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Forum: Old versions

Sujet: VDJ Script Examples - User's Database

Ce topic est ancien et peut contenir des informations obselètes ou incorrectes.

As per your request a dedicated Wiki page has been created to host any VDJ script examples you need share with the community.

You can also access this page from Wiki -->VDJScript->Database of VDJScript example

Please follow these simple rules.
- Only add verified actions (you have verified that they work)
- If necessary, define if the script is for keyboard (probably needs deck declaration) or for controllers.
- Use version 8 syntax

Let us know if you need any help or advise.

Note. Even though this thread is part of the PC forum, every VDJ script action working on PC (Windows) should work fine on Macs too.

Posté Tue 07 Apr 15 @ 11:08 am


Control the master volume of the sampler using a controller knob.

Knob | sampler_volume_master

Note: You can control the volume using two button, or keys, one for up, the other for down.


Stop all the samples playing, as opposed to mute, which enables them to continue after muting.

Button | sampler all stop


Use a button to play a specific named sample even when not in the relevant sample bank.

Button | sampler_bank X & sampler_play_stop Y
Button LED | sampler_play Y on

where X= the bank number or name.
and Y=the sample number or name.

Note: If you're on a different sample page the normal slot volume control won't work, and hence you need to provide a master sampler volume control. Two buttons (one up, the other down), or one knob will do the trick.


Toggle between the master, and headphone sampler outputs. It also lights a LED when the headphone output is selected

Button | deck master sampler_output ? sampler output "headphones" : deck master sampler_output
Button LED | sampler output "headphones" on


Assign a button to mute the sampler output, and light its LED.

Button | sampler_volume_master 100% ? sampler_volume_master 0% : sampler_volume_master 100%
Button LED | sampler_volume_master 0% on




If you want to change the browser view settings quickly to show just karaoke files, or simple music files then assign the below code to your keyboard letters (or controller buttons) K & M, or whatever.

K on keyboard | view_options "showkaraoke" on & view_options "showmusic" off & view_options "showvideo" off
M on keyboard | view_options "showmusic" on & view_options "showkaraoke" off & view_options "showvideo" off

Sorry I don't do video.. but you can easily adapt the above.


If this thread could be kept editable then I will update my post by adding further little scripts?

I'm not a VDJ script guru, but I will help if I can, hence you might eventually make me into one.

Oh..and thanks to everyone who has helped me in the last few weeks.
I hope I have helped a little in return.



Is it now possible to post more than 60000 chars on a wiki / blog page?

No, i don't think so. But i know what you mean. Loco's scripts could be longer lol.

If you guys come to a point that you can't add more, let me know to add page2. So make sure you copy what you post there before pressing the Save button ;)

From the above comment I'll take it you've seen my CueRecorder workings. :-)
63K chars is my longest one yet, although there is a poi with 88K, even I kept getting lost.

It mimicks a loop out effect while it also performs a high-pass filter.

For the button:
var_equal 'FilterLoopOut' 1 ? repeat_stop 'AutoFilterLoopOutOff' & filter 50% & loop_exit & set 'FilterLoopOut' 0 : play ? loop 1 & set 'FilterLoopOut' 1 & repeat_start_instant 'AutoFilterLoopOutOff' 150ms & filter +1% & param_smaller filter 99% ? set 'FilterLoopOut' 0 & repeat_stop 'AutoFilterLoopOutOff' & stop & filter 50% & loop_exit : nothing

For the LED:
var 'FilterLoopOut'

A) You can change the loop length by adjusting this part of the script:
var_equal 'FilterLoopOut' 1 ? repeat_stop 'AutoFilterLoopOutOff' & filter 50% & loop_exit & set 'FilterLoopOut' 0 : play ? loop 1 & set 'FilterLoopOut' 1 & repeat_start_instant 'AutoFilterLoopOutOff' 150ms & filter +1% & param_smaller filter 99% ? set 'FilterLoopOut' 0 & repeat_stop 'AutoFilterLoopOutOff' & stop & filter 50% & loop_exit : nothing
B) You can perform a low-pass by modifying the script as following:
var_equal 'FilterLoopOut' 1 ? repeat_stop 'AutoFilterLoopOutOff' & filter 50% & loop_exit & set 'FilterLoopOut' 0 : play ? loop 1 & set 'FilterLoopOut' 1 & repeat_start_instant 'AutoFilterLoopOutOff' 150ms & filter -1% & param_bigger filter 1% ? set 'FilterLoopOut' 0 & repeat_stop 'AutoFilterLoopOutOff' & stop & filter 50% & loop_exit : nothing
C) You can alter the filter "speed" by adjusting this part of the script (bigger values makes the effect longer/slower to end)
var_equal 'FilterLoopOut' 1 ? repeat_stop 'AutoFilterLoopOutOff' & filter 50% & loop_exit & set 'FilterLoopOut' 0 : play ? loop 1 & set 'FilterLoopOut' 1 & repeat_start_instant 'AutoFilterLoopOutOff' 200ms & filter +1% & param_smaller filter 99% ? set 'FilterLoopOut' 0 & repeat_stop 'AutoFilterLoopOutOff' & stop & filter 50% & loop_exit : nothing

I want to put this script here that locodog helped me for FADER use.

The Fade plugin from v7 no longer works on V8 and V8 does not have one, this is a script that you can assign to a button to do just that.

repeat_start_instant 'levelSweep' 10ms 101 & level & param_smaller 1% ? stop & level 100% & repeat_stop 'levelSweep' : level -1%

edit, just added this to

"effect_active 'flanger' ? effect_active 'flanger' & get_var "resetGain" & param_cast & gain : set "resetGain" '`gain' & effect_active 'flanger' & gain -15%"

Can you script it so that it can be mapped to a cue point and return to its original gain level when I replay the song? Because I find the gain gets lower and lower on replay when mapped to a cue point.

I'm a registered user of numark cue. I have recently bought a new back up laptop and I have installed the same program as its a great easy to use program. I play vids audio and karaoke. Question: the centre screen we
Hen I'm not playing vids on my old laptop I used to get lots of different like screensaver type vids which would continually play. How do I switch this on on my new laptop as all in getting when playing audio is a blank screen? Thanks Paul

ohshit wrote :
"effect_active 'flanger' ? effect_active 'flanger' & get_var "resetGain" & param_cast & gain : set "resetGain" '`gain' & effect_active 'flanger' & gain -15%"

Can you script it so that it can be mapped to a cue point and return to its original gain level when I replay the song? Because I find the gain gets lower and lower on replay when mapped to a cue point.

Your problem here is this is set for a button, first press turns on, remembers gain, drops gain & the second press will undo all this,

so you need to have a second cue point with the same script to replicate, or a button with this script on it to undo everything.
the awkward thing is that there are many ways that can make this script not work correctly

This thread isn't pc specific nor is it focused on v7.

Lol, came to say the same.
Since DJDad asked to use v8 syntax in his initial post, the thread should be moved to the v8 forum.

Having a script problem when I toggle Shift+M to activate SBDJ Stereo Channel plugin it works well until I load a track on deck 2, then it doesn't work anymore on deck #1, it only works on deck #2 for the entire night. The only way to make it work correctly is to Not use deck #2..
Can anyone help me solve this issue?

deck 1 effect 'SBDJ StereoChannel' active
VDJ 7.7

Thanks, Joey

"Having a script problem when I toggle Shift+M to activate SBDJ Stereo Channel plugin it works well until I load a track on deck 2, then it doesn't work anymore on deck #1, it only works on deck #2 for the entire night. The only way to make it work correctly is to Not use deck #2..
Can anyone help me solve this issue?

deck 1 effect 'SBDJ StereoChannel' active
VDJ 7.7

Thanks, Joey"

Fixed the problem...

How did you fix the problem? It would be useful for others if you shared the solution.


Tinkering around with everything that I could think of and decided to try setting up a new profile to test for my SBDJ Profile Switcher program, ...and to my surprise it started working as normal again.

...So in conclusion my old profiles must have gotten corrupted some how. (These profiles were migrated from my old laptop, but were working)

I deleted all of them and created new ones, so far so good..
VDJ 7.4.7 Win 8.1 os.

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