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Sujet Clipbank - Page: 2

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JoeyKJPRO InfinityMember since 2008
JayMSY wrote :
JoeyKJ wrote :
You can use video clips and mute the sound in edit mode for each clip, but you will still need to trigger each clip manually from the sampler for now..

doh! We know this already. That is sounding like a broken record. WE NEED AN AUTOMATIC WAY AS IN V7! Please and thank you! For now I will drop this issue as there is no reason to keep mentioning it over and over (that and the Pre-Listen at BOTTOM of browser). :-)

Wow, I'll try not to post anything you don't already know next time??? (-:

Posté Tue 27 May 14 @ 2:08 pm
No Paul, this is the raw recording in VDJ 8. NO video editing at all, milk drop is set in the options to automatically fill the screen when playing an audio only file. These effects are not fired by me they are automatic apart from the Logos, which I start at the beginning of the night and leave them running all night. I used them on Sunday night. The video is recorded internally in VDJ 8 with the mp4 codec.

Posté Tue 27 May 14 @ 2:11 pm
taylaPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Think one of us is missing something here mate, we are after the video samples to be used on an auto basis similar to clipbank, at the current time if you are wanting to use one of the video slots similar to clipbank you have to start the sample yourself, what we are requesting is at least at a minimum either a video slot or a folder in visualisation folder can be selected to automatically start as milkdrop can for audio only files. Currently this option has not been implemented.


Posté Tue 27 May 14 @ 2:48 pm
taylaPRO InfinityMember since 2007
What may help users if running videos for venue promotions etc is take out the background of the video and run on transparency, IE I have a drinks offers and stuff I normally use in clipbank when running an audio track its about three minutes long all a mixed bag of stuff on it, I took out the backgrounds and it will now run all night long overlayed on top of either a music video or audio only track when milkdrop is running, looks good on my monitors at home, but won't test "live" until the search box is enlarged for the browser area, I know, I'm to vain or stupid to wear glasses.

But the idea works and looks good, hope it gives someone else an idea for their shows. And it means you only have to press that slot button once all night.


Posté Tue 27 May 14 @ 3:06 pm
J-SnipPRO InfinityMember since 2006
tayla wrote :
Think one of us is missing something here mate, we are after the video samples to be used on an auto basis similar to clipbank, at the current time if you are wanting to use one of the video slots similar to clipbank you have to start the sample yourself, what we are requesting is at least at a minimum either a video slot or a folder in visualisation folder can be selected to automatically start as milkdrop can for audio only files. Currently this option has not been implemented.

Yes yes and YES! Thank you Paul! He stated exactly what I have been saying.

Joey, it's all good. :-) I'm still learning 8 but with me I am sticking with v7 until there is some sort of implementation of what Tayla and I (and others) are saying. That and the pre-listen at bottom of browser (seriously it only took up space of 1 line).

Posté Tue 27 May 14 @ 5:39 pm
JoeyKJPRO InfinityMember since 2008
I know what you mean, habits are always hard to overcome.. And change is inevitable..

Posté Tue 27 May 14 @ 5:49 pm
djsherzPRO InfinityMember since 2006
From what I've seen, the video works in "layers", that is, sample slot 2 takes priority over sample slot 1, which takes priority over video playing in a deck. What would be useful would be the option to set the priority of a sample slot manually, like a "send to back" command - set this playing on loop, and hey presto, you have an audio only visualisation that behaves as it should - any other video source, be it a deck or another video sample, would replace it. If not the option to do this with individual samples, maybe a dedicated sample bank that behaves in this way. Your thoughts gents? :)

Posté Tue 27 May 14 @ 6:40 pm
I get what you are saying Tayla, but I'm sure many are unaware that milkdrop can fill the screens automatically when using audio only files. I see this question cropping up all the time. My little video demonstrates it can be done now.

I'm sure the devs will come up with an alternative to clipbank. ;-)

Posté Wed 28 May 14 @ 2:40 am
+1 on bringin clipbank (or something similar) back. I use shadow dancer graphics a lot and I dont see any way to use those visuals now.

Posté Wed 28 May 14 @ 7:38 am
agreed. bring back clip bank. very handy to use that plugin when using audio files. i hate a blank screen

Posté Wed 28 May 14 @ 8:07 am
Is there a Milkdrop or something similar for Mac available.. ?

Posté Thu 17 Jul 14 @ 3:05 am
video, images, animated gif, animated png, SWF, audio, CDG + MP3, camera, image and video slideshow (Carousel), automatic and random playback. 48 clips per pak. Unlimited number of video or image files for Carousel. Hot pickup of new files added or deleted for Carousel. VDJ7 and VDj8

Posté Thu 17 Jul 14 @ 4:05 am
J-SnipPRO InfinityMember since 2006
Atomix... Since Pangolin has this paid(?) plugin available can you guys just go ahead and tell us that there are NO plans to have something built into v8 by you that will allow us VJs to automatically trigger ambient video files with audio-only tracks?

For me this is the only issue holding me back from transitioning to v8. If I have somehow missed an update that brought back a similar feature then forgive me for this post. I have not had the time to check regularly on the status of this feature being brought back.

Posté Thu 17 Jul 14 @ 5:44 pm
I've downloaded and installed the Essential media beta but can't find how to run it in VDJ8.

Am I missing something?

Posté Thu 17 Jul 14 @ 5:53 pm
Are you putting it in the correct place?


Posté Thu 17 Jul 14 @ 5:59 pm
The installer automatically puts it in the right place in ./VideoEffect. Unzip and run the EssentialMediaBetaSetup.exe. It installs as EssentialMediaBeta.dll Select as a VideoEffect for deck1, deck2, master

Posté Thu 17 Jul 14 @ 6:53 pm
Are there any similar Plug-In options like EssentialMedia available for Mac? I miss ClipBank. I keep using a video switcher to switch off VirtualDJ to an ambient video disc in a DVD player when not playing music videos. Pain in the butt.

Posté Fri 04 Mar 16 @ 12:07 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
Put the ambient videos in a folder and point the VirtualDJ slideshow plugin to that folder.
Optionally select the slideshow plugin as the audioOnlyVisualisation so that it starts automatically if the files you play don't have video.

Posté Fri 04 Mar 16 @ 5:54 am
Adion wrote :
Put the ambient videos in a folder and point the VirtualDJ slideshow plugin to that folder.
Optionally select the slideshow plugin as the audioOnlyVisualisation so that it starts automatically if the files you play don't have video.

Damn, why didn't I think of that!! Awesome!!

Posté Sat 05 Mar 16 @ 3:01 pm

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