hi i noticed a post about this but can't find it now. sometimes when left on auto mix vdj starts to play a song then changes its mind and goes onto the next one skippin the song it should of played. any update??
Posté Wed 06 Jun 07 @ 10:11 pm
I have never had this issue myself and trust me I use automix on VOB MP3 and WMA, are you havin this issue?? I have been usin this since 3.1.
Posté Fri 08 Jun 07 @ 9:11 am
yep its vob and mp3's that are on.
Posté Fri 08 Jun 07 @ 11:56 am
Have same problem with v4.3. never had with 3.4.
Posté Fri 08 Jun 07 @ 12:38 pm
DJ_ALS wrote :
Have same problem with v4.3. never had with 3.4.
How come u have V4.3?
If so, do add ur serial number and have another star:)
Posté Fri 08 Jun 07 @ 4:04 pm
true but is there a fix or a reason it does it?
Posté Fri 08 Jun 07 @ 5:08 pm
Now ur makin me wanna watch mine a little more closely. I know that if I make a list of 15 songs it plays 15 songs. Now is there any Napster wmas with drm. I have had it skip songs when the drm needs updated??
Posté Fri 15 Jun 07 @ 7:12 am
It happens to me a lot with some songs, you select the play list, turn on automix, when a song loads it is thrown out and the next song loads, causing the current song thats playing to skip, sometimes to the middle and sometimes to the end.
Granted its nearly always the same songs that it happens to, but last night 6, yes 6, songs in a row it happened with. Had to hover the mouse near the start point of the song incase the next load was thrown out, and to take note of the next song to be loaded before it loads!
Granted its nearly always the same songs that it happens to, but last night 6, yes 6, songs in a row it happened with. Had to hover the mouse near the start point of the song incase the next load was thrown out, and to take note of the next song to be loaded before it loads!
Posté Sat 16 Jun 07 @ 5:37 pm
This is a known problem and has been discussed before. As posted by Norway the next update will have this problem corrected.
Posté Sun 24 Jun 07 @ 1:57 pm
bogart wrote :
This is a known problem and has been discussed before. As posted by Norway the next update will have this problem corrected.
heres hopin. cheers.
Posté Sun 24 Jun 07 @ 7:04 pm