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Sujet VDJ Wont Open

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Just downloaded the newest beta build and now VDJ won't open on my MacBook.

I removed the settings xml and it opened but now I have to redo everything, can some look at my settings XML and find the error please??

Posté Sat 28 Mar 20 @ 6:11 pm

Probably the skin. Try remove the skin part, if you are using some custom skin, or rename that skin's zip file.
Other alternative is some 3rd party plugins..

Posté Sat 28 Mar 20 @ 6:13 pm
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<sideViewShortcutsHidden />
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<autoCue>cue/skip silence</autoCue>
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<controller name="S3700" deck="left" />
<controller name="S3700" deck="right" />
<controller name="DJM900SRT" mapper="Pioneer DJM-900SRT - Custom Mapping" />
<controller name="KEYBOARD" mapper="KEYBOARD - Custom Mapping (1)" />
<controller name="APCMINI" mapper="ignore" />
<controller name="DJ2GO" />
<controller name="DJ2GO" mapper="ignore" />
<controller name="DJM850" mapper="Pioneer DJM-850 - Custom Mapping" />
<controller name="DDJSP1" mapper="Pioneer DDJ-SP1 - Custom Mapping" />
<controller name="DJMT1" mapper="Pioneer DJM-T1 - custom mapping" />
<controller name="DJMT1" mapper="Pioneer DJM-T1 - custom mapping" />
<controller name="DDJRX" />
<controller name="DDJSR" />
<controllersNotification>S3700, DJM900SRT, DJ2GO, DDJSP1, APCMINI, DJM850, DDJSR, DJMT1, DDJSZ, DDJRX</controllersNotification>
<djcButtons />
<controllerState />
<controllerMenu />
<iRemoteList />
<vdjRemoteDevices>iPhone|E742, Hubert&apos;s iPad|73EA</vdjRemoteDevices>
<os2lDirectIp />
<samplerBank>new bank (1)</samplerBank>
<samplerRootFolder />
<samplerShowEffects>Automatic (no)</samplerShowEffects>
<recordFile>/Users/soundinsurgent/Desktop/Trapped in My BASS ment (T.S.I. Mix).mp4</recordFile>
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<broadcastVideoKey>, 3jb2-0zrq-ma0z-f0ch</broadcastVideoKey>
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<internetProxyPort />
<internetProxyUsername />
<internetProxyPassword />
<usageStats>Controller: DDJSP1, Controller: DJMT1, Controller: S3700</usageStats>
<xiamiLogin />
<deezerAccessCode />
<grooveMusicRefreshToken />
<soundcloudAccessCode />
<soundcloudRefreshCode />
<sampleRate>Automatic (48000)</sampleRate>
<maxPreloadLength>Automatic (33)</maxPreloadLength>
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<timecodeType>Serato CD,Serato CD</timecodeType>
<timecodeCalibrationVolume>0.117951, 0.118486, 1.000000, 0.046601</timecodeCalibrationVolume>

Heres the XML

Posté Sat 28 Mar 20 @ 6:17 pm

This is crap!! Now it’ll open one time then crash after that!! So every time I have to delete the settings XML!!


Posté Sat 28 Mar 20 @ 6:34 pm

Try rename the skin file you use..
And if thats not it, try rename any 3rd party plugin you know is on...

(alternatively remove same from setting.xml)

Posté Sat 28 Mar 20 @ 6:49 pm
I have removed all 3rd party skins and plugins!!

Yet VDJ will open, and if I close it won’t open back up unless I remove the settings XML yet again.

So basically I have to open VDJ, redo all my settings, play for 5 minutes, close VDJ, try to open it back up, it won’t open, so I remove the new settings XML and repeat the process all over again......


Posté Sat 28 Mar 20 @ 6:53 pm
So does it reopen after closing if you don't redo your settings? i.e. one of your settings is causing it.

If so, what settings are you redoing?

Posté Sat 28 Mar 20 @ 7:23 pm
I deleted every settings XML I could find and now it’s working......but........ I have to go back and redo all my shortcuts and everything else.

Then on top of that VDJ is telling me one of my drives is now corrupted which means I’ll have to fully rescan all the music that’s on there!!

I swear if I didn’t realize the power of VDJ I’d just quit using it because having to rescan my library every couple months is shit!! It messes up all my playlists, all my virtual folders and it’s Just so damn time consuming!!

Posté Sat 28 Mar 20 @ 10:01 pm
Maybe some sort of Mac quirky thing. I'm still using the same database I originally created in 2008 and never had it crap out. Same with the settings.xml

Posté Sat 28 Mar 20 @ 11:46 pm
Nope every couple months I’ll get the old “the database on X drive is corrupted would you like to fix it now” message.

I quit posting about it a couple years ago now. No one would ever answer me soo just gave up 🤷🏾‍♂️

Posté Sun 29 Mar 20 @ 12:55 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
you should send me a message, I can usual unfudge a fudged database.

Posté Sun 29 Mar 20 @ 1:06 am
hello my name is Mia and i just got vitureldj and first i paid for the audio and then n ow i paid for liecence keeps telling me connection failed can yo u help me out if i send you pics of what i see

Posté Sun 29 Mar 20 @ 1:43 am
Running Mac VDJ 2020 new downloaded version won't open, any helpful suggestions ?

Posté Sun 29 Mar 20 @ 4:18 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006

Posté Sun 29 Mar 20 @ 8:32 am
My library is still scanning so I haven’t updated yet, probably be done scanning tomorrow which I will then try the update...

Posté Mon 30 Mar 20 @ 7:44 pm

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