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Forum: Old versions

Sujet x- control on hc4500 and denon 900 mixer

Ce topic est ancien et peut contenir des informations obselètes ou incorrectes.

I don't know what I am doing wrong. Double check that x-control cable is connected I press the memo button on the controller select #9 (x-control) select on. push down on the parameters button and then the memo button. turn on vdj go to config, select the 4500 activate and move the xfader back and forth (read that it helps to recognize it.) nothing. NO MOVEMENT IN THE SOFTWARE FADER, NO CHANGING OF VIDEOS, NOTHING. Am I missing a setting? Is a fader button on the mixer suppose to be on/off? I was told it would move natively. I have been chasing this problem since Sunday.

Equally The firmware upgrade was tricky and the instructions vague, there was never a mention of dropping the bin file to your desktop first , just dragging it to the upgrade box. Found that secret on a forum, but I have been here and the denon forum for this problem and I can't figure out what I am doing wrong. Has anyone had this issue?

Posté Tue 29 Jul 08 @ 9:29 pm
Have you tried using jboggis' mapper?

Posté Tue 05 Aug 08 @ 1:06 pm

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