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Sujet Pads to Keyboard
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
Discussion about Pads to Keyboard

The mapping offers the ability to control the Pads section of VirtualDJ from your keyboard.
Loops, Cues, Samples functions have been removed from the default mapping and the F Keys now control all of those functions, depending on the selected Pads page.
Use the TAB key to select Left or Right deck in order Pads actions to applied to the desired deck.

F1 to F8 : Pads 1 to 8
SHIFT+F1 to SHIFT+F8 : Pads Shift actions 1 to 8
F9 : previous Page
F10 : next Page
SHIFT+F9 : Hotcues Page
SHIFT+F10 : Toggles between Loop and Sampler Pages
F11 : Param1 -1
F12 : Param1 +1
SHIFT+F11 : Param2 -1
SHIFT+F12 : Param2 +1

ESCAPE : Set Focus to Search bar.

The rest of the Keys are assigned like the factory default mapping.

Posté Sat 23 Jul 16 @ 3:38 pm
Hey djdad, thanks for this nice piece of work.
1 question;
do you have to use the TAB key in shifted position, or is it possible that the pad pagecontrol would sort of follow the master deck automaticcaly unless I state otherwise?
btw. I'm asking the question before I've even tried it out, sorry.

Posté Sat 23 Jul 16 @ 4:19 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
If you prefer the F keys to trigger Pad actions to the deck that is playing out live (the MasterDeck), you can add deck active in front of every action.
E.g. instead of ..pad 1 , have ... deck active pad 1

But i dont find this much useful, meaning that in order to toggle Pads control between decks, you will need to manually change the MAsterDeck, so not advised.

Posté Sat 23 Jul 16 @ 11:26 pm
After playing with it a bit I tend to agree with you.
Thx for the good work.

Posté Sun 24 Jul 16 @ 10:13 am
I3entosControlleristMember since 2016
Hi there,

Is there any way to control which pads (left or right) each key controls?
e.g. when I press 1 to use pad1, I cant choose whether it is left pad or right


Posté Tue 25 Apr 17 @ 10:28 pm
djdad wrote :
If you prefer the F keys to trigger Pad actions to the deck that is playing out live (the MasterDeck), you can add deck active in front of every action.
E.g. instead of ..pad 1 , have ... deck active pad 1

But i dont find this much useful, meaning that in order to toggle Pads control between decks, you will need to manually change the MAsterDeck, so not advised.

so instead of adding deck active, add leftdeck or rightdeck i would imagine

Posté Tue 25 Apr 17 @ 10:37 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
Use the TAB key to select Left or Right deck in order Pads actions to applied to the desired deck.

Posté Wed 26 Apr 17 @ 3:35 am
I3entosControlleristMember since 2016
Thanks for the help!

Posté Wed 26 Apr 17 @ 12:51 pm
Hey, can someone please tell me how to activate my keyboard?? Thanks !

Posté Thu 21 May 20 @ 5:20 am
Hey guys can u help me to became a dj plz...

Posté Thu 16 Jul 20 @ 10:26 pm
user21566038 wrote :
Hey guys can u help me to became a dj plz...

Start with the tutorials right inside the software ;-)
Open the software settings, and lots of tutorial videos to get you started on learning

Posté Fri 17 Jul 20 @ 12:00 am
Does this no longer work in 2021. I installed it, then switched to use it. and VDJ just deletes the xml file from the pads folder, and switches back to the default keyboard map.



Posté Wed 17 Mar 21 @ 12:05 am
Yes, it still works - I just tested it in latest version

Posté Wed 17 Mar 21 @ 5:30 am
NicotuxHome userMember since 2014
Still work... but never be from "Pads" folder
Its a map and as such stays in "Mappers" folder
and select it in settings => Mapping
choose keyboard and select it in Mapping

Posté Wed 17 Mar 21 @ 6:14 am
I meant the mappers folder, it was late here last night lol.

ok. tried again, not deleting now, no idea what happened there.
does it need a particular skin to work?

Posté Wed 17 Mar 21 @ 3:02 pm
NicotuxHome userMember since 2014
No special skin, it only need to be selected as the keyboard map, top right combo in mappings

Posté Wed 17 Mar 21 @ 3:20 pm
ok. sorted now.

thansk for your help;

Posté Wed 17 Mar 21 @ 4:19 pm