
Reloop - Neon


S.SHIFT. Press and hold this button down to access secondary functions of the Reloop NEON

    In Sampler mode (see Sampler mode), use these buttons to select Sampler Banks 1 to 4.
    Hold SHIFT down and then use these buttons to select the Output channel (1 to 4) for the Sampler. By default VirtualDJ will output Sampler to all available decks if External mixer audio configuration is set and to the Master Output in other case. To force Sampler Output to Master (in case a deck is selected), hold SHIFT down and then press the same Output Assign button once again (all leds will be on in this case)

    In all other modes, use these buttons to assign the unit to decks 1 to 4.

  2. TRACK ENC. Use the encoder to scroll through files or folders. If focus is on the Folders list, push the encoder to set the focus to the Songs List. If focus is on the Songs list, push the encoder to load the selected track to the assigned deck.
    Hold SHIFT down and then push the encoder to set the focus to the Folders list.

    Hold SHIFT down and then use the encoder to adjust the Master Sampler Volume.

  3. PAD MODE SEL. Use these buttons to set the PADS (4) to one of the 8 available Pad modes (see Pads)

  4. PADS. The 8 touch-sensitive Pads offer different functionality, depending on the selected Pad mode. (see Pads)
    They offer touch and after-touch velocity in all modes (selected using SHIFT+SAMPLER) and RGB leds. The velocity on the Effects mode is always On.

  5. LOOP ENC. Turn the encoder anti-clockwise to half the size of the loop and clockwise to double it. Hold SHIFT down and then use the encoder to move the triggered loop forward or backwards by half the size of the selected loop..
    Push the encoder to trigger the selected loop.
    Hold SHIFT down then push the encoder toggle between normal and Roll Loop mode. If the Loop Roll mode is enabled, the loops will act temporary and the track will return to the position it would have been if the loop was never triggered.
    The same encoder can control the 2nd parameter of the selected Effects (see Effects mode)

    In Sampler mode hold this button down and then press any of the Sampler pads to cycle through the available Trigger modes (see Sampler mode).
    In all other modes, press and keep this button down to play the track in reverse. When released, the track will return to the position it would have been if the reverse play was never enabled (censor)

    In Sampler mode hold this button down and then press any of the Sampler pads to set a Sample to Loop or Drop mode (see Sampler mode).
    In all other modes, use this button to enable/disable Slip mode. When Slip mode is enabled, several actions (scratching, loops, HotCues etc.) will act temporary and the track will return to the position it would have been if this action was never triggered.

  8. SYNC
    In Sampler mode the button currently offers no functionality. Samples can be set to Sync or flat mode, using the Sampler Editor of VirtualDJ.
    In all other modes, use this button to sync the tempo and phase of the assigned deck with the Master Deck.
    The Master Deck is automatically assigned by VirtualDJ (based mainly on the currently playing live deck), but can be also manually assigned by holding SHIFT and pressing the SYNC button.