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Forum: Old versions

Sujet: Sound quality / skips

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Hi, been using VDJ for a few years now without any probs. Since i updated to version 4.3 r12 i have noticed that a lot of my tunes are not playing perfectly. I'm not sure exactly how to describe it but it sounds like a millisecond skipping during the part of tunes that have a lot of sound. This seems to be the case with about 50% of MP3s regardless of bitrate.

I have tried adjusting the presets to fastest, unticking safe mode and overclock and it appears to make no difference. This happens whilst only playing 1 tune, my CPU is hovering around 20-30% so it doesnt seem to be a performance problem.

My specs are 1.1 Ghz Centrino, 512Mb RAM on WinXP. I have tuned most things mentioned, CPU throttling, disabling screen savers & background programs etc.

Any suggestions, or if not how can i go back a few versions? Thanks.


Posté Fri 04 May 07 @ 11:03 pm
i'm having the same problem, some feed back please

I take the lack of response as either a rare problem or not completely understanding what i'm trying to explain.

I have noticed since that this only seems to be the case on the left deck! I can post a recording of the original and skipping MP3 if it helps, just let me know where i can post these... thanks, its a shame as i am unable to play live using this software at the moment due to this problem.

What sound card are you using?

I never had persistent troubles with vdj+djconsole BUT after the last update I made the sound is just unaccaptable - it sounds like timestretch (in older versions I always had to deactivate timestretch) but i don´t find the timestretch options anymore....

I´m not amused, no mixing possible, unacceptable sound, clicking sound when moving any sliders.. OMG :D

i resolved the fader clicking problem by lowering the performance slider, but my right deck sounds awful, u can imagine how it sounds when a basedrum is not played completely ? this happens regularly :(

Timestretch is now Keylock and it is just below pitch fader on the skin with the Lock icon. About performance, what is your machine specs? Try to increase latency or Enable Safemode or Overclock.

keylock/timestretch deactivated, sound is good again - thank you :)

it would be nice from the developer team not to change such key elements... but whatever... thanx !

My machine specs are core2duoe6300@2.8ghz, 1gbddr2-800, djconsole1

No problem, anytime ;)
Your specs sounds good, you should be able to get good sound with Core 2, only problem can be Dj Console 1, although it should be good sound card inside. Do you use it as a sound card or controller only?

hi, yeh i have had the same problems and yes its very annoying, the sound output quality from a "professional product" is terrible! I have also posted a message about this and that any tracks longer than 10minutes in length will not load and cuase the program to crash, and the only way to resume using VDJ is to then rely on control/alt/delete, which is just not acceptable if using it for a live performance, or for any use for that matter. You've paid a fair amount of cash for the software and hardware package and you would expect tit to work without these kind of problems. I have tried to contact Hercules about this and after a long long time i still have not had any response. Surely if there are compatability issues between the Console and VDJ then you have to disassociate yourselves with each other. The Console and software is sold as a complete solution package and therefor should work without any problems, no excuses? What do atomix intend to do to address this problem which clearly many many many customers are experiencing?

Actually MANY, MANY, MANY users arent seeing these issues and if they are the number 1 thing to do is create or search for a post about the same thing. I can tell you FIRST and FOREMOST we need system specs, whats running in the background, and what you are tryin to do with VDJ. Most if not all issues can be fixed by first optomizing your system ie. gettin rid of all unecessary programs and stuff running in the background. If that doesnt help we then move on to performance settings in VDJ. You should start with your performance slider all the way to the left with Safe Mode and Overclocked unchecked. If you are doing Video we move to those settings, Do you have the latest Direct X drivers and your Video card drivers, if so then move on to the video settings, make sure Decode while hidden is selected and also Hardware Acceleration is checked. And the last thing I can say for right now til we get a response is the computer you use for VDJ needs the ANTI VIRUS turned OFF and actually disabled while using VDJ. I use a program called End It All and I can tell you it is great. If you are using Norton then your kinda in for a load of crap as Norton doesnt like to be turned off or uninstalled. The only real workaround is to do a FRESH INSTALL of XP/VISTA. When I say fresh I mean FRESH not the discs you got when you bought the PC. Do these things and 99% you will be ok. Any other questions feel free to PM me and I will do what I can to help you.

Well, we paid for this software and it is working for us. If you did too, enter your serial and become the part of family ;)
Brian explained, in short, give us:
your pc specs
which version do you use
what sort of use (audio/video).

Some times while songs are played on both sides and I load a song on the playing side it plays, but loads very slow. It almost looks like the playing bar is catching up with the loading bar... what can it be...?

Will your answer be my that it's my PC's performance again...?

Intel Celeron 1.3 - Laptop
512Mb RAM
40Gb Hard Drive (10Gb Free Space)
300Gb External USB

Internal Sound Card
External USB Creative Sound Blaster

Sometimes it works 100% for the whole night... :)

Thank You

Do you use one or two sound cards? Try using SB only.

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