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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Sujet Extended OS2L parameters in VirtualDJ
02JanDalPRO SubscriberMember since 2019
I'm attempting to write my own lighting control synced to VirtualDJ. While taking a quite different path, it will fundamentally be quite similar to SoundSwitch, and, crucially for this question, require the same information (current songs playing, state of faders, etc.).

This is information that SoundSwitch today can receive from VirtualDJ. Looking at the communication between the two using Wireshark, it seems like they are using the OS2L protocol, but with some additions - the lighting control can send an
{"evt": "subscribe", "trigger": ["...some VDJScript here..."]}
which then, when the value of the given VDJScript changes, receives an
{"evt": "subscribed", "trigger": "..."}
from VirtualDJ.

Sadly, I haven't gotten further than that and have been unable to replicate the same in custom code, despite the messages being seemingly identical to what SoundSwitch sends. So I'd like to know if there is any sort of documentation about these additions to the OS2L protocol (even if it's just a few scribbled notes) and how to use them.

I've asked this question from your support however they just redirected me to ask this question here on the forum, so I hope that this'll get me an answer!

Posté Sat 09 Nov 24 @ 8:17 pm
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
Should indeed work like that, what did you send exactly? (perhaps the vdj script you tried has a bug?)

Posté Sun 10 Nov 24 @ 3:55 am