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Forum: General Discussion

Sujet Pad indication

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Colleagues, could you tell me please. What commands are responsible for the indication (on/off) well, that is, I prescribed a command for the button on the controller, but after disabling the action, it continues to burn, and I need it to burn only during the operation of the command. Traktor x1 controller, FX1 button.
Wrote LED_OFF did not help


Posté Sun 17 Mar 19 @ 7:03 pm
It usually simply validates the same script that is used to do the command

So if you do for instance:
Effect_active 'echo'
That will both work as an on/off toggle for the effect and control the "light" on the pad/button
That also means that if you do something like:
Effect_select 'echo' & effect_active 'echo'
You will both select the echo effect in the current effect slot, and handle the on/off toggle - but since the first part continues to be true/correct even with the effect off, the "light" will continue to be on
In this case you can add a second "&" to have both parts queried/validated:
Effect_select 'echo' && effect_active 'echo'
Then both parts have to be true for the "light" to be on - so the on/off toggle of the effect will then also handle the "light"

Posté Sun 17 Mar 19 @ 7:54 pm

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