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Forum: VirtualDJ 8.0 Technical Support

Sujet Virtual DJ 8 - Login and License - Page: 4

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I'm tempted to post a facepalm picture at this point... :-)

Just keep a copy of the license file for each machine somewhere safe. If you need to, just drop it in the directory before you run VDJ.

In fact, you could even run a batch file/script that copies the file into the directory when you start the machine up.

Posté Thu 19 Jun 14 @ 4:02 pm
I was wondering about a computer not connected to the internet but I see the solution now! Sorry I didn't read page 2.

Posté Sun 03 Aug 14 @ 1:12 pm
Need a pro license

Posté Thu 21 Aug 14 @ 2:39 pm
PachNPRO InfinityMember since 2009

Posté Thu 21 Aug 14 @ 3:03 pm
thanks for the info

Posté Thu 21 Aug 14 @ 10:32 pm
PachNPRO InfinityMember since 2009

Posté Fri 22 Aug 14 @ 3:30 am
so i have an backup laptop with VDJ 8 on it. and i don't have an internet subscription. so say im DJing at an event & my main laptop dies, crash's and i bust out my back up Laptop. so since i don't have an internet connection & wont be able to log into to VDJ 8 im screwed ?

Posté Thu 09 Oct 14 @ 5:04 pm
Adion wrote :
CMBDJ wrote :
When you open your software, it should work 100% for you. Keeping up with logins or logouts is silly.

There is only one thing to remember: Log in when it asks you to.
Nothing else to keep up with or keep track of required.

1. "Nothing else to keep up with or keep track of required" I'm sorry but I can't understand what you're trying to say with this sentence?

2. So what happens in the worst case (after my gig laptop that i logged in at home beforehand has crashed for some reason and I put my backup laptop in it's place) when it asks me to log in and I don't have internet, I can forget my controller and hope for the best or what?
That's really very reassuring to know when you're performing to 150 wedding guests and a newlywed couple that have paid me a lot of money to have a very very special day.

Maybe this is another case for a clear difference between "professional users" who should be prepared to pay a little(or lot) extra for a different level of service to the ametuers that complain a lot about nothing and slow the whole system down. So!


Posté Thu 09 Oct 14 @ 6:18 pm
It's all been explained in great detail many times since the release of VDJ 8 - both in this thread and in all the others where people ask the same questions over and over.

Deja vu, groundhog day etc. etc. :-)

When a user logs in to VDJ 8 a license file is created. That license file will still be there when the user gets to their gig where there's no internet access.

So......on a backup laptop, log in so VDJ 8 knows you're a registered user and the file is created. You only need do this once. At home after you've just installed VDJ 8.

Do not log out. Do not allow the computer internet access. The license file stays where it is, and VDJ 8 remains logged in for all time.

A copy of the license file can also be kept, so that if all else fails it can be placed back in the directory. Start up VDJ 8 at the 'no net' gig, it reads the file, all is well.


Posté Thu 09 Oct 14 @ 6:54 pm
groovindj wrote :
It's all been explained in great detail many times since the release of VDJ 8 - both in this thread and in all the others where people ask the same questions over and over.

Deja vu, groundhog day etc. etc. :-)

When a user logs in to VDJ 8 a license file is created. That license file will still be there when the user gets to their gig where there's no internet access.

So......on a backup laptop, log in so VDJ 8 knows you're a registered user and the file is created. You only need do this once. At home after you've just installed VDJ 8.

Do not log out. Do not allow the computer internet access. The license file stays where it is, and VDJ 8 remains logged in for all time.

A copy of the license file can also be kept, so that if all else fails it can be placed back in the directory. Start up VDJ 8 at the 'no net' gig, it reads the file, all is well.

Thanx Groovin For That Info clarification. i did a lil test just to make like i was out going to a gig. i logged into my main laptop (didnt log out) just shut it down (as if i were packing up to go dj) i also did the same to my back up laptop. waited like 2 hours or so (went to run errands around town) come home (made sure i didnt run on wifi on either laptop) logging into VDJ 8 and bam all okie dokie.... i even copied that license.dat file to another folder on my laptop so i can just copy & paste it like you said ;-)

Posté Thu 09 Oct 14 @ 7:54 pm
Thanks for the clear explanation, even I have managed to understand it now, and I tried it ... and it works!!
Nice one.

Posté Fri 10 Oct 14 @ 5:05 am
Is anyone having problems logging in through VDJ?

Posté Sun 12 Oct 14 @ 11:29 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
not here.

Posté Sun 12 Oct 14 @ 3:11 pm
I've just payed for the licence of ION Dj 2 Go, and I have to sign in using the program log in for the licence to take action, but the program log in keeps saying I need internet connection to log in, which obviously I have because I'm writing this down.
Is this a bug or have I just been ripped off, £40+ might not be a lot of money to some people, but it is to me.
I was in two minds whether or not to get version 8, but it seem better than the version I got with the controller, and after paying for it what happens.....well nothing!! Could someone please help with might problem.
Thanks. Michael

Posté Wed 15 Oct 14 @ 3:04 pm
Kydd Kaye

run vdj as administrator ( right click-run as administrator) and all should be ok

Posté Wed 15 Oct 14 @ 5:35 pm
I'm unable to login to my program and I've changed my password thinking I forgot it and still not letting me login what should I do next?..

Posté Sun 26 Oct 14 @ 11:54 am
CMBDJPRO InfinityMember since 2007
raypitman wrote :
Adion wrote :
CMBDJ wrote :
When you open your software, it should work 100% for you. Keeping up with logins or logouts is silly.

There is only one thing to remember: Log in when it asks you to.
Nothing else to keep up with or keep track of required.

1. "Nothing else to keep up with or keep track of required" I'm sorry but I can't understand what you're trying to say with this sentence?

2. So what happens in the worst case (after my gig laptop that i logged in at home beforehand has crashed for some reason and I put my backup laptop in it's place) when it asks me to log in and I don't have internet, I can forget my controller and hope for the best or what?
That's really very reassuring to know when you're performing to 150 wedding guests and a newlywed couple that have paid me a lot of money to have a very very special day.

Maybe this is another case for a clear difference between "professional users" who should be prepared to pay a little(or lot) extra for a different level of service to the ametuers that complain a lot about nothing and slow the whole system down. So!

What I am referring to is keeping track of what computer goes online, and remembering if I cut the wifi access or not. It's BS to have to try to remember such small details when I use these computers to often. Maybe the dat file solution will keep from having a problem at an event.

Posté Wed 05 Nov 14 @ 12:52 pm
I agree it's not ideal, however one of the most complained thing about VDJ was the amount of crack users. Security of this level is inevitably the outcome.

Posté Wed 05 Nov 14 @ 12:58 pm
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
CMBDJ wrote :
Adion wrote :
There is only one thing to remember: Log in when it asks you to.
Nothing else to keep up with or keep track of required.

What I am referring to is keeping track of what computer goes online, and remembering if I cut the wifi access or not. It's BS to have to try to remember such small details when I use these computers to often. Maybe the dat file solution will keep from having a problem at an event.

I don't see why you would need to remember that?
If you log in when it asks you too, there's nothing else to remember, even if you use multiple computers.
The only possible times it will ask you to log in are if you have an internet connection (in which case it's no problem to log in again), or if you didn't log in the last time it asked you (in case you didn't follow the simple rule I posted before)

Posté Fri 07 Nov 14 @ 5:14 am
Hi everyone. I am a new pro user and have so far been unable to login to the program. Support are jerking me around so can anyone here help. Everything is installed and working properly - but for only ten minutes at a time! When I try to log in I get an error message saying that

"we cannot connect to VirtualDJ servers. Please make sure that you are connected to the internet"

I am connected to the internet so this is an error in Virtual DJ. I can't seem to get an answer from support as they almost uncontactable

Posté Tue 18 Nov 14 @ 5:48 am