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Forum: Old versions

Sujet: DAC 3 Pitch bend

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Hi all, i used my dac 3 with VDJ last night for the first time and was fairly pleased with the interaction of the 2 with just one dislike. When i tried pitch bending it would not react as i am used to with the old CD players. i tried bumping up the percentage with the JPBoggis dac 3 mapper and made it a little better but not quite there yet. Anyone have any suggestions as to how far up i should go with these settings or should i just start going up until i find what suits me ?
The last software i used started freaking out when i tried making similar adjustments and i am lear of making such changes.
Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, Alex

Posté Sat 19 May 07 @ 7:54 pm

Any adjustments within the jpboggis mapper should be fine, not heard of any problems with it.

Personally, I'm a fan of using the wheels for pitch bending now. Means you can move it slowly for fine adjustments, but faster when you need to make more dramatic chages.

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