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Forum: VirtualDJ 8.0 Technical Support


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djlgm70PRO InfinityMember since 2012
Since the beginning of the release of the new version 8 I notice that everytime that I want to load a new video on the other deck while on the first deck a video is playing, the video output is freezing for a second or more. If you try to load another video this doesn't happen in most of the cases. I also notice a peak in CPU usage, but only when you try to load the video the first time. After you switch to the other deck to play the next video, the same happens to the first deck. If you load the first video then it freezes, if you try again to load another video this problem doesn't occur most of the times... It seems like the problem persists when to try to actually "clear" the previous video that was played, in order to load a new one.

The problem exists since the beginning of the new version.
Can you please help?

thank you


Posté Mon 22 Jun 15 @ 4:44 am
PachNPRO InfinityMember since 2009
Are you using any videoAudioOnlyVisualisations?

Posté Mon 22 Jun 15 @ 6:57 am
djlgm70PRO InfinityMember since 2012
no I do not use any plugins at the time. Only the original effects for video mixing

Posté Mon 22 Jun 15 @ 1:36 pm

This is a regression bug. See my posts in this secctions this has been happening from build after 2282. I hope they solve it soon.

Best Regards Friends!

Posté Tue 23 Jun 15 @ 3:44 pm
I have been noticing the same...its actually more of a 6 miliseconds than 1 whole second but yeah it does it...The milkdrop effect used to have the same problem and after the latest update it doesnt

Posté Mon 29 Jun 15 @ 10:23 pm
Hello Friends
I think we have the same problem. In my case is when load or accessing video files in a NAS (Network-attached storage) but is the same effect. Video output freezes in my case continuously. When the video output freezes the interface keeps running in your case? In my case the both things happen at the same time.
I have tested new beta version in my windows 7 home premium and the video and interface cuts are still there, they are much more visible when you browse video in nas and prelisten is on. Tryed Antivirus off, Tryied to use jumbo frames and tested some network adapter options that I have founded to improve access to network files and no way. Always I have the video cuts. It seem that the delay in accessing network files could be the problem. In my case with my local video files all work fine but maybe you have a little delay more in file accessing.

It is interesting that in Windows 10 insider beta version and the same hardware I haven't any video cut but some (very few) in automix. Maybe some changes in microsoft could make virtual dj works better with video and a little worse in audio cuts during automix. And with low resolution all the Virtual DJ 1366x768 (the maximum resolution of my portable computer screen) all the virtual dj menus can be seen correctly. I do not know if someone else has this problem to see all the menus correctly at this resolutions. It seem that virtualdj is going to work better in windows 10.
If you have some ideas I can try them.
Best Regards

Posté Tue 30 Jun 15 @ 12:06 am
Hi Again Fiends

A new discovery about this problem. (Using Beta 2345)
If I minimize the program main control screen and I browse, browse with prelisten on, and load files (obviously with the controller without seeing anything) and no video cuts in the video output screen
It seems that some thing in the interface could affect. I have tryed with other skins (I use Dennyo) and disable all the options I could disable in the main screen (reducing info, cover, all that it is alowed) and no effect always video drops. In my case local video files goes fine, but other partners seem to have some problem.
It is clare is that handling this big amount of information with the variable delay of network or some local drives that could enter in sleep mode without having any problem is very difficult. You are doing a very nice job developers.
Keep it in that way!

Best Regards!

Posté Wed 01 Jul 15 @ 11:51 pm
manu-sp wrote :
If I minimize the program main control screen......and no video cuts in the video output screen

Based on that evidence, I would suggest that the problem lies with your graphics card.


Posté Thu 02 Jul 15 @ 2:22 am
groovindj wrote :
manu-sp wrote :
If I minimize the program main control screen......and no video cuts in the video output screen

Based on that evidence, I would suggest that the problem lies with your graphics card.

Yesterday I uninstalled my nvidia graphic driver and reinstalled it and upgraded the i7 graphic driver and same result. I run always the software with nvidia graphic procesor. But I am almost shure that this is not the failure. When software is minimized maybe it does not upgrade or run some other process that only runs with the window opened... In my case the problem is ONLY with network files not with local files that goes fine. It seem to be a combination of things. It is curious because deactivating the covers and prelisten off I can see the video/interface cuts too only browsing through video folder in NAS. They are much more visible when prelisten is on. With audio files in NAS seem there is only little (almost impercetible) image drops. Seem that the big is the file selected the more drops I have. The software seem to check each file when you are browsing and delay in the response of network hangs the video output until it has checked it is ok to load. In my case I have the most drops when I search some song (I think this is because when it search it try to find in my video network locations too and the same problem that browsing)


Posté Thu 02 Jul 15 @ 3:01 am
djlgm70 wrote :
Since the beginning of the release of the new version 8 I notice that everytime that I want to load a new video on the other deck while on the first deck a video is playing, the video output is freezing for a second or more. If you try to load another video this doesn't happen in most of the cases. I also notice a peak in CPU usage, but only when you try to load the video the first time. After you switch to the other deck to play the next video, the same happens to the first deck. If you load the first video then it freezes, if you try again to load another video this problem doesn't occur most of the times... It seems like the problem persists when to try to actually "clear" the previous video that was played, in order to load a new one.

The problem exists since the beginning of the new version.
Can you please help?

thank you


Hello djlgm

I think your drop has some similarities with mine, the delay access to your HDD. Are you using external usb hdd?¿. Do you have latest virtual dj version?¿. Some external HDDs enter by firmware in sleep state to save energy. Maybe when you load two songs and wait some time to load next you have this video drop (the time enough your hdd enter sleep mode). In the latest versions of virtual dj I think developers have some new process to check continuosly that the files are present so the hdd must be alive. If you do not have the latest one maybe you can check this free software KeepAliveHD ant configure to keep alive your external hdd if it is your case. If the files are in your local computer I can not help you, it works fine in my computer. Maybe your computer has not enough power, ram, I do not know.

Best regards!

Posté Thu 02 Jul 15 @ 3:23 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
Could you try if setting songLoadPriority to Low makes a difference?

Posté Thu 02 Jul 15 @ 4:14 am
¡Hi Again!

Today I have tested to use the HDDs again using a usb hub with my hdds and there is no comparsion, in my shows I will not use my asus lan router as NAS until you solve all the problems that generates the network access. It will be very nice that it works over lan as good as by usb interface, but now the results are not comparable, haven't any drops. In my case that have a large amount of music and videos It is much cleaner to access to a remote NAS over LAN or WIFI with the posibillity to access from more than one computer.
I will keep on testing your new versions to help you to solve all the issues like this video/interface drop problem in my case with network files.
Best Regards


Posté Thu 02 Jul 15 @ 3:32 pm
You expect the same results with LAN, as you get with USB?

Posté Fri 03 Jul 15 @ 9:49 pm
A Man and His Music wrote :
You expect the same results with LAN, as you get with USB?

Why not? My usb is 2.0 480mbps and connected two hdd over a hub vs my network 1gbps directly from asus 2 ports router to my network card. I know that LAN file access and has lot of layers that has to be processed and the response is slower and depends on the load of the network. But I expect no interface and video frezzes. If I test file transfers speed is greater in my lan configuration than usb configuration (usb 3.0 vs 2.0). I do not have content unlimited but in this mode the sofware freezes while accessing to this servers too?. I think developers are near to solve it issue... Maybe the solution could be consider network files as other files that has to be accesed in a diferent way than local files, like content unlimited. I am having problems with the browsing and searching the db maybe all things are related. I have seeing that the db file is continuosly writting. And it is something that happens whith the main screen maximized. If you minimize main control screen video output works fine but is a little dificult to change a video without reading its name :D.
I know that a software like this make a lot of things in parallel and handle an process a large amount of information and what is worse... all the Windows users has a different machine with different configuration, version of drivers, and there is 6 windows versions that could be updated or no.. Lot of variables that make the work of the developers more difficult. They do a great job.
Best regards

Posté Sat 04 Jul 15 @ 1:47 am
I don't know doo doo, that's why I asked. Aren't there a lot of variables with LAN? I know even with contentunlimited, there are a lot of factors in play, so what was fast last night at point A, will not be the same tonight , at point B, or even point A for that matter. In other words, do you consider LAN to be consistent all the time?

Posté Sat 04 Jul 15 @ 3:31 pm
A Man and His Music wrote :
I don't know doo doo, that's why I asked. Aren't there a lot of variables with LAN? I know even with contentunlimited, there are a lot of factors in play, so what was fast last night at point A, will not be the same tonight , at point B, or even point A for that matter. In other words, do you consider LAN to be consistent all the time?

LAN response depends on the load of the network. And content unlimited is a worse situation because it goes through a lot of servers routers etc. There is a long path to reach destination.
The software should be protected against its freezes handling this types of situations. Without challenges there is no evolution. Maybe all this development could be useful for other types of situations... For example. Slow computers with minimum ram and processor where handling video could be more difficult.
Expect they repair it soon.

Posté Sat 04 Jul 15 @ 3:52 pm
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
There are no lockups in vdj related to slow file reading that I could find so far, so at this point it would seem that it's possibly the network drivers locking up the video card.

Posté Sun 05 Jul 15 @ 3:03 am
Adion wrote :
There are no lockups in vdj related to slow file reading that I could find so far, so at this point it would seem that it's possibly the network drivers locking up the video card.

Hello Adion
I have latest realtek network drivers and I have tryed all the options of configurations that netsh command allow in windows 7 and same results. I also tested my Intel wifi ac that connects to the router to 800mbps and same results. I think it is not the problem because when I minimize the main window the video output works perfectly. And I load, prelisten videos in network ubication using the controller to browse inside the folders. So do not think is the network drivers the problem. I think is something the software do when it is opened (unminimized) only.. Maybe some upgrading of information in the interface, check or reading id3 tags or a combination of things when a file is selected. As I told the worst results (longest freezes) are when program is unminimized prelisten is on and I browse inside a video network location. Searching a file with network locations added to data base have a lot of freezes too. I am investigating in searching in a 200.000 files data base because I am having problems . When I have conclusions I will post them. But it is other bug..


Posté Sun 05 Jul 15 @ 3:53 am
Tested 2348 and same results.
Best Regards

Posté Sun 05 Jul 15 @ 4:33 pm
djlgm70PRO InfinityMember since 2012
manu-sp wrote :
djlgm70 wrote :
Since the beginning of the release of the new version 8 I notice that everytime that I want to load a new video on the other deck while on the first deck a video is playing, the video output is freezing for a second or more. If you try to load another video this doesn't happen in most of the cases. I also notice a peak in CPU usage, but only when you try to load the video the first time. After you switch to the other deck to play the next video, the same happens to the first deck. If you load the first video then it freezes, if you try again to load another video this problem doesn't occur most of the times... It seems like the problem persists when to try to actually "clear" the previous video that was played, in order to load a new one.

The problem exists since the beginning of the new version.
Can you please help?

thank you


Hello djlgm

I think your drop has some similarities with mine, the delay access to your HDD. Are you using external usb hdd?¿. Do you have latest virtual dj version?¿. Some external HDDs enter by firmware in sleep state to save energy. Maybe when you load two songs and wait some time to load next you have this video drop (the time enough your hdd enter sleep mode). In the latest versions of virtual dj I think developers have some new process to check continuosly that the files are present so the hdd must be alive. If you do not have the latest one maybe you can check this free software KeepAliveHD ant configure to keep alive your external hdd if it is your case. If the files are in your local computer I can not help you, it works fine in my computer. Maybe your computer has not enough power, ram, I do not know.

Best regards!


I am using both external USB 3.0 HDDs as also the internal HD. I have to let you know that I have spent some good money for the lenovo Y510p with 2 NVIDIA GeForce GT755M 16GB ram and 1 TB SSD internal drive.... The laptop has intel i7-4700MQ @ 2.4 GHz... what better can I get than that??

The problem seems to be the first time you try to load a new video while unloading the last one that was played. I can not find a reason why this happens. For some reason also the CPU seems to be on the peak when loading the new video. I have no issues with the network since I do not use network resources. I never mentioned network in my posts.

I have disabled my HDDs to park due to inactivity from power management options. Maybe I have to try something else?

I have always the latest version of VDJ, I check almost in a daily basis.....


Posté Mon 06 Jul 15 @ 7:38 pm