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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Sujet VDJ upgrade to 23, 2022 db erased and old one in place????
I upgraded, following the onscreen instructions from the latest version to 2023.
WIN10 operating system. All things worked prior to upgrade this Friday 12/09. New 2023 install works too BUT the database.xml file is a really old one. Why would VDJ2023 install erase my most recent one? OR... am I doing something wrong?

Posté Sun 11 Dec 22 @ 9:17 pm
have you tried a good old fashioned reboot

Posté Mon 12 Dec 22 @ 2:17 am
I've rebooted, it is the same old database from 2018ish.

Posté Mon 12 Dec 22 @ 7:10 pm