Please use this thread to post any features that you would like to see in the Browser in a future major update.
Posté Thu 22 May 14 @ 9:20 pm

Did I mention browser memory? lol
Basically, when you are in a folder, and say you're half way down in the song list and then do a search for something. When you clear the search, the folder starts back at the top. It would be nice if stayed where you were in the song list after clearing so you didnt have to scroll all the way down to back to where you were.
Posté Thu 29 May 14 @ 7:19 am[ selected best answer by djdad on Fri 18 Oct 24 @ 7:02 pm ]
A larger search box is required, not so much length but height of box, pointless having a zoom function in the browser area if you can't see the field to put your search into, lol. Thanks.
Posté Fri 23 May 14 @ 2:30 am
- An option to keep the old browser sorting as in VDJ 7. :
- Press RETURN key to load a track automatically into unloaded or paused deck as in VDJ7, without keyboard mapping :
Yes, but only as option or with zoom function. In the skin with small resolution it is OK.
- Press RETURN key to load a track automatically into unloaded or paused deck as in VDJ7, without keyboard mapping :
tayla wrote :
A larger search box is required
Yes, but only as option or with zoom function. In the skin with small resolution it is OK.
Posté Fri 23 May 14 @ 6:05 am
for the browser view :
you can select : list or grid view.. but can't seperate this.
i'd like to have the option list/grid for the folder section and also for the tracklist section.
so i can have my classic view on folders and the grid on my tracks.
have a great weekend
you can select : list or grid view.. but can't seperate this.
i'd like to have the option list/grid for the folder section and also for the tracklist section.
so i can have my classic view on folders and the grid on my tracks.
have a great weekend
Posté Sat 24 May 14 @ 3:31 pm
Please add the full-screen browser button back to the default skins! Thx.
Posté Sun 25 May 14 @ 9:56 am
I prefer the old browser sorting also!
Especially the new sorting is inappropriate in the playlists. When I select a Playlist, the Playlists not displayed in the order in which I have stored them.
To get the right order again needs several clicks, which is very cumbersome.
Especially the new sorting is inappropriate in the playlists. When I select a Playlist, the Playlists not displayed in the order in which I have stored them.
To get the right order again needs several clicks, which is very cumbersome.
Posté Sun 25 May 14 @ 10:17 am
The ability to change the folder icons when i create a skin or edit an existing skin.
The icons for playlist folders and playlists and history can hardly be distinguished.
The icons for playlist folders and playlists and history can hardly be distinguished.
Posté Sun 25 May 14 @ 10:55 am
Custom icons are still very much possible in the version 8 skin engine.
The SDK will be updated in due course with all the information you need regarding skin development in version 8.
The SDK will be updated in due course with all the information you need regarding skin development in version 8.
Posté Sun 25 May 14 @ 11:42 am
Add the 'go to containing folder' option to the recursive view.
Posté Mon 26 May 14 @ 5:20 am
If i sort my MP3 files by color, then all the songs in the browser are displayed in white. Beautiful it is when the songs would be retain in the assigned color.
Posté Tue 27 May 14 @ 7:25 am
how about the ability to detach/un-dock the browser and have the browser in a separate window for those with multiple monitors? that would open up the main "player" window for more features for I/O feedback and display.
Posté Tue 27 May 14 @ 12:28 pm
Already possible with custom skins.
Also possible with the Skin Builder. Check the skins section for this.
Also possible with the Skin Builder. Check the skins section for this.
Posté Tue 27 May 14 @ 1:15 pm
please add the possibility in tag editor to load colors from the tags.
Posté Tue 27 May 14 @ 2:22 pm
Did I mention browser memory? lol
Basically, when you are in a folder, and say you're half way down in the song list and then do a search for something. When you clear the search, the folder starts back at the top. It would be nice if stayed where you were in the song list after clearing so you didnt have to scroll all the way down to back to where you were.
Did I mention browser memory? lol
Basically, when you are in a folder, and say you're half way down in the song list and then do a search for something. When you clear the search, the folder starts back at the top. It would be nice if stayed where you were in the song list after clearing so you didnt have to scroll all the way down to back to where you were.
Selected as best answer Posté Thu 29 May 14 @ 7:19 am
Playlist => "Will play at" in 12 hour format
Posté Thu 29 May 14 @ 8:44 am
visionz5 wrote :
It would be nice if stayed where you were
Did I mention the keepsortorder option in config?
Posté Thu 29 May 14 @ 9:05 am
^ haha thanks bud!
Posté Thu 29 May 14 @ 9:50 am
Still looking for a way to make the scroll bars wider, and/or adjustable.
Posté Sun 01 Jun 14 @ 4:12 am
I would like to include In FOLDER FILTER functions like: (get tags from decks, it's mean call, artist, title, comment, remix, etc from decks.
getArtistA (or called getArtist1 (numbers of decks)): get tag "artist" from deck A
getCommentA: get tag "comment" from deck A
Use Case:
Name Filter Folder: Same Artist from deck A (or can be master song)
Filter: artist contains getArtistA()
Why i need this? Instead to search the same (and write this) artist only i will need to click in my particular filter in browser.
and surprise !
getArtistA (or called getArtist1 (numbers of decks)): get tag "artist" from deck A
getCommentA: get tag "comment" from deck A
Use Case:
Name Filter Folder: Same Artist from deck A (or can be master song)
Filter: artist contains getArtistA()
Why i need this? Instead to search the same (and write this) artist only i will need to click in my particular filter in browser.
and surprise !
Posté Sun 01 Jun 14 @ 1:00 pm
The deep red bar that scans accross the song as its scanning for BPM etc.... is there a way you could make this something like a dirty yellow? its just that im finding it hard to see the scan progress and a yellow would stand out more. maybe change color hex #5a3333 to #8d7700
Posté Fri 06 Jun 14 @ 9:44 am