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Sujet iTunes integration and a assignable BPM tap shortcut

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I don't even use the browser in VDJ anymore. I always have iTunes open and drag my song straight from iTunes. But full integration of the iTunes library would make VDJ excellent.

We should have an option for a BPM tap button, right now there assignable shortcut for that, it would be much easier if I could for instance assign my spacebar to "BPM Tap" and as soon as I start tapping I am adjusting the BPM entry of the song.

Posté Wed 15 Nov 06 @ 11:08 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
hi itunes forbids

the use of its files in other aplications so this is impossible sorry

Posté Wed 15 Nov 06 @ 11:31 pm
Hey Sky, wouldn't I tunes make more money if they allowed softwares to use their file format?? I too would probably use them more if they did.

Posté Thu 16 Nov 06 @ 5:31 am
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
they officaly do it so you cannot steal songs from there store

but the truth of the matter is that they want you to use their player and see the adverts on their pages

Posté Thu 16 Nov 06 @ 11:53 am
Dj XeoPRO InfinityMember since 2005
Quote : would be much easier if I could for instance assign my spacebar to "BPM Tap" and as soon as I start tapping I am adjusting the BPM entry of the song.

been there, asked for that

a BPM tap with 'lock on' would eb amazing for this program. essentialy this program is prety much just a basic CD player without an accurate BPM and lets face it, its not allways perfect at getting it by itself. the bpm tap feature as is (although its hidden away in a menu somewhere) a good stop gap to get some things to work but if the approx tapping of 8 or 16 beats awas used to lock onto the actual BPM then that would be amazing.

this is how i see it working..............if the BPM isnt accurate for the song you ahve loaded. you hold down the space bar to activate 'BPM lock-on' mode and tap to the beat (maybe starting on a down beat to let VDJ understand that too) you tap for 4 beats or 8 beats or something (or maybe until a somes on saying 'BPM locked-on' etc).

this wold make things so much better than having to go into the little BPM menu and mess with anchors and all this other hassle, a BPM tap is going to be able to tell VDJ the beat grid of a song to within a couple of BPM. if VDJ could work this in that would be out of this world in terms of new ground

Posté Wed 22 Nov 06 @ 2:00 am

I don't need the iTunes interface in VirtualDj, just use of the same dB and playlist's . Serato Scratch already does this without issue, so it is not "forbid" by Apple. It's just a different XML file than we are using now, it just needs to be parsed differently inorder for it to work.

Posté Wed 22 Nov 06 @ 3:55 am
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
if you buy pro its imported on a fresh installation

hower you cannot play any files in the itunes datbase from the apple store or ripped in itunes

Posté Wed 22 Nov 06 @ 10:55 am
Its only imported on the first install I want to be able to manage the files in iTunes exactly how Serato does it. iTunes is perfect for managing files. Download Serato and iTunes and see what I am talking about, the file management in Virtual Dj is crappy if not subopar, having this change would push it over the top. As ONE of the key thing about any good DJ is only as good as him/her finding his songs at the right time.

I think Serato's integration couldn't be perfectly and very fast.....

Posté Thu 23 Nov 06 @ 5:08 am
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
its better if u buy pro;)

but i think your idea for improvements is good

Posté Thu 23 Nov 06 @ 10:36 am
Better browser features are a must. Need to be able to search and sort on Name, Artist, Album, BPM, Genre. Also need to be able to import iTunes playlists at any time (non-protected files), not just on fresh install.

Posté Sat 02 Dec 06 @ 9:12 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
this is a good idea

i have recommended the idea for consideration

Posté Sat 02 Dec 06 @ 10:34 pm
pjpeteHome userMember since 2006
Virutal DJ DOES recognize and play m4p format (itunes purchased files), but it doesn't read the XML file to parse out the file names, or categorize them, etc.

I don't think anyone here, including myself is asking for the itunes store to be intergrated - just for Virutal DJ to be able to read and categorize purchased songs accordingly. It's really just a matter of parsing out the local XML file.

SO - if that could be done, I think you would make MANY of us very happy!



Posté Mon 04 Dec 06 @ 10:16 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
i have requested importing itunes playlists at any time as a new feature , so it will be considered

Posté Mon 04 Dec 06 @ 10:23 pm
Good god, I hope so. No offense to napster, but I perfer to own my music files.

Posté Tue 05 Dec 06 @ 2:04 am

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