xeon wrote :
I really don't see the reason for changing to mac because of stability, but because of viruses at first hand.
THERE is the relevance to this thread, Bagpuss and Andrew87.
xeon wrote :
I am going to use mac because of quality of computer itself too and because of easy-to-use operation system, specially with new version of MacOS comming out at the end of this year (yes, before Vista) :)
Yup. Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard is going to STOMP all over vista... actually 10.4 Tiger already does, and vista is just trying to catch up to what Mac OS has already had for years.
I'm loading Vista Beta 2 on my MacBook tomorrow and going to load VDJ to test it. I'll test it throughout the week and re-install XP by the weekend before my gigs. I already don't trust "finalized" versions of microsoft stuff, gawd forbid a beta. =P
Unless anyone can tell me if VDJ 4 for Mac will be out by then so I can dump windows altogether... anyone? =)
Posté Tue 13 Jun 06 @ 3:15 pm
How about stopping with all the Microsoft bashing and Apple bumlicking, make your own thread for people to comment in, remove Windows altogether and use Ableton like every other Mac user. Ok, so I wasn't being serious in the last bit, but seriously, start your own thread and let people come to it, you're like one of those people preaching religion coming in to someone elses home and telling us all how we should convert, we'll come to you if we want to.
Anyway about Nod32.
Anyway about Nod32.
Quote :
NOD32 has the best detection in the industry, and protects against 95% more new and evolving threats than McAfee, Symantec and Trend Micro (AV-Comparatives.org).
Posté Tue 13 Jun 06 @ 3:23 pm
Andrew87 wrote :
Taking the post back on topic...
These are the three best AV programs, forget about Nortan and McAfee. I recommend Nod32.
These are the three best AV programs, forget about Nortan and McAfee. I recommend Nod32.
I've heard really good things from other techs about "Platinum 2006 Internet Security" by Panda Software.
Posté Tue 13 Jun 06 @ 3:24 pm
NOD32's detection is quite a lot higher than that of Panda's.
Click on comparatives on the left (not allowed to link to the test results apparently).
Click on comparatives on the left (not allowed to link to the test results apparently).
Posté Tue 13 Jun 06 @ 3:28 pm
Andrew87 wrote :
...remove Windows altogether and use Ableton like every other Mac user.
What world are you living in? I'm surrounded by turntablists using mostly SSL and some Final Scratch 2. I"ve been spinning wax since '87.
That's why I'm gonna upgrade to VDJ Pro. TCV's.
Andrew87 wrote :
you're like one of those people preaching religion coming in to someone elses home and telling us all how we should convert...
Give yourself to Apple, Andrew87.
Do not let your soul be cast to the realms of microsoft. =P
Andrew87 wrote :
we'll come to you if we want to.
Do you want to yet?
Maybe later?
Have you heard the word on Platinum Security by Panda Software?
Posté Tue 13 Jun 06 @ 3:35 pm
Andrew87 wrote :
NOD32's detection is quite a lot higher than that of Panda's.
Click on comparatives on the left (not allowed to link to the test results apparently).
Click on comparatives on the left (not allowed to link to the test results apparently).
Hmmm... interesting.
I'll show that to the techs at work today.
Thanks for the link Andrew87...
How 'bout now? =)
Posté Tue 13 Jun 06 @ 3:37 pm
vista should fix alot of previous bugs and looks nice , although it is a ram Eater you need 512K ram just for the os , then extra ram to run programs
Posté Thu 15 Jun 06 @ 10:00 am
skyfxl wrote :
vista should fix alot of previous bugs and looks nice , although it is a ram Eater you need 512K ram just for the os , then extra ram to run programs
Wow. Only 512k of ram... half a megabyte?!!!;)
Posté Thu 15 Jun 06 @ 2:30 pm
All of you are sick, I just wanted to know which anti virus is good. Now stop this war this instance, you infidels. Go take a shower or something.
Posté Thu 15 Jun 06 @ 4:37 pm
lol :)))))
Do not use any anti virus software on your mixing computer and everything will work well. Never connect your computer to internet and that's it!
I use Panda on desktop btw :)
Do not use any anti virus software on your mixing computer and everything will work well. Never connect your computer to internet and that's it!
I use Panda on desktop btw :)
Posté Thu 15 Jun 06 @ 4:42 pm
Mantahoe wrote :
All of you are sick, I just wanted to know which anti virus is good. Now stop this war this instance, you infidels. Go take a shower or something.
LOL!!! I almost pissed my pants when I saw this!!!
I had been told that Panda was really good, and as xeon just posted, he uses it as well.
However my best Mac buddy Andrew87 provided a good link to a comparison chart which shows that NOD32 seems to be better. Check out that chart at www.av-comparatives.org.
What xeon says is true though, just never go online with a windows box and you won't need any anti-virus software.
If you do want to go online though and don't want to worry about all that stuff... Get a Mac. http://www.apple.com/getamac/
Posté Fri 16 Jun 06 @ 10:28 am
So what's the final point (although off-topic) ? no viruses (or fewer) for a mac ?
It's safe to connect a mac to the internet without antivirus ?
It's safe to connect a mac to the internet without antivirus ?
Posté Fri 16 Jun 06 @ 8:58 pm
apopsis wrote :
It's safe to connect a mac to the internet without antivirus ?
99,8 % safe :)
I've never used any antivirus software for mac.
Posté Fri 16 Jun 06 @ 9:05 pm
apopsis wrote :
So what's the final point (although off-topic) ? no viruses (or fewer) for a mac ?
It's safe to connect a mac to the internet without antivirus ?
It's safe to connect a mac to the internet without antivirus ?
xeon wrote :
99,8 % safe :)
I've never used any antivirus software for mac.
I've never used any antivirus software for mac.
I would NEVER tell ANYONE to NOT have anti-malware on ANY computer, especially one that is gonna be used online. The only thing everyone can be sure about is that you WILL get infected if you don't take preventitive measures, regardless of OS and/or platform.
That said, when [not if] Mac OS gets a serious malware attack, we'll still be WAAAAAAY better than windows [114,000 known viruses for windows vs. 0 for Mac in 2005]. Even if we got 1,000 viruses and windows didn't get any more than they did last year, we would still be 113 times safer than windows.
16 years of working on Macs and windows computers, and I've NEVER had any of my Mac OS's compromised.
Posté Sat 17 Jun 06 @ 5:12 am
Hey Guys, it's me again. I was checking out reviews on pcmag.com and they say that the Shield Pro 2006 is the best anti virus software. They don't even mention Nod32. What do you think? I mean I tried the trial version of Nod 32 and I like it, it's not bad. http://www.google.com/url?sa=L&ai=BxdAK7riYROrGArH0abiruZoIvdX3BuHopZcBlKP2BIDMOhADGAMgh-r9ASgDMABIpDlQ_Ou31wKYAcGPBqoBB3BjbWFnLTHIAQGVAjsCGgo&num=3&q=http://antivirus-software.6StarReviews.com/%3FRefer%3DGoog%26Keyword%3Dantivirus%2520software
Posté Wed 21 Jun 06 @ 5:18 am
I would just say NOD 32!
It is stupid to say "oh this anti virus software detects 97% of viruses, and this 94%, so I will use this with 97%", i used mcaffee, kaspersky and norton anti virus and now NOD 32. Hmm, difference: scanning: same, protection: almost same, how much ram and CPU are drained by them, MUCH exept NOD 32. I forget it, like it doesn't exist, it uses so low resources and cpu and ram, like it doesn't exist, you could run 9000 instances of it and run VDJ without problems :))))))) lol, it is not like kaspersky, when you install caspersky, say goodbye to your cpu and ram :)
It is stupid to say "oh this anti virus software detects 97% of viruses, and this 94%, so I will use this with 97%", i used mcaffee, kaspersky and norton anti virus and now NOD 32. Hmm, difference: scanning: same, protection: almost same, how much ram and CPU are drained by them, MUCH exept NOD 32. I forget it, like it doesn't exist, it uses so low resources and cpu and ram, like it doesn't exist, you could run 9000 instances of it and run VDJ without problems :))))))) lol, it is not like kaspersky, when you install caspersky, say goodbye to your cpu and ram :)
Posté Wed 21 Jun 06 @ 7:23 am
The best is the last Kaspersky
Posté Wed 21 Jun 06 @ 1:53 pm
@Nod32 users, do you use Windows FireWall? I used to use McAfee and it came with Firewall Plus, So I was just wondering.
Posté Thu 22 Jun 06 @ 1:09 am
I use Sygate because I can block programs from calling home should I decide to naughily evaluate something :|
Hehe just kidding. I used to use ZoneAlarm but had a major issue with it one day so I switched to Sygate and haven't looked back since. Unfortunately they don't provide it anymore since Symantec bought out the company.
Hehe just kidding. I used to use ZoneAlarm but had a major issue with it one day so I switched to Sygate and haven't looked back since. Unfortunately they don't provide it anymore since Symantec bought out the company.
Posté Thu 22 Jun 06 @ 1:19 am