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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Sujet VDJ Key

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grennoPRO InfinityMember since 2012
Can anyone explain why certain keys default to different keys within VDJ?

For example, I have a tune in G#Major and so I assign it G# or 4B within VDJ, within explorer and/or within mixed in key, however it always reverts to G#m or 1A within VDJ.

Am I missing something?

Posté Thu 07 Mar 19 @ 2:57 am

Change them according to your needs (I think in your case you only need to change the first one)

Posté Thu 07 Mar 19 @ 8:10 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
I think it's keyDetection, electronic seems to not allow files to be tagged as major keys.

Posté Thu 07 Mar 19 @ 8:32 am
grennoPRO InfinityMember since 2012
That's the one, key detection! Cheers!

Posté Sat 09 Mar 19 @ 7:04 pm

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