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Sujet mixer out config with headphones... How to do it?

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Hey guys, I'm coming out of an echo indigo dj card with left player and right player.. I'm going into a standard mixing board with no headphone cue... how do I use my onboard sound card as headphone cue while still having two seperate outputs to the mixer? You used to be able to do it in 3.4, but I haven't figured it out in 4.1




Posté Thu 07 Dec 06 @ 12:43 am
anyone? anyone?

Posté Thu 07 Dec 06 @ 1:53 am
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
thats a pci card one isnt it

try a 4.1 or 7.1 soundsettup and asign the channels you wish to the outputs available for your card

Posté Thu 07 Dec 06 @ 12:09 pm

first off, when the software was being written, they did not allow enough space in the dropdown boxes under the sound card config menu. you can not read the third set of outputs, so I have no idea how I am configuring the card.. this should probably be fixed...

but secondly, It just is not working... does anyone else have a solution?


Posté Thu 07 Dec 06 @ 7:03 pm
P.S. 4.1 does not allow you to choose your seperate outputs... it just gives you two or three options. it does not work like 3.4 where you had complete control.

Posté Thu 07 Dec 06 @ 7:04 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
could you post a screen shot for us mate?

Posté Thu 07 Dec 06 @ 7:17 pm

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