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Forum: Wishes and new features

Sujet VDJ needs to play other file extensions such as .flv or .swf

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tatt22dPRO InfinityMember since 2006
Virtual Dj needs to expand it's file formats that it can play. Mpeg,mpg,wmv, vob are all great but are large and take lots of disk space. Later versions and upgrades should be enhanced to play .flv or .swf they are superior in quality at about 1/8 the size. To many people record and share the common types and many times they are of poor quality. Music sites like mtv, aol, & vh1 to name a few stream their videos in flash format, although easy to catch and record have to be converted to play on vdj and converting reduces the quality.

Posté Mon 15 Jan 07 @ 11:04 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
many flash files are ulta low quality mind you


Posté Mon 15 Jan 07 @ 11:10 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
welcome to virtual dj :)

Posté Mon 15 Jan 07 @ 11:10 pm
TexZKPRO InfinityMember since 2005
The ONLY format I really like for its compression/quality ratio is AAC+ v2.0.

Posté Tue 16 Jan 07 @ 10:34 pm
Get a bigger HDD, 500Gb usb drives only cost 89€ (95$) these days, besides, quality sound needs space. I play all my songs at DVD 320Kbps and have 2x500Gb usb HDD for them, but hohohoho what a sound.

Posté Wed 17 Jan 07 @ 4:12 pm

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