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Forum: VirtualDJ 8.0 Technical Support

Sujet Bug: Data Base Corruption. Browser Hangs.

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This problem I have had a lot of time but I have not reported it.
I have around 200- 250 thousands of songs and videos (located now in a NAS, but before of it I have had in usb drives connected, I do not think the problem is there, but who knows). And I have the problem that the database corrupts (in less than an hour it has corrupted two times), I have no clear idea why it corrupts. Maybe opening and close your sofware. I will keep on testing to give you more information. What I have clear is that the only way to recover is to "Borrar la Base de Datos", Maybe " Clean database" in the english translation. (The translation in spanish I thin is not correct because it seems that you delete the database. Maybe "Limpiar la Base de Datos" . I have not found any control of the database in version 8 that will be desiderable. In version 7 it were fine. But it is not the problem. )
If the database is corrupted and you try to search a song... something hangs and after it there is no way to browse within your software, The browser status seem to change from searching to browsing but it do not browse. I have to use windows explorer and drop inside the software.des no response. I have to resstart aplication to recover from it that in a middle of a show is not possible.
Best Regards!

Posté Thu 02 Jul 15 @ 12:43 am
Hi Again

As I told I have more than 200000 songs database in local usb storage and sometimes the search hangs and If I found some song it keeps on searching during 5-10 minutes. If in this moment I try to browse because I can not wait more. The browser does not respond. It is like it is continue searching and I can not recover the control until it leave the loop of searching despite in the status line it says that it is browsing. After 15 minutes aprox I can recover the control. It will be nice to send you some logs... if you tell me how to activate or find it I can send you.. It happens one time each 5 or 6 songs. Seem to beif I search words that has not been searched before.

Best regards.

Posté Thu 09 Jul 15 @ 5:05 pm
Hi again!

I have tested more and it seem that if I deactivate the find in the path the search goes much more fast and could not reproduce the hang on searching...

Best Regards
P.D: The English translation of "Clean database" in Spanish is not correct. "Borrar la Base de Datos" means that you are going to delete the database. Maybe "Limpiar la Base de Datos" could be a more accurate translation.

Posté Fri 10 Jul 15 @ 1:46 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
In FilePath you mean?

If so, would it be possible to send me your database.xml from the external drive?

Posté Fri 10 Jul 15 @ 2:01 am
Adion wrote :
In FilePath you mean?

If so, would it be possible to send me your database.xml from the external drive?

Hi Adion

Yes the filepath.

How can I send you the database. Here I can only upload images

Best Regards

Posté Fri 10 Jul 15 @ 2:10 pm
PachNPRO InfinityMember since 2009
Upload it to a free file hoster, or dropbox or something like that.

Posté Fri 10 Jul 15 @ 3:10 pm

Posté Fri 10 Jul 15 @ 4:58 pm
Hi Again

After more tests I have seen that without filepath it fails too. So this is not the problem. Seem that the more things to search the more problable is that the software enter in some searching loop during 5-15 minutes, the browser hangs during this time . Seem that searching is not optimized for such amount of songs/videos (200000). With the latest beta version I have had a crash.. Maybe you have received the automatic report and helps you to find the problem. ... The searching with this large database seem to be unpredictable: some times it find the file quickly (less than a second), sometimes it takes 10-40 seconds and some times this hang loop and as I told you I have had a crash one time. Tryed with common words and rare words, long and short but I can not find a rule...
In my show I have to have 2 computers ready to play.

Expect you can reproduce the issue and solve it.
Thank you very much!

Best Regards

Best Regards

Posté Sun 12 Jul 15 @ 5:01 am
@manu-sp, when you talk about "clean database" are you referring to this menu option?

If so, then it really should say "eliminar faltan archivos de base de datos" because it only removes dead links.

Posté Sun 12 Jul 15 @ 5:26 am
groovindj wrote :
@manu-sp, when you talk about "clean database" are you referring to this menu option?

If so, then it really should say "eliminar faltan archivos de base de datos" because it only removes dead links.


Yes I didn't know the english text.

In spanish it will be correct "Eliminar los archivos que faltan de la base de datos."

Best regards

Posté Sun 12 Jul 15 @ 5:39 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
So to be clear, what is the message you see when it locks up?
Is it 'Searching', 'Browsing' or something else?

I tried several searches on your database, but so far I didn't find any search that makes it lock up.
Is there any specific search that will always cause the lock up?

Also, which columns have been selected for search (in the drop-down next to the search field) and which columns do you have visible in the browser?

Posté Sun 12 Jul 15 @ 9:39 am
When it is locked trying to search if I browse it says that it is browsing but nothing happens. I can not browse other directory than the latest one until the lock ends. In this directory I can listen, load songs etc but I can not see other one. I am seeing title album filedate bpm. And in the search I find Title Album and Filename.
But are you testing only one xml or all the xml I have sent you?. One for each unit.
And you do not have the files. Doesn't the software make anything with the files when it is searching?. Something like checking if the files are present or something? I'll try to search with my external hdd disconected and I let you know.

Posté Sun 12 Jul 15 @ 10:21 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
I have combined the databases, so I have about 200000 songs in the database when launching vdj.
VDJ does not access the files during searching, so that doesn't matter.

You do say that you have the file date column visible. The file date is actually not in the database, so those are read at the moment they are shown.
If the files are sorted by file date then the date will have to be read from all files that are found.
I would not expect it to lock up that long from usb though, unless there is a problem with one of the drives perhaps.

Anyway I would recommend to leave out the file date column and use the first seen column instead, as this is stored in the database and doesn't need access to the drive.

Edit: Thinking about it, a corrupt drive could also explain why the database gets corrupted sometimes as you stated in the original post.

Posté Sun 12 Jul 15 @ 11:29 am
Adion wrote :
I have combined the databases, so I have about 200000 songs in the database when launching vdj.
VDJ does not access the files during searching, so that doesn't matter.

You do say that you have the file date column visible. The file date is actually not in the database, so those are read at the moment they are shown.
If the files are sorted by file date then the date will have to be read from all files that are found.
I would not expect it to lock up that long from usb though, unless there is a problem with one of the drives perhaps.

Anyway I would recommend to leave out the file date column and use the first seen column instead, as this is stored in the database and doesn't need access to the drive.

Edit: Thinking about it, a corrupt drive could also explain why the database gets corrupted sometimes as you stated in the original post.

You were right. Without FileDate it seem to work fine. But don't you think it should be protected against this type of problems? a lot of users could have some searching problems if they select like me other parameters that are not in the databas. At first the I think the searching process must be killed in a better way if a user decide to change to browsing.
My HDDs smart don't seem to have problems. But I'm going to do a surface test to check them better.

If they are ok I think that this bug could be similar than video drops. If the response time to access some file is more than you expect then problems appear.
Thank you Adion
Going to make surface test and I let you know.

Posté Sun 12 Jul 15 @ 12:43 pm
Still existing searching hangs if filedate shorting is present...
Thank you!

Translate to spanish of "Remove missing files from search DB" to "Remover archivos faltantes de la base de datos" I think is better than "Borrar base de datos"... but "remover" means in spanish from spain to shake so it would be better to translate it as "Eliminar archivos faltantes de la base de datos" o "Quitar archivos faltantes de la base de datos"

Best Regards!

Posté Mon 20 Jul 15 @ 12:22 am
esenxiaPRO InfinityMember since 2013
solo tengo una pregunta como se puede reparar la base de datos en virtual 8 por que me aparese un error de la base de datos de los discos duros

Posté Sun 31 Jan 16 @ 2:25 am
Sorry, this is an English speaking forum. Perhaps you would like to take a look at our Spanish speaking forum here.

Posté Sun 31 Jan 16 @ 6:22 am

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