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Sujet speakers and amplifiers

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frank79Home userMember since 2008
Hi there.

I would like some advice in relation to what type of speakers and/or amplifiers should I buy.

What are the technical features to look at, when buying such equipment? (watt/brand/power/etc.)?

I have an HERCULES RMX console and at the moment I am doing practise just with 2 small external speakers LOGITECH. Now i would like to make an upgrade.

Any advice would be appreciated.


Posté Thu 14 Aug 08 @ 8:57 am
The best advice I can offer is, you have to know what your intentions for the future are. Are you djing only for your pleasure or to make your own mixes? are you going to do mobile gigs or use your equipment in bars / clubs? When you know what exactly you are going to do then you buy the right speakers and amp with future use in mind. It also depends on your budget.

It would make no sense for you to go out and buy a small speaker set up for current use and then a year down the road go out and buy a new more powerful set up to do mobile gigs for mid size banquent halls. It is better to have more sounds and not need it then to need more sounds and not have not enough. then you will be pushing your speakers too hard which can lead to sound distortion and possibly blowing them.

I like EV (electro voice) speakers. I also have a crown 2000 amp. The amp is great and it very light!

Posté Thu 14 Aug 08 @ 3:31 pm

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