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Sujet 5.1 wish list - Page: 2

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cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
idmk wrote :
1) Definetely more than two decks!! This seems to be the main drawback of VDJ for me at the moment, I've been hoping for this to be resolved for the last 2-3 years but stil nothing.

Multi-instance provides this capability and provides synchronization between all 4 decks.

idmk wrote :
2) Being able to record samples with FX on them, or just the Mid's and not the Bass etc ( this is using the onboard sampler).. was able to do this in VDJ 2 and earlier versions but not anymore, why was this feature taken away??

Yes, good recommendation

idmk wrote :
3) Ability to Cue Samples via headphones without the need for an external mixer. (this is possible with Deckadance.)

This can be done now, use the Headphones mode in the Output drop down - mono split, 2 sound card option, or 4.1 soundcard option

idmk wrote :
4) Ability to use multiple FX via shortcuts. For example in VDJ 3 I assigned the FX buttons to the A S D buttons on my keyboard and were able to trigger 2 -3 FX at a time. This is not possible anymore. If it is could someone please tell me how?? Thanks, would be great.

Actually in VDJ v3 you could only use a maximum of 3 FX at a time, in version 4 the multi-FX is only limited to the number of FX installed. And the shortcuts are simple to setup - just type the FX name (exactly as displayed in the FX colum) into the shortcut's Value field when you add the keyboard shortcut.

VanStino wrote :
Yeah it's true. Multi-instance is just like a patch to conceal the inability for multiple decks... A third deck is always useful, although it would probably require some function (for 2 stereo output soundcards) to select which output you want to use for which deck, which in turn could make everything quite complicated.

I strongly disagree with your comment that it's a patch to conceal anything. Multi instance is a feature that has been around since the ver 2.x days. And it provides complete synchronization among 4 decks.

haz0rd wrote :
Native Mapper for ICDX???

The iCDX is already Natively mapped. I think you are asking for more of a User Definable Mapper, again another great idea.

phillytomcat wrote :
Effects on each deck. More than two decks. More effects for sampler if possible. Editing for recordings and tracks. In short, some "deeper" remix capabilities.

Effects on each deck - already possible. More than 2 decks - see above. More effects for sampler ? Not sure what you mean by this. Editing recordings - VirtualDJ is a DJ Tool not an Audio Production suite like Vegas, Acid, etc. "Deeper" Remix capabilities - see my previous - Vegas, Acid, etc.

Posté Mon 15 Oct 07 @ 8:34 pm
What is multi-instance? I'm unfamilar with that option. Where is it and how do I use it to mix 4 files?

Posté Mon 15 Oct 07 @ 9:56 pm
the ability to have a list with singers names would be a very good addition to the karaoke..i was forced to use vdj in a show for karaoke and it was a lot harder normally i use sax and dottys presenter for this..which is for karaoke..if vdj had a similar format as that.... i would be able to use it exclusively..also a scrolling feature at the top of the tv or monitor to announce the next singer would rock....but remember vdj is primarily a DJ software.....covering everything though way too cool....

Posté Tue 16 Oct 07 @ 1:13 am
blaide13 wrote :
What is multi-instance? I'm unfamilar with that option. Where is it and how do I use it to mix 4 files?


Open two versions of VDJ at the same time - click a box in option for local sync and boom - four decks, two samplers.

There are multi-instance skins availble for download in the skins download that have four decks and controls on one skin.

If you have 2 DIFFERENT controllers your can hook those up and control 4 decks on a 4 channel mixer.

I've done it with a DAC2 & DMC2

Two soundcards are required as well.

Posté Tue 16 Oct 07 @ 2:00 am
idmkPRO InfinityMember since 2004

Cstoll wrote :

"This can be done now, use the Headphones mode in the Output drop down - mono split, 2 sound card option, or 4.1 soundcard option"

Cstoll, What sort of sound card do you need to do this? In deckadance I'm able to cue samples using the Hercules MK1 soundcard.
It's be really great if you could tell me how to do this in VDJ 5. I followed your instructions as above but it does not work thanks.

So in order to run in multi instance I MUST have two soundcards?
I cant seem to find a skin with 4 decks on it. I'm running on 1024 by 768 pixels.

Posté Tue 16 Oct 07 @ 8:08 am
Please.... Make non-audio VOB tracks (ambients and themed visuals) able to load to a player. I can't imagine why anybody would not want this. But if there is, maybe make a checkbox in CONFIG that says:


Thank you.

Posté Thu 18 Oct 07 @ 6:03 am
drop down selection list of search filter commands.

say that 10 times fast =J

Posté Thu 18 Oct 07 @ 10:16 am
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Eric Sands wrote :
Please.... Make non-audio VOB tracks (ambients and themed visuals) able to load to a player. I can't imagine why anybody would not want this. But if there is, maybe make a checkbox in CONFIG that says:


Thank you.

The reason why no one would want it is because the Clipbank video effect does the same job and doesn't take up a deck.

Posté Thu 18 Oct 07 @ 12:45 pm
My wish list:

1. Gains: Fix to have the gain stored on each separate track or video. That way once I set the gain proper, I don't have to adjust it everytime I load. Provides faster mixing capabilities.

2. Looping: Storing loops on the file just as cues are stored. That way I gain go directly into a loop upon loading or jump to the loop at any part of the track or video. Provides for more seamless mixing.

3. Timecode: Just improving the Timecoded Vinyl tracking capabilities.

Posté Thu 18 Oct 07 @ 3:51 pm
4) View sub crates within crates for those who are using SSL crates.
5) Get bpm from tags in batch.
6)Ability to choose whether or not you wanna carry over the pitch, key or loop when you apply clone deck.

Posté Thu 18 Oct 07 @ 4:38 pm
057753832 wrote :
A good compressor on the Master output if running internal mixer mode, or better the possibility to add vst to the master output. Please.

Yes, that would be nice.


The new video bank plugin...have it auto start a video in the bank when set as the plugin to use when video is not present. Selecting that option now still requires us to manually start which video to play. If it started with video 1, then next time pick up where it left that would be sweet!

Rework the photo slide show plugin so it doesn't stretch to fill the screen. So it maintains proportions. I've been asking for this for almost a year now. Almost useless as is.

I'd be in favor of "who's next" for karaoke on the screen as well.

Posté Thu 18 Oct 07 @ 5:24 pm
Cstoll... Regarding loading VOB ambients, I mentioned this in a previous post:

The point is that I'm using ambients / billboards/ chromakey so frequently that I need them to be just as accessible as the music videos themselves. It really is much more cumbersome to have to search among several hundred of these files via numerous clipbanks, then to browse in pre-organized directories of themed ambients. Also, if someone didn't want ambient directories listed in their VDJ browser, they could just remove them from being displayed there, right?

Posté Fri 19 Oct 07 @ 1:39 am
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Eric Sands wrote :
Cstoll... Regarding loading VOB ambients, I mentioned this in a previous post:

The point is that I'm using ambients / billboards/ chromakey so frequently that I need them to be just as accessible as the music videos themselves. It really is much more cumbersome to have to search among several hundred of these files via numerous clipbanks, then to browse in pre-organized directories of themed ambients. Also, if someone didn't want ambient directories listed in their VDJ browser, they could just remove them from being displayed there, right?

But it sounds as if you are using VDJ and a video ambient player. What are you playing music with ? I just don't get it, using VDJ for playing video with no audio ?

Also, somewhere you missed a post I made about MULTIPLE Clipbank plugins. Check this out --- and the clipbank has 16 slots right ? OK -

  1. Go to My Documents -> VirtualDJ\Plugins\VideoEffect
  2. Right-click on the Clipbank.dll and choose Copy
  3. Click anywhere in the folder location
  4. Right-click and chose Paste
  5. Rename the "Copy of Clipbank.dll" to something like "Bar Promos.dll"
  6. Run VirtualDJ

There you go a clip bank for 16 videos and the clip bank is listed as Bar Promos in the Video Effect section. How many clip banks can you dream of...?

Now let your mind adventure and wonder at the possibilities.


Posté Fri 19 Oct 07 @ 2:53 am
OK Cstoll... I will try setting this up and get you some feedback over the weekend. My concern is that I use the Hercules DJC2 which I love, and that center mouse button makes it really easy to "snap" around the browser without having to use a real mouse. I wonder if it's possible to navigate around all these clip banks using the Hercules and without using a traditional mouse, which I hate using during a gig.

To answer your question, I use VDJ as a supplement to my main show system (PCDJ). This is because I do primarily Bar Mitzvahs, and I have PCDJ set up with many different sets of games, contests, effects, and other sets which are primarily non-dance sets. Don't get me wrong... I love VDJ... it's the best video mixing software I've seen. But I really am using it to drive only the video portion of my gigs.

Posté Fri 19 Oct 07 @ 6:35 pm
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
I hate to point people in other directions to other products - but what it sounds like you need is more of a Video Production type of software then. If you can make it work with VDJ then great, but it is not designed to work as you ask in just being an ambient video player.
I hope you understand why I state it this way.

Posté Fri 19 Oct 07 @ 6:56 pm
I understand... but I am also using it for beat-mixing music videos as well. It's just that it's only about 40% of the party - not continuous like a dance club. I'll play with the clip banks this weekend.

Posté Fri 19 Oct 07 @ 10:30 pm
idmkPRO InfinityMember since 2004


Sorry for asking again but how is it possible to Cue Samples via headphones without the need for an external mixer ???
I know you said to change soundcard to Split or 4.1 but that doesnt seem to work.

I'm using the Hercules MK1 as my soundcard. Do i require another soundcard in order to have this option?


Posté Sun 21 Oct 07 @ 6:57 am
Maybe you could use this VJ software: "Resolume"

"Resolume is an application for live video performances. Trigger video clips, Flash files, and pictures. Scratch, apply real-time effects."

"Play up to three layers of video, with up to six effects. Play video forward, backward, adjust the speed or scratch it by hand. You can freely improvise without ever stopping the video. Resolume is the preferred software of choice for many professional VJ's and video artist in 40 countries worldwide."


Posté Sun 21 Oct 07 @ 10:14 am
Regarding the clip banks, I've spent some time playing with it this weekend. I see that there are definite advantages of using the clip banks over loading it to a player. I love that when you "hover" over the clip, it plays in the small box so you can get a preview. I love that you can loop it indefinitely. And it's very easy to switch clips by just tapping into a different clip box. I can set up several assorted clip banks as suggested earlier for all my different themes and styles (baseball, sports, earth, chroma-key, billboards, ocean, universe, etc, etc.....).

However, I think the main problem that exists is getting to the clip banks. I have to first select EFFECTS, then sub menu of VIDEO EFFECTS, then CLIPBANK, then ACTIVATE, and only then can I start browsing them. And all of this must be done using a traditional mouse that is very difficult to place over these tiny menus. I could not find any other method (either keyboard shortcuts, or Hercules button) to get there.

I have a suggestion:
I would love to see the entire Clipbank function taken out of VIDEO EFFECTS, and incorporated as an entire new category next to BROWSER, SAMPLER, EFFECTS, and RECORD. When selected, it could take up the entire lower half of the screen, enabling you to have a much larger inventory of clips available, with numerous banks to select from. I think that CLIPBANKS is certainly at least as important as SAMPLER, EFFECTS, and RECORD, and deserves to have its own menu with an appropriate keyboard shortcut. Also, why not eliminate the ACTIVATE button for clips? Just make clips present on main output whenever selected. Besides, why would anybody want clips on the non-active ouput?

I think the immediate availability of clips is especially important for mobile DJ use where dance music is not necessarily continuous, and you need material to fill in. I think this would be an awesome, powerful addition, and I hope the development team can incorporate this. Thank you.

Posté Mon 22 Oct 07 @ 2:31 am
Nore space in the browser so that you can list a lot more songs. Perhaps click the bottom of the browser area and drag it down. Like traktor's interface for example.

My 2 cents anyway

Posté Mon 22 Oct 07 @ 3:01 am