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pungentPRO InfinityMember since 2011
Don't shoot me cause I am sure this has been asked countless time but I have searched for ages and can not seem to be able to find a simple set up guid for vdj8.1 and 2 cdj400.

I can get them to midi but the sound is for both decks are coming through channel 1 of my djm400.

Don't seem to matter if I use asio or usb audio, different channels etc etc.

Even just a link to the info would be appreciated.

Posté Fri 08 Jul 16 @ 10:08 am
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
If you click on the drop-down list in VirtualDJ Settings->AUDIO tab which offers all the sound card drivers in your computer, do you see the CDJ-400 listed twice there ?
If so, you will need to have something like..
Deck 1 .... CDJ-400 (first line with that name) ... chans 1,2
Deck 2 ... CDJ-400 (second line with that name) ... chans 1,2

BTW, in case you are using some USB HUB, i would suggest to try without it (perhaps remove some other USB devices , just to test) and plug the CDJs directly to the USB ports of your computer.


Posté Fri 08 Jul 16 @ 1:52 pm
pungentPRO InfinityMember since 2011
Have the cdj's connected straight to laptop.

In the pull down list it gives me the options

Deck 1 usb device chan 1,2
Deck 2 usb device chan 1,2

^^^^^this gives me midi and sound but both decks come through channel 1 of the djm400 mixer.

I can also change it too

Deck 1 cdj400asio chan 1,2
Deck 2 cdj400asio chan 1,2

Can obviously do variations of these set ups.
When I enter the asio option VDJ tells me that there is an error in soundcard and can not connect.

The cdj400 are 1.33 updated and I have downloaded pioneers drivers and firmware and installed in vdj correct folders.

Posté Fri 08 Jul 16 @ 6:53 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
The error you are getting from VirtualDJ that one of the sound cards is not connected comes from Windows probably. Can you check Device Manager under Audio to see if you get a yellow triangle ?
Most of the times a re-plug on the USB or on a different USB port fixes the issue.
Also try to use a different USB cable for the one that usually provides error.


Posté Fri 08 Jul 16 @ 7:33 pm
pungentPRO InfinityMember since 2011
No yellow triangle under audio??
.I have tried setting the usb audio as default and also disabled it but nothing seemed to change anything.

Laptop has 4 usb ports and have tried vatiation of them all. Plugging them in after vdj is started and before it's started. Restarting the laptop with them plugged in and without.

The error only comes up when the cdj asio option is selected.

On a side note I have a DDJ-SR, DDJ Ergo and a Stanton djc.4 and never had an issue whith them.


Posté Fri 08 Jul 16 @ 10:39 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
I would also try to uninstall Pioneer ASIO, restart computer and install again.
Make sure the CDJ400 are not the default sound card of Windows too.

If that doesnt help either, best is to contact Support and try with Chat Live (on Monday) so that one of our agents remotely connect with your computer and troubleshoot.

Posté Fri 08 Jul 16 @ 11:44 pm
pungentPRO InfinityMember since 2011
Thanks for all the help mate.

Have already tried uninstalling pioneer drivers and reinstalling them and not having them at all.
Without them don't get the error because they don't exist for vdj to use.
Can still connect to cdj with the usb audio option but still both decks sound come through channel 1 of the djm400.

Ill have another play tomorrow - sunday as I have a gig tonight and if Still can't figure it out I will try support.

Thanks again mate your help is very much appreciated.

Posté Sat 09 Jul 16 @ 12:13 am
pungentPRO InfinityMember since 2011
Played around again but no good.

Main thing I seemed to find is VDJ doesn't seem to be allowing me to use two soundcards at the same time no matter what configuration I put into settings.

Which ever CDJ I plug in first becomes the soundcard VDJ will use for both decks even though midi control is for individual decks.

Posté Sun 10 Jul 16 @ 8:02 pm
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
When you use the sound card drop down in audio config, you don't see 2 cdj listed?

Posté Sun 10 Jul 16 @ 8:27 pm
pungentPRO InfinityMember since 2011
I do but when I select them they play through the one soundcard meaning both decks play through one channel of the djm mixer even though the midi is per deck. Even changing the midi option on the CDJ does not help.

If I select two soundcards in the top options it automatically changes my bottom options to deck1 cdj
Deck2 ddj-sr

If I then change the sr to cdj it changes my top option back to just cdj and back where I started.

Posté Mon 11 Jul 16 @ 12:03 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
But you changed it to the first cdj, or to the second? (And if one didn't work, did you try the other?)

Posté Mon 11 Jul 16 @ 5:44 am
pungentPRO InfinityMember since 2011
Tried every scenario possible. Changing decks around etc etc.

Pioneer asio driver.
Usb audio

Unplugging and replugging etc etc
Restarting etc

Updated VDJ from 8.1 to 8.2.

Somtimes with the pioneer asio vdj says error failed to initiate soundcard......sometimes it doesn't.

Tried different channels for output etc but always end up with the same result.

I have tried every option scenario etc etc I can think off and just no different.

As I have said above there is no issue with getting them to midi individually its just the sound I can't get to run individually with each CDJ......I thought if they midi individually VDJ would just use the sound card that it communicates the midi through lol


Posté Mon 11 Jul 16 @ 6:00 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
Does the pioneer ASIO control panel show 2 cdj's, or just one?
It really sounds like one of the 2 is not being detected as audio device for some reason.

Posté Mon 11 Jul 16 @ 7:20 am
pungentPRO InfinityMember since 2011
The asio panel is very limited and definately no option for two soundcards.

Heres a couple of pics if they work.


Posté Mon 11 Jul 16 @ 7:59 am
pungentPRO InfinityMember since 2011
The asio panel is very limited and definately no option for two soundcards.

Heres a couple of pics if they work.


Posté Mon 11 Jul 16 @ 7:59 am
pungentPRO InfinityMember since 2011
Picture didn't work

Posté Mon 11 Jul 16 @ 8:01 am
pungentPRO InfinityMember since 2011
Stupidly enough I forgot about my back up laptop.

Plugged it in and worked perfect straight up.

Deck 1 USB audio device
Deck 2 Pioneer CDJ-400 (wasapi)

Two soundcards is highlighted and also pioneer cdj400 at the top.

This laptop has not got pioneers own drivers installed.

VDJ 8.1 build 2770.1092

Posté Mon 11 Jul 16 @ 8:09 am
pungentPRO InfinityMember since 2011
Ok think I have it sorted.

Removed Pioneer drivers and firmware from VDJ
and computer but still had the same issue.

Remembered I had the DDJ-SR driver installed in the Serato folder so deleted it and removed from laptop.

Now seems to be working fine and allowing me to select my own Two soundcards......current working outputs.....

Deck 1 pioneer CDJ Asio (asio)
Deck 2 3- USB Audio Device (WASAPI)

Thanks for all the help :) :)

Posté Mon 11 Jul 16 @ 8:44 am
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
The Pioneer ASIO for DDJ-SR could conflict with the CDJ400 ASIO (even though its probably unlikely) but still your Audio setup is not the "correct" one.
It should be both on WASAPI or both on ASIO.
Dont you get 2 Pioneer CDJ400 ASIO in the drop down menu of the sound cards ?
If you do, then it should be ..
Deck 1 ... 1st CDJ ASIO ... chans 1,1
Deck 2 ... 2nd CDJ ASIO ... chans 1,2

Posté Mon 11 Jul 16 @ 4:00 pm
pungentPRO InfinityMember since 2011
Tried again but went back to same issue before.

For some reason everytime I restart laptop it seems to give me different audio options.

Pioneer asio
USB audio

Channels never appear as you have written above.

Only 1,2 3,4 etc


Posté Fri 15 Jul 16 @ 7:01 am