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Sujet: Virtual DJ & Console Problems

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I just bought a DJ Console... and installed Virtual DJ.

But whenever I start Virtual DJ, it says my serial number is invalid! I can't even get VDJ running.

Everything seems to have installed properly though.

Help please?

Posté Tue 30 Nov 04 @ 11:45 pm
I got it running VDJ now....

But Now all the buttons don't do what they are supposed to do :(

can anyone give me some help? I've tried using the button mapping system that comes with the console, but a lot of the buttons that have problems aren't remappable :S

and for some odd reason, the console isn't sound monitoring like it should.

In my headphones, I hear the current track and EXTREMELY FAINTLY hear the track that is supposed to be in cue (the track that I should be hearing in the headphones). If I fiddle with all the configurations, the best I get is that the headphones play what the speakers are playing.

I have installed the updated version of VDJ 1.09, Updated the Hercules console and firmware.

Any Advise/help?

when you go to the little green alien in the taskbar, is it set to dj-mode?

Have you installed the virtual dj console edition? i don't think that using the mapper is a good idea. try simply to disable the default preset.

Is there anyway to stop the pausing in the software? I do parties and I get complaints. Also it freezes alot.

To activate the console you must go to "Settings > Remote Control > Hercules DJConsole" and check the enable option.
Below of the master and monitor sliders on the DJ Console mixer (green alien) are the headphones buttons. Must select wich of the signals to be transmetted on the headphones.

I want to use the ID3 tags so as to sort by genre, year, albim, bpm etc. The Manual says I can download parser libraries....????? Whats up with this? Anyone.... Anyone...... Bueller?


al principio tuve muchos problemas con la consola y la conexión, pero luego obtuve otro USB cable y todo cambio, el que me vino de fábrica está defectuoso y este nuevo me ha permitido mesclar facilmente, en algunas ocaciones escuchaba en mis audifonos las mismas canciones que salian de la consola, sin poder cuadrar los tempos, pero el problema recidia en que no cuadraba el controlador y lo dejaba en 5.1 cuando lo debia dejar en DJ, son cosas estupidas que se me pasaban, pero ya todo parece estar en orden.... bueno mi pregunta es si puedo conseguir un manual del programa, que me muestre todas sus actividades y que me explique cada una de las funciones, por ejemplo estoy pegado en los atajos del teclado, pues muchas cosas no les encuentro función alguna, si alguién habla mi idioma y me entinde me gustaria que me pudieran acesorar o decirme de que manera conseguir este manual de VirtuaDJ, gracias, saludos y los espero cuando quieran aca en mi ciudad y mi pais, Medellín - Colombia - Suramérica.. saludos


hola de nuevo, parece que ya lo consegui, era falta de costumbre de estar en el web site, gracias, de todas formas siguen invitados....chaoo


ricolo: please speak english here


"Is there anyway to stop the pausing in the software? I do parties and I get complaints. Also it freezes alot."

Without knowing your system specs, I'd suggest...

#1. Buy the software. The demo is limited in functionality and if you are using a cracked copy, Lord only knows what is going wrong under the hood.
#2. Buy more RAM. VDJ converts those mp3's into .wav and *stores them in your RAM*

VDJ is pretty tough on computers. Chances are that the problem is not with the software but rather a problem with your PC that has never surfaced before using such an intensive program for extended sessions. It's like a car...yours probably gets you back and forth to work very well right now. But put the gas pedal to the floor for 2 hours straight and I bet all kinds of problems will show that you never knew existed.

Don't you understand people that xenons3 have risolved his problem and has write ather posts.

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