Online Source Plugin
Here is an example of how to start a plugin if you are a content provider. Obviously, a real plugin will be more complex, and require authentication of the users, and secure communication with your servers.
#include "vdjOnlineSource.h"
class TestProvider : public IVdjPluginOnlineSource
HRESULT VDJ_API OnGetPluginInfo(TVdjPluginInfo8* infos) override;
HRESULT VDJ_API OnSearch(const char* search, IVdjTracksList* tracksList) override;
HRESULT VDJ_API OnSearchCancel() override;
HRESULT VDJ_API GetStreamUrl(const char* uniqueId, IVdjString& url, IVdjString& errorMessage) override;
HRESULT VDJ_API GetContextMenu(const char* uniqueId, IVdjContextMenu* contextMenu) override;
HRESULT VDJ_API OnContextMenu(const char* uniqueId, size_t menuIndex) override;
HRESULT VDJ_API TestProvider::OnGetPluginInfo(TVdjPluginInfo8* infos)
infos->PluginName = "Test Provider";
return S_OK;
HRESULT VDJ_API TestProvider::OnSearch(const char* search, IVdjTracksList* tracksList)
string url = "" + Internet::urlencode(search);
string html = Internet::downloadString(url);
JSON json = JSON::fromString(html);
for (const JSON& item : json.children)
tracksList->add(item.uniqueId.c_str(), item.title.c_str(), item.artist.c_str(), item.remix.c_str(), nullptr, item.label.c_str(), item.comment.c_str(), item.coverUrl.c_str(), nullptr, item.length, 0, 0, 0, true, false);
return S_OK;
HRESULT VDJ_API TestProvider::OnSearchCancel()
return S_OK;
HRESULT VDJ_API TestProvider::GetStreamUrl(const char* uniqueId, IVdjString& url, IVdjString& errorMessage)
string url = "" + Internet::urlencode(uniqueId);
string html = Internet::downloadString(url);
JSON json = JSON::fromString(html);
if (json.hasParam("url"))
url = json.getParam("url").c_str();
return S_OK;
errorMessage = json.getParam("error").c_str();
return S_FALSE;
HRESULT VDJ_API TestProvider::GetContextMenu(const char* uniqueId, IVdjContextMenu* contextMenu)
contextMenu->add("Open in TestProvider");
return S_OK;
HRESULT VDJ_API TestProvider::OnContextMenu(const char* uniqueId, size_t menuIndex)
if (menuIndex==0)
string url = "" + Internet::urlencode(uniqueId);
return S_OK;
HRESULT VDJ_API DllGetClassObject(const GUID &rclsid,const GUID &riid,void** ppObject)
if (memcmp(&rclsid,&CLSID_VdjPlugin8,sizeof(GUID))==0 && memcmp(&riid,&IID_IVdjPluginOnlineSource,sizeof(GUID))==0)
*ppObject=new TestProvider();
return NO_ERROR;
Online Source plugins should be saved in the VirtualDJ\Plugins*\OnlineSources folder, and are only available for users with a Pro license.