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Sujet -READ IT- Display waveform and few other info to Video-out

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VoltronPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Developers, this post is not so short, but read all and think a little before to send me somewhere :-)

As tcv user, i wish to put computer far from console (for example behind or somewhere) and use it \"only\" for select and drag songs into decks.
At the same time i need to see the waveform and few other info in a \"LITTLE\" custom lcd display placed near the mixer(connected by video-out cable). I think it\'s possible, it doesn\'t cost so much time for implementation and with an xml file u can easily give us opportunity to choose which elements show in video-out (i.e. display-size settings ,colours, in vdj skin)

But now i tell u why \"i think\" computer and waveform should be separated.

1) In lot of places using computers instead cdjs or turntables is not considerated \"professional\" (although lot of cdj use microcontrollers or embedded platforms and can crash too although with less probability). When they look the results they will change idea

2) Best technology is made by one-touch functions (look about the success of ipod) and hidden components.

3) From the Dancer\'s point-of-way, looking a dj behind a big monitor is worst than look him entirely.
Look this picture and u can have a good idea about what i mean

4) Sometimes we run with technology forgetting good things of the past. Remember for example the cult of choosing vinils from flycases. Dj used to move from the console for take vinyls givin a people possibility to think \"Which song he will spin now???\"

5) This solution save lot of space in ur monitor. U can have a 49\" monitor behind u, \"TOTALLY\" dedicated for browse ur songs (with a bigfont-based skin)



Posté Wed 13 Dec 06 @ 5:24 am
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
some interesting ideas thanks for sharing :)

Posté Wed 13 Dec 06 @ 10:11 am
ciocePRO InfinityMember since 2004
Maybe this is possible with a video plug-in, video-out of the video card connected to a little LCD display and it show the info of Voltron wants.
Now is possible to see only the song title of the active deck and I really not like this mode of display, I have a text beta plugin of DJcel and maybe some info are possible added.
DJCel what do you think? Is possible?

Posté Wed 13 Dec 06 @ 11:45 am
ciocePRO InfinityMember since 2004
New day, new idea to make my friend Voltron happy
All the video card with 2 output have the function "clone video" but the switch to the "second desktop" mode (setup for video mix) is not possible in real time without any video interruption, I think will be good a video plugin with this function and the possibility to zoom in a part of the skin with 4 slider, 2 for zoom x-y and other two for the position of the zoom area.
Any Dj who wants to use a second little LCD screen in console can zoom only the top part of the screen, like only waveform and song title.
Another DJ who want to show in a big screen to the people only the turtable of the skin, like TCV Scratch video plugin, can do it.
What do you think DJs?

Posté Thu 14 Dec 06 @ 9:10 am

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