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Sujet Sidelist "Reset sort order" not working as expected
"Reset sort order" not working as expected on the Sidelist (and Automix).

Manual changes to the Sidelist (and Automix) are not saved (unless one restarts VDJ)

NOTE: save_config also does NOT save the manual ordering changes.

If one drags say the 3rd track to the top of the list.. then clicks on Reset sort order then the track returns to the 3rd position, in the list.

If one restarts VDJ then the track remains at the top of list and not returned to the 3rd position, with a subsequent click of "Reset sort order".

and also unexpected.. is that the "Reset sort order" menu option always appears, in the menus for Sidelist (and Automix), which is different behavior from a main browser virtual folder, where the "Reset sort order" menu option only appears when the ordering, could be reset, (ie not the saved ordering).
Note: A manual change of a track in a virtual folder in the main browser, does NOT trigger the appearance of the "Reset sort order" menu option. (assuming since this is the new saved ordering)

"Sort Ordering" all works as expected in the main browser.

"Reset sort order" in Sidelist (and Automix) always returns to the ordering that existed at the last close of VDJ. (no way to make a manual change in ordering, (as one can do in the main browser).

Can this be reproduced, or is it my install only?

win 10

Posté Tue 25 Jul 23 @ 3:20 am
Sidelist and Automix are special lists.
When you shut down VirtualDJ these lists are saved automatically, and then reloaded from disc when you start it.
That's why their sort order behave like this.
Because the saved order was saved when you closed the program.

Also automix and sidelist are special in the way that they can host a "copy" of an actual playlist.
Perhaps the "reset sort order" can be tweaked to appear only on some ocassions, but still it's their special nature that causes this confusion to you.

PS: For Virtual folders on the main browser window:
If the list is shown in original sort order and you drag things around, then it automatically gets saved with the new order.
If the list is not shown with the original order, then dragging things around does not alter the original sort order, and "reset sort order" should appear and work as expected.
Finally if you have the "Order" column visible it becomes easier to both sort in original order, and also understand what's happening, since all changes get reflected there.

Posté Tue 25 Jul 23 @ 9:51 am
Thank you Phantom for the excellent explanation.

If I understand, you mention the Sidelist (and Automix) behave differently, then the main browser, in that they do not allow for "manual reordering" saving (without a VDJ restart). Is this correct ?

PhantomDeejay wrote :
Finally if you have the "Order" column visible it becomes easier to both sort in original order, and also understand what's happening, since all changes get reflected there.

If I add the "Order" column to the Sidelist (using the previous example) and drag the 3rd track to the top of the list, the track 3 when at top of list gets an Order numbering of 1.

And even though this track has an "Order" of 1 if one clicks the "Reset sort order", the track returns to the 3rd position with its original "Order" 3.

How does the "Order" column in this case show what may be happening?

Usually the "Order" number only changes when there is a save.
(which is NOT the case here, since the ordering is NOT saved)

NOTE: this is much different then say, re-sorting the Sidelist, by say, Artist, then the "Order" numbers are indeed shuffled (not renumbered) and clicking the "Reset sort order" reorders the "Order" column.

NOTE 2: The other Unexpected behavior in the Sidelist (and Autolist) is that the "Reset sort order" menu option disappears when ADDING or REMOVING a track. Once the the usually, always present, "Reset sort order" option, has disappeared .. a restart of VDJ is needed to get the "Reset sort order" to re-appear.

Even after a subsequent, resorting by Artist, (or any column) the "Reset sort order" menu option is NOT there.

And after the VDJ restart, (to get the "Reset sort order" menu option), the wrong resorted order has been saved, and the "Reset sort order" does not recover the ordering one initially wanted.
Its back to trying to remember the order and dragging each track, then restarting VDJ to save the order

So does one need to remember to restart VDJ if removing or adding a track to the Sidelist, if one wishes to have the order saved.?

Mini Summary:
Manual moving tracks in the Sidelist does indeed change the tracks "Order" number, but a "Reset sort order" returns the manually moved tracks to their original positions and renumbers their "Order" number.

Upon a fresh restart of VDJ, the "Reset sort order" menu option is ALWAYS there, until one either adds or removes a track, then the "Reset sort order" menu option, will NEVER appear, even after re-sorting by column, (until a new VDJ restart, which is too late to recover your wanted ordering)

WORKAROUND: re-sort tracks by the "Order" column
(ie: forget about using the, "Reset sort order" sometimes available, menu option, which may not work as expected if there).
UPDATE: I guess that was what you were saying .. didn't realize till I re-read.

Happy to know it is not an issue on just my VDJ install :) No additional troubleshooting needed. Yay....

Reporting the above behavior .. with the hope that there may be a tweak, that could eliminate the need for workarounds. (and with more intuitive behavior)

Love VDJ . VDJ is head and shoulders above all other DJ software ...!

And again thank you Phantom for everything !


Posté Tue 25 Jul 23 @ 12:42 pm