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Sujet: Column size quick adjustments
Dear Community,

I would like to know if there is any "jedi" tips to quickly adjust column size in VDJ.

Indeed i'm mixing different kinds of music and depending on that, i sometimes need more information.

each time i add column manually by right click and it's time consuming.
It is also super time consuming when trying to resize one column in particular because for exemple if i want to make the song title field bigger, it will reduce the size of the artist name....

Is it a way when making a coumn bigger to "push" the other columns ?
is it a posisbility to have a memory with different prests of columns arrangment ?

Thanks for your help, and i hope it is clear ^^


Posté Sat 11 Mar 23 @ 10:02 am
Yes, bit of an annoying issue... say you decide to add the track column.

It adds it but is quite "big" and makes other columns smaller. When you make the track column smaller you need to manually readjust all the others, this is extremely annoying. Cause then the key column becomes to big, so then you need adjust the key column but the time column becomes to big, so you adjust the time column, then the year columns to big and so and so on...

In all other softwares resizing one column "moves" the others instead adjusting the size of the adjacent column.


It would be nice having the option of “standard” column resize behavior.



What would be useful if you could hold down the SHIFT key whilst you drag the right hand of the column you wish to adjust and then VDJ would adjust (push/pull) all the columns to the right automatically to reduce/increase the width allocated per column at the same ratio


Although I really like VDJ i'm still surprised that a couple of things haven been implemented so awkward.

Like for example if you want to add more search fields to the search option. Every time when you add a field the drop-down list closes and you have to open it again to add another field.

i suggested the possibility to lock the columns size and also add the ability to save and switch between different columns layout configuration, this could be great to the user experience.

I totally aggree with the above suggested improvements. The columns selection and resiziging really do annoy me!

+1 especially
different saved layouts &
ability to change the resize behaviour by holding a SHIFT or CTRL key

I've been hoping for this for a very long time.


Devs may have their preferences, yeah fair enough, but it would be really nice to at least have the option to resize columns the same way you can with pretty much every other program. I can't see the reason why VDJ would want to be different in this aspect. In the below example, something that takes 10 seconds anywhere else, takes around a minute 10 in VDJ.

This is at least partly part of VDJ2024
Each list can have each own colums and sorting

klausmogensen wrote :
This is at least partly part of VDJ2024
Each list can have each own colums and sorting
Not really. the only difference in VDJ2024 is that lists with "keep order" have a different set of columns than lists without, but that's only 2 sets saved.

But yes, we'll working something out about columns in a future build soon. probably an option to save and recall named columns sets might make the most sense. (and lock a list to one set)


I made this post awhile back on this issue.

Serato does the file browsing section perfectly. Every time you have to add a new column in VDJ, you have to jump through a bunch of hoops because according to the devs, the bpm field is easier to read. Meanwhile, every other field is misaligned and space gapped. It makes no sense honestly especially when you are live at a gig and need to fish around for tracks in folders that haven't been setup. VDJ is way more powerful then serato, that's why I use it now. But on the GUI, it still lacking. Serato nailed this interface issue back with scratchlive circe 2008 ircc. I don't get why devs just don't fix the column issue.

Open up serato and you will see, they figured this out already. Columns flushed to the left make for best readability and remove the dumb spacing gap problem, bpm alignment is a small issue compared to all others. Worst case they could add an invisible zero to get to bpm to flush right


I for one prefer the way VirtualDJ presents the numbers in the browser for the reason that @PhantomDeejay proposed in the original post - it's easier for me to compare BPMs, especially if going to halftime BPM in a mix (I can more immediately tell the difference between a half time BPM song and a double time BPM just by looking, and without having to sort the column, which is what I ended up doing in Serato (or paying more attention to the number)).

The scrollbar thing is interesting though (with more columns there is more of a fight for space and things become harder to read in my experience).
I agree with somehow improving that + the resizing concerns voiced here.