I'd like to ask if it is possible to have VDJ load song after song from the playlist on it's own and autobeatmatch them without you having to click on the "Automix" button for every song?
Posté Thu 16 Sep 04 @ 4:22 pm
Ok,according to my experiments,in "Automix" mode,the program will play song after song that's in the playlist but will only "crossfade" and will not "autobeatmatch",am I correct?
Posté Thu 16 Sep 04 @ 9:32 pm
VDJ detect your song style and use a mix style according to the music played. VDJ can beatmatch.
For the ones you absolutely want to be beatmatched, you have to force it this way: rightclick on the BPM - go to automix options and select the one you want.
For the ones you absolutely want to be beatmatched, you have to force it this way: rightclick on the BPM - go to automix options and select the one you want.
Posté Fri 17 Sep 04 @ 3:51 am
"Automix options" are only visible when song is loaded in a deck, and you choose the same song in filelist -> "Edit BPM"
Posté Fri 17 Sep 04 @ 11:06 am
I'm sorry that I don't quite undesratnd you guys on this one,are you saying that in"Automix" mode,the program will "load" song after song for me and "Autobeatmatch" them if I were to edit the bpm info in the songs?
Posté Fri 17 Sep 04 @ 11:54 am
I am seeking more "Automation" than "manual" and I do understand that this is a "dj" software but in the same way that it can "Automix",I am seeking to go a little further.Simply put,I do not have much time to spend behind the laptop anymore so I am looking for 2 basic things
1]To have a program "on it's own" load song after song that's in the playlist like the way you have the "Automix" playlist set up.
2]BUT,to have those songs "Autobeatmatched",like when using the "Automix" button.
So I guess a "mixture" of your Automix playlist and using the Automix button is what I need somehow for my purpose,everything points to me buying this software but I want to explore every possiblity before purchasing.
According to the instructions given to manually edit the BPM info of every song,this will take some doing for a few thousand songs so I am looking for an easier way,if you or anyone else could give me any tips on how to get even close to numbers 1 and 2 above,this will be great!
1]To have a program "on it's own" load song after song that's in the playlist like the way you have the "Automix" playlist set up.
2]BUT,to have those songs "Autobeatmatched",like when using the "Automix" button.
So I guess a "mixture" of your Automix playlist and using the Automix button is what I need somehow for my purpose,everything points to me buying this software but I want to explore every possiblity before purchasing.
According to the instructions given to manually edit the BPM info of every song,this will take some doing for a few thousand songs so I am looking for an easier way,if you or anyone else could give me any tips on how to get even close to numbers 1 and 2 above,this will be great!
Posté Fri 17 Sep 04 @ 1:51 pm
As I *think* I grab your question and application, I'll say you can buy the full version with confidence and find what you're looking for...
Not sure how good/functional the trial version are these days, but in the full version you just select music style, auto beatmatch, fadetime and fade method, and it mixes the playlist after the Fame algoritm/analysis of the songs - only thing I'm having some trouble with here are ballads/slow tunes - but this seems to be fine now, after setting "Automix option" for each of these ones to "Fade only".
When you buy the full version, you'll also get all the support you need from the users and developers here ;o)
You're not mentioning what trialversion you're using either, maybe your "trial" is a cracked one?
Equipment will also affect Virtual DJ's performance, if you're on the lower limit of minimal specs, VDJ CAN behave erratic - that's why these configurations are mostly set : http://www.virtualdj.com/features/description.html
Keep a clean system with preferably above recommended specs to let VirtualDJ and not eg. spyware, scheduled tasks or misconfigured tweaks do the job!
You're also starting very many similar topics...
Hope this get you on the right track.
Not sure how good/functional the trial version are these days, but in the full version you just select music style, auto beatmatch, fadetime and fade method, and it mixes the playlist after the Fame algoritm/analysis of the songs - only thing I'm having some trouble with here are ballads/slow tunes - but this seems to be fine now, after setting "Automix option" for each of these ones to "Fade only".
When you buy the full version, you'll also get all the support you need from the users and developers here ;o)
You're not mentioning what trialversion you're using either, maybe your "trial" is a cracked one?
Equipment will also affect Virtual DJ's performance, if you're on the lower limit of minimal specs, VDJ CAN behave erratic - that's why these configurations are mostly set : http://www.virtualdj.com/features/description.html
Keep a clean system with preferably above recommended specs to let VirtualDJ and not eg. spyware, scheduled tasks or misconfigured tweaks do the job!
You're also starting very many similar topics...
Hope this get you on the right track.
Posté Sun 19 Sep 04 @ 8:15 pm
ok,let's settle this,I think we are on the same page here,what I wish to do is to set a playlist of Dance music but I will insert say 2 or 3 back to back slows after every 10 dance songs or so,I would like to have all the dance songs autobeatmatched and the slows songs,simple fade in and out BUT I would like the software to "load" song after song into the decks.
1]Are you saying that the full version will do this?
2]The Trial version I'm working on was downloaded from your website so I don't know if it's a "cracked" version,the info says it is version 2.02.
3]My laptop more than meets your requirements,I have a P4M 2gig,768Ram 40gig drive with 16 gig free running XP Corporate edition.
4]I'm afraid I don't see how "I am starting very many similar topics"?
1]Are you saying that the full version will do this?
2]The Trial version I'm working on was downloaded from your website so I don't know if it's a "cracked" version,the info says it is version 2.02.
3]My laptop more than meets your requirements,I have a P4M 2gig,768Ram 40gig drive with 16 gig free running XP Corporate edition.
4]I'm afraid I don't see how "I am starting very many similar topics"?
Posté Sun 19 Sep 04 @ 9:55 pm