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Sujet Full compatibiltiy with ID3 tags - Page: 1

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I really wish that the reading of ID3 tags was fully integrated in your product (without loading any plug in dll). It is really a pain to change the file name and most mp3 players have moved beyond this rudimentary method.

I also think that you should store as much mix info has possible in the mp3 files (not your library). Traktor has followed that path and it makes a lot of sense for portability reasons. At the very least, the BPM info should be written in the ID3 tag (with a overwrite warning if BPM numbers are already present (to protect manual entries)). I think Mixmeister store its BPM in the mp3 as well. Traktor also keeps its cue points in the file.

Also, in my view you should improve the browse interface with standard utilities like automatic scoll when dragging over windows edge. Also a moving line in the plalist to knwo where the song will be droped. Take cues from Media Player it is very well done in my view.


Posté Wed 27 Oct 04 @ 5:20 pm
I couldn't agree more.

Particularly if your moving a hard drive about between different playback systems, or you reorganise your folder layouts.

I really like the idea that all my info for a track is stored in the track and I can take it anywhere and it'll work the same.

I also now want to add a field that I would have in my ID3's DOR (Date of Release) so you could for example search for any tracks released between May 1999 and May 2004.

Posté Thu 28 Oct 04 @ 12:56 am
DJ RickPRO InfinityMember since 2003
This topic comes up from time to time. It seems that some want it, and some don't. Personally, I have taken the time, to name all 30,000 of my files properly so that with or without id tag support they show up properly.
I have never seen a collection where all of the id3 tags were correct, so with that in mind, if id3 tag reading were ever put into play here I would pray that it'd be optional so that I could leave it disabled.

Name your files "artist (cd name XX) - song title XXXX.mp3"

XX is the track number, XXXX is the year of release.

This makes songs searchable by cd name, and they will show up in the proper order, or you can search by year. In fact if you are trying to play just a 1990's night, you can search 199 and every thing from 1990 through 1999 will be displayed for you.

It would be a huge pain in the ass to try to go back through my library and correct what would certainly be at least thousands incorrect tags.
I know many will disagree with me here, but I suggest that if the plug in idtag parser isn't good enough, you begin renaming your files. It may take a few weeks (even months) to do, but then they will be correct forever.... It's a task you only have to do once. (the software "tag and rename" can be very helpful if you want to re-name full CD's worth of songs.)

Posté Thu 28 Oct 04 @ 6:50 pm
There is also a program called "Tag and Rename" that can rename your files according to your ID3 tags, so I don't see why ID3tag should be added...

Don't forget that reading an ID3tag takes more time than reading a file name, so this could slow down the search algorithm a LOT for people with big databases...


Posté Thu 28 Oct 04 @ 7:59 pm
apopsisdjPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2003
There are many free utilities to rename files.
But as Dj Rick said there is no mp3 library with all the tags
When we say mp3 tag it is not so simple.
There is id3 tag v1.1, v2, v2.3, v.2.3 and so on.
And guess what.. Tag 1.x is not compatible with tag 2.x
That means that can be other information to tag 1.x field
and other in tag 2.x
Add to this the info from the file name, and multiply
with the number of the mp3 you may have ..........
What a mess ..
So are we dj's or some kind of computer freaks, spending
all of our time in office type tasks ?
I preffer the file name because it is always visible and clear.
I' dont have a naming style like Dj Rick, but i always use
the "standard" (99% of the files available use it)
Artist - Titlle.mp3
Then i have categorized my music using folders/subfolders
example, the folder R&B contains the subfolders:
[80's], [90's], [2000-2002], [2003], [2004]
Next year i will create a folder [2005]...
Just to give some ideas..
The way Virtual Dj, handle the filenames is the main reason
for me to switch from Pcdj red.

And for "portability" of the mp3 files, you have only to copy
the database file and YOU CAN load your files from another drive,
like a backup drive, like a usb drive, etc
No need to ovewrite every single file when you change a tag
just by playing it... Think about it. So clever.

Posté Thu 28 Oct 04 @ 8:50 pm
Well I can honestly say that every single tag in my mp3's on my DJ PC is correct...because I typed them all in personally when I was ripping every single CD, so far thats about 12,000 tracks.

Incidentally they are all named in the same fashion so my system already works fine for finding by track, artist or album...I want to use the tags for extra information like the date it was released eg. if I only wanted to play songs from specific months (no I'm not gonna reorganise all my mp3's in to folders by year and then month), I also want to have a field containing the different genres it falls in to.

Even if you do have all this info in the filename, personally I think it looks a bit stupid but my main reason for not wanting to do it is because it doesn't exactly provide accurate search results as the search picks up any occurence of whatever your search criteria is. So if I went looking for "This ole house" by Shakin' Stevens and put in "House" as the search, it would also bring up any file where I'd put House in the filename because I categorise it as House...defeats the purpose of a search.

Maybe there is another better solution though!!! I do have a suggestion but I'm not 100% it's the way to go.

Posté Sat 30 Oct 04 @ 1:20 am
Like it or not guys but ID3 are key to any significant mp3 collection.

Just use any mp3 player (media player, itune, etc.) or get an ipod or any portable mp3 device and you quickly understand the importance of keeping these ID3 tags clean and accurate.
Otherwise you end up with a mess.

Yes you can update the id3 tags from your file names. But try to update the genre, year, artist, album, track number, BPM, and comments from your files names. Good luck...

I personnaly love to be able to listen to my DJ set on my iPod thanks to the m3u playlists. If I did not have accurate tags tthese playlist would be a mess to read on my ipod.

The sooner Atomix will understand the importance of ID3 tags the better off we will all be. There is no way around it, the ID3 tags should be read and written to.

If Microsoft, WinAmp, Apple, Real, etc. understood it than this is already a compelling reason since they provide over 90% of all the mp3 players in use right now.

To sum up, your mp3 collection is first a collection of music that can be searched and used by any of your mp3 players and portable devices. A subset of this collection also serve for mixing with VDJ. But that subset cannot be treated any differently since it needs to be searched, played and expanded like the rest of your mp3 collection.

I might sound dogmatic but it is just because I feel strongly about this and I am convinced that in the long run there is no way around it. This where the online music industry is going and it makes a lot of sense.

Posté Mon 01 Nov 04 @ 1:42 am
KayleHome userMember since 2003
Just because your believe it, does not make it a fact!
Id3 tags can present more problems that benifits.

Posté Mon 01 Nov 04 @ 3:10 pm
Yes...most of them are caused from downloaded mp3's

Posté Mon 01 Nov 04 @ 5:42 pm
djbambiPRO InfinityMember since 2003
I've seen dozens of posts by people asking for id3 tag support. I have myself done that over a year ago. Like it or not, id3 is a standard, and the fact that so many people see a need for a VDJ id3 integration makes it a pretty popular enhancement request. Just search the forums for "ID3" for fun...

Personally, I'm sure that a dev team that created such a marvel as VDJ would be entirely capable, if needed, to add an adequate id3 tag support. Maybe it should be an option in the settings, so that old schoolers can stick to the archaic way of dealing with filenames and excel spreadsheets.

Dev team, could we hear your opinion on ID3 tag support. Should we never expect it and just stop asking for it, or is it being considered for the future?

Posté Mon 01 Nov 04 @ 10:44 pm

I too wish that VDJ had mp3 support, but it's really not that big of a deal. I name all my files with the exact info that my tags have. Just get the program I use. It's free and FAST.

MP3tag studio

It has TONS of features. The ones I find most useful are case fix of filenames or tags, write tags from filenames, write filenames from tags, ability to write v1 or v2 id3 tags, filtering by any method you can think of, works on entire directories or folders (it's super fast), ability to wipe clean all tags, ability to undo last operation.

Literally anything you can think of you can do with this tagging program. The only drawback is that the look of the program is not so polished, but who cares? As long as it works well. It is the best I have ever tried. Check it out.. nothing to lose.


Posté Sat 06 Nov 04 @ 6:56 pm
djbambiPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Understood, we can live without it, we do :)

But again, filenames have their limits: it's not with filenames that you'll ever be able to ask VDJ to show you all techno tracks from the 90's ranging from 130 to 140bpm, or all tracks from the Underground Resistance label who have "electro" in the comment.

And just using the VDJ "comment" field has its limits too. It's the only thing I have to work with right now, and I've come up with my own little codes to put in the comment fields to categorize tracks, but it everyday I think it sucks to have to do that.

One can always tell me what great "folder" system he has for categorizing his tracks, it's still archaic to have to do that.

Metadata is here to avoid this kind of hassle, dealing with files and folders is computing from the 80s :)

Frankly, I'm always surprised by the rebutal of many to having ID3 support in VDJ. I don't buy their reasons for refusing to have it ("it's gonna make VDJ slower", "I have already correctly filenamed my zillion tack collection", "all you have to do is create folder XXX with subfolder YYY and have tracks that have a filename that ends with (ZZZ) and voila").

Nobody forces them to use it, but the many many people who really need it think it's a big deal. It's important to us, let us ask for it! don't try to tell us we are wrong, because we are definitely not. It's frustrating to see such a major feature left outside of VDJ, and seeing the way this software is evolving, I'd be really surprised if nothing was currently in the works.

Maybe the dev team needs more convincing?

could all people who would enjoy an ID3 support option in vdj please MAKE SOME NOISE?


Posté Sun 07 Nov 04 @ 12:12 am
deltaKPRO InfinityMember since 2004
I personally think this would be a great feature. Who cares if it slows it down a little if it is optional. Plus, in a year most us us will have much faster computers... so what's the issue with speed?

More choices = better. IMO

So instead of making the choice for me, and saying 'no, it will be too slow' or 'we don't need it we can work around it'
How about giving me the option and then _I_ can make the choice.

Just a thought.


Posté Mon 08 Nov 04 @ 1:37 am
PS... earlier when I said:

"I too wish that VDJ had mp3 support..."

I meant ID3V2 support. :)


Posté Mon 08 Nov 04 @ 4:59 am
vpcdjHome userMember since 2004
one thing the vdj team should think about. is that there'r thousands of new/professional users who use mp3 mixing and they have thousands of files used by other programs as well. thousands of those files too might not be in artist - track format.
it becomes a fulltime job just renaming the files to work with vdj.

the best search i use is winamp5. i hope one time vdj works like it.
the search picks up anything on the filename or tags. search time is about 4 seconds, success rate is 100%..
vdj search time is almost instant but if most of your are in this formats like mine;
id3 tag includes album, year or anything else.

[audio]-[music]- artist - track.mp3

results r gonna be hell. with winamp and pcdj libraries u dont have to worry about tracks not showing up. with vdj u have to include the underslash while typing eg.. your_fantasy for the tracks to appear on search.

my way round this is letting pcdj analyse the tracks overnight or while still mastering vdj. then exporting the group .ini file (with bpms, artist, tracknames etc) to MICROSOFT OFFICE EXCEL. within excel the tracks are seperated by genre and added anything and everything in the tags.

vdj is still the best program coz of other stronger features it has. but if the library worked with the id3 tags that'd be a major major step.
since i use EXCEL as my audio library for all programs (i have no folders within vdj), i use the big search to get to the files and it temporarily hangs or skips when loading a song. ive done the load setting thing and mine is 15 min+. sometimes i think maybe vdj cant handle a big library or searching for a file or loading from the main search window.

since vdj is very ambitious i punish it just like Wireless DJ and im resitant to use it professionally coz he experiences has the same problems i do even tho he's a full user.

i'd like to reuuest a feature... load/play file from right clicking a file on Windows Explorer Folders like winamp has enqueue, play in winamp.

Posté Sat 04 Dec 04 @ 4:32 am
Man-TkPRO InfinityMember since 2004
there is no mp3 library with all the tags
correct : INCORRECT (I use MP3 Tag Studio)

I have all my collection with tags
Bpm detection is very bad in VDJ so If the software can read ID3Tag we can use for example PCDJ for detect all BPM -

Posté Sat 04 Dec 04 @ 5:49 am
vpcdjHome userMember since 2004
or someone fix a winamp-vdj plug-in....

Posté Sun 05 Dec 04 @ 2:41 am
idj4uPRO InfinityMember since 2004
I've yet to move past the demo version, but here's a question...

Those of you needing to sort songs based on genre, can this not be acheived using the NOTES field?

If you put year of release, or name of album, or whatever in the notes, can you note search for text in the notes field?

Posté Sun 12 Dec 04 @ 1:09 pm
learnedPRO InfinityMember since 2006
I have to say this is the biggest thing that is keepign me from making the investment in VDJ as I compare it to SAM. I have a huge investment in having iTunes manage my music, and it does not use the same format that VDJ wants. My ideal would be using ID3 tags, because I do take the time to make sure they are all correct. Failing that, give me a way to take the full name including path and define the mask that VDJ uses to build it's database.

Posté Fri 23 Jun 06 @ 8:43 pm
ID3 tag compatability with the ability to select which to display would be invaluable.

Please address in a future release.

Thank you

Posté Wed 13 Sep 06 @ 6:18 pm