and
start effect 1 and 3 on the right side.

it's like it overloads and goes nuts. i'm not sure why it does this. any ideas?

Posté Fri 10 Sep 04 @ 11:15 pm

i ve ur same problem from long time!
i posted in the italian forum but at the moment nope good answer.

i tried to upgrade my system from 256mb to 512mb (as recommended)
as processor im ok, ive got P4 2G ... so all configuration is ok, but i still have that problem.

clearly i ve just upgrade my firmware (HDC031G) and program version at the lastest i can download (1.09).

Firmware too is the lastest (v34)


(im sorry for my bad english)

i think you have to change the hconsole-mapper.

haha x-frag i have the exact same setup as you. 512 running p4 2.0. btw i did try remapping it. it still happened. sad sad...i'd really like for this feature to work properly...i noticed also that the lights dim a little here and there. kinda funky lol needs more power!

Maybe it's not getting enough power through the usb port. Especially if it's on a usb hub without it's own power this could be true.


anyway that problem comes out just if i do stop & play for x time, expecialy if i put before play a loop of 4/4

well i did try from the dj console mapping to create a new conf without assign any key;
well at this moment (also if i didnt test so long) it seem to dont stop any more the left turntable, just like u "the lights dim a little here and there" :P



You must change your dj console. Hercules has changed me two times my dj console because it had the same problem you have.

I think there are a lot of people with this problem.

If you want repair it by alone, here there was a post about this problem. If your dj console has a warrancy period send it to hercules and they will change it.




hello and thank you,

i just bought a usb hub with external supply but itnst the problem so i think is in the way u explain.

.... but, did u revolve ur problem?
u didnt write if u sucessufull to resolve that by the operation u linked.

c u


re ciao all,

maybe i got it!

i ve tried to follow the step show in the link, but my prob was different;

the false contact was in the step 2:

1) retourner la console

= turn the console around

2) enlever les caches plastiques (5) pas celui du mileu ya rien

= take the (5) plastic bits away (there is nothing behind the one in the middle) ------> here!

i just cover with a piece of light paper all 5 screw behind the plastic bits, just to stop the false contact.

now it seem work correctly, just installing the lastest console driver and choosing from the "dj console mapper" "default" light here n there

anyway.... yeahhh

having fun


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