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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Sujet Relocate Missing File with Online Music

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davidHome userMember since 2019
I have a bunch of playlists that i kept on a USB, i imported them in via pasting the M3u files into Virtual DJ\playlists folder.
There is a bunch of music that i no longer possess, is there anyway to "relocate missing file" with the music in the online music selection?
I do not see any easy way for music to be lined up or even referenced?
thank you for your help in advance.


Posté Sat 09 Feb 19 @ 3:23 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
Loading a missing file to deck will try to match it with the online subscriptions you have automatically.
Alternatively, for iDJpool you can search the file manually, cache it, and then use relocate to link the playlist entry to the cached entry.

Posté Sat 09 Feb 19 @ 3:28 am
davidHome userMember since 2019
ok i will give that a try, :)

Posté Sat 09 Feb 19 @ 4:21 pm

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