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Sujet DRM not supported for Version 8? - Page: 2

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Just play them and record back as MP3 using something like Audacity.

Posté Fri 30 May 14 @ 11:40 am
First of all, thank you for listening and apparently being actually concerned about those of us who have been using DRM files for many years. Secondly, it's good to hear that because of our voices, Atomix will be working to implement this in a future update. If I hadn't come to expect this kind of service from the company, I would have never been disappointed in the first place. Thank you.

kradcliffe wrote :
Just play them and record back as MP3 using something like Audacity.

Using that method would take forever to re-encode the thousands upon thousands of DRM protected songs I and other users have, and inherently loses sound quality. I know there are other programs out there specifically made to convert them to unprotected mp3s, but it still is EXTREMELY time consuming and of questionable legality to do so.

DRM files play and can be manipulated wonderfully in 7.4 and previous versions. Re-implementing this into version 8 would make me (and many other Zune and Rhapsody subscribers) a very happy camper.


Posté Fri 30 May 14 @ 1:56 pm
groovindj wrote :
DJ_Craig wrote :
If something is not available DRM free I simply will not buy it.

In most cases now, the only files with DRM protection are subscription (rented).

When you buy a track there's no DRM. That went out of favour a long time ago.

The problem is that previous tracks that had DRM were not allowed to be replaced free of charge without it. So Zune owners who subscribed to that platform were not able to get their entire library again DRM free (Or maybe they did but the people who had that library did not want to get it alll again I don't know?).

Posté Fri 30 May 14 @ 3:53 pm
OR, just use some third party software to strip the DRM from your library and let VDJ do what its best at ;-)

all my music is DRM free, I use content unlimited, for those new tracks that may not be in my library yet, but if its a track that I am going to get use out of, I buy it anyway !

and Yes I still buy most of my music on cd, Why?, so that I can rip it DRM free at any bitrate I like !

Posté Sat 31 May 14 @ 8:59 am
rlovePRO InfinityMember since 2010
As a test, I read everything there is to play a Zune protected track without the use of any Microsoft software. I was able to write a small tool (command line) in c++ which would accept the input of a protected track and play it. Within 8 hours, I had something that worked perfectly fine.

As a test, I ported it to the Mac and it runs there too!

So it's not difficult at all...

As it was posted earlier, I'm actually quite shocked at the level of inappropriate, bullish, and cockiness of the support staff at Atomix. This is the time that they should be more understanding of our issues, and not saying that your issue is unimportant, so get to the back of the line.

Does the CEO of Atomix read these boards? If not, he/she should... If my staff responded the same way, they wouldn't be working for me...

Posté Sun 01 Jun 14 @ 11:02 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
With respect what works perfectly fine with your test app may not integrate well with Virtual DJ.

A representative for the development team has responded to this thread with an explanation and that it will be looked at for 8.1.

Posté Mon 02 Jun 14 @ 3:33 pm
CMBDJPRO InfinityMember since 2007
I use Rhapsody and find this a huge cripple. We need DRM playback. Otherwise, I guess I'll just stay with 7.

Posté Mon 02 Jun 14 @ 8:16 pm
rlovePRO InfinityMember since 2010
SBDJ wrote :
With respect what works perfectly fine with your test app may not integrate well with Virtual DJ.

A representative for the development team has responded to this thread with an explanation and that it will be looked at for 8.1.

I never said that it would integrate. I was just pointing out the fact that some of your support staff in various posts noted some requests were very difficult or virtually impossible. I was just replying back that it's actually not all that difficult. (Granted, I don't have your source code so I don't know how good or bad it looks like.)


Posté Tue 03 Jun 14 @ 10:39 am
kimbledPRO InfinityMember since 2005
I am going to have to jump on the bandwagon with everyone else about this. I was one of the originals that used Napster, before it became Rhapsody, and I too have built an extensive library of music on there. While I have not tried your subscription service, I like the option to be able to play my music on my phone when I am not using VDJ, and use their song match to have a new song automatically added to my library right after I hear it on the radio, etc. I just feel like we were kind of blindsided by this change. I never saw a notification (though there may be one) that they were dropping support for all DRM except their selected vendor. It started with VDJ 7.x not reading the tags correctly on Rhapsody, though not sure which side caused that problem, but I was able to deal. I don't usually post on the forums as I am in no way a full time DJ, more of a hobbyist. I have years of using your software and hope to continue to. Also based on your info on your website about why you created the free version, isn't this going against making this within reach of even the home user or aspiring DJ. Just a thought.

Posté Tue 10 Jun 14 @ 11:14 pm
Perhaps VDJ or a third party programmer could write a DRM caching plug-in that reads/converts the file into a VDJ8 playable/friendly format in a protected memory space. (Like an alias.) Thus allowing access to the file, storage of the POIs and use of all DRM-encoded files without violating copyright restrictions.

(I'm sure it's not as easy as that, but as I understand it, VDJ caches the audio into memory anyway.)

Posté Wed 11 Jun 14 @ 12:17 pm
lp894PRO InfinityMember since 2010
I'm gonna ask for this too...just to throw my 2 cents in. One big reason I use VDJ because it was the ONLY application that supported DRM content. Which I pay for monthly with my Unlimited Zune subscription. I understand it's not as simple as adding a few lines of code, but that was one of the things that pushed me away from Serato Dj to VDj...I use an NS7 so I could rock with either. But I'd grown fond of VDj and hope that this functionality can be added back. Obviously not tomorrow but hopefully sooner than later so to speak. VDj 8 isn't what I use at gigs anyway so it's not a huge priority right now

Posté Thu 11 Sep 14 @ 6:19 pm
This really needs to be put back in, cuz im dying without it.... im to the point where i will start to look for another application to support vs VirtualDJ..... Hate to say it but its at that point !!

Posté Wed 31 Dec 14 @ 11:16 pm
Yeah, I was pretty shocked and disappointed to find that virtual dj 8 doesnt play drm files as it is literally the one feature that caused me to choose vdj over serato and traktor when I was first considering using an actual dj program instead of media monkey to do my dj gigs.. Not a huge deal because my entire library is now drm free but I loved the convenience of having someone request a song and all i had to do was download it on zune and put it in the playlist. For this reason I just redownloaded vdj 7.4 but I will say that while I do like vdj a lot, if I had known it didnt support drm I would not have purchased it and I would have just stuck with vdj 7.

Posté Fri 09 Jan 15 @ 7:40 pm
Um, from the fact that this hasn't had any movement on it in almost a year, are we to assume that Virtual DJ 8 will never support DRM? What is going on here?????

Posté Mon 01 Jun 15 @ 2:58 pm
With the currently extremely limited content of the new content unlimited, could DRM support be back on the table? I didn't mind too much when content unlimited could find just about anything I wanted, but right now the catalog leaves much to be desired and it would be nice to have the option of using other providers.

Posté Sat 20 Jun 15 @ 1:28 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
You can use any other provider of music you like, except for those with DRM restrictions. ContentUnlimited and the inability to use DRM protected files are entirely unrelated.

Posté Sat 20 Jun 15 @ 5:03 pm
This really needs to be put back in, cuz im dying without it.... im to the point where i will start to look for another application to support vs VirtualDJ..... Hate to say it but its at that point !!

I don't think the other "big ones" support DRM either
DRM encrypted files are generally frowned upon for professional use because decrypting them is just another thing that can go wrong, and you really don't need that at a gig

Posté Sun 21 Jun 15 @ 4:34 am
klausmogensen wrote :
decrypting them is just another thing that can go wrong, and you really don't need that at a gig

Uh oh! Atomix had better remove DRM from Content Unlimited then! :-)


Posté Sun 21 Jun 15 @ 4:38 am
groovindj wrote :
klausmogensen wrote :
decrypting them is just another thing that can go wrong, and you really don't need that at a gig

Uh oh! Atomix had better remove DRM from Content Unlimited then! :-)

Not the same decryption - but if it was possible (legal) i'm sure they would.

Then again - relying on CU as your primary source for songs at a gig is about as none-pro as you can get :)

Posté Sun 21 Jun 15 @ 10:00 am
but here is the funny part, my files are WMA and I made sure they were not protected when copying over from disc, yet, when trying to play them in virtual dj 8, I get a tiny red bar and no sound.... Been with virtual dj since back when atomixMP3 was going.(yes before virtual dj) This talk of DRM is a load of meh, vdj used to work a lot better a few year ago, the auto mix function doesn't even work half the time, virtual dj 8 is a mess... :( just let me play my damn WMA, uninstalling this disaster! Sadly my old Vdj doesn't work on windows 10 ....

Why did you not just make your old vdj compatible with windows 10 ?

Posté Wed 02 Dec 15 @ 2:07 am