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Sujet: Where are all VDJ-8 mapping commands + explanation?

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Where can I find all the commands + explanations for VDJ script version 8? like the total mapping manual

plus a lot of new features have been released with all new updates. Where can we find explanations as how to use them?

Posté Mon 31 Aug 15 @ 12:25 pm
The most complete and up to date list is in VirtualDJ itself.
Both the controller mapper and the custom button editor have a list of all available actions, most including some description on how to use them.

yeah ok but it's pretty basic however.

Can you tell me how to map a global SLIP command (ALL decks slip on)

im kinda confused how to map an action for 1 specific deck and how to map it for several or all.. ?

This gives a bit of basic info on how VDJScript works.

Basically any script action can be preceded by 'deck x' to work on a specific deck, and you can use '&' to execute multiple actions.
(For example 'deck 1 slip_mode & deck 2 slip_mode')

Thanks Adion. That helps.

If you want a text version of the commands, you can open the English.xml in the language folder with a text editor.
In this file there is section called "Actions". There you will find all actions and their description.
(This is the resource file for VDJ to display the actions and descriptions).

PachN wrote :
If you want a text version of the commands, you can open the English.xml in the language folder with a text editor.
In this file there is section called "Actions". There you will find all actions and their description.
(This is the resource file for VDJ to display the actions and descriptions).

many thanks!

Most of the Pro responses to this issue refer to the (Windows ) English.xml
file in the Virtual DJ folder to get all of the mapping commands in one place.
Unfortunately, Atomix Does Not update this file on a regular basis (mine is
dated January 2015) so you do not get all of the updated script additions
from that time forward.

The new scripts can be found inside VDJ itself but you have to slug through
every script definition to find the one you want, which is a very inefficient
and time consuming way of getting that information.

What if you wanted to find out about a new cellphone or computer feature
and you were directed to read the entire manual about each and every feature
on that device and then determine if the new feature you might want is included
in there? ... pretty inefficient?

I used to write technical service manuals for the electronics industry and updating
new features was always a priority so our customers could be made aware of every
new thing that could make their experience with our products that much more effective.
Because of this, after awhile, our company was recognized in the industry for having
superior products with documentation which was up to date and easy to understand.

Unfortunately, Atomix doesn't have this philosophy. I have made numerous suggestions
on this forum that all this new script information should be updated much more regularly
and made available in one place, but it is continually ignored! I don't think they understand
that the easier you make VDJ to use, the more customers you get!

big amen to that but especially your last sentence resonates... thanks for sharing your insights bro ;-) cheers

Really? I thought at least the English.xml is updated regularly with every built.
I makes no sense to maintain two sources of text resources.

English.xml file is only updated when you use the installer, not from the auto-update.
It is also only included as a reference in case you want to make your own translation, the actual text is embedded in the executable.

Anyway, as I said in the first reply, the easiest and most up-to-date way to access all available commands is through the custom button editor or the controller mapper.
The actions are grouped in categories, and you can even search by just starting to type what you are looking for.
As for finding out about new features, just read the version history for that, no need to go through the list again every update.

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