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Sujet Remixes

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Guys .. i have always wondered about this .. some Dj's create these awesome remixes by only including the chorus ... like ... YMCA .. i just love the chorus in the song ..the yyyyyyyyyyymca part lol .. and this Dj .. he made a remix which had a really nice tune and only that chorus part going over and over again ... i thought he would just record the chorus as a sample and keep playing that part while playing the beats ... i tried doing that but the song gave me a horrible effect .. coz when you run the sample the original music also starts playing and it feels like ur playing two different songs on winamp .. so can someone tell me how pro Dj's do that .. extract parts of the song and place it wherever you want ???

Posté Wed 24 Jan 07 @ 2:00 pm
sorry guys .. i posted this message again .. i forgot i had already asked this question :) .. sorry again

Posté Wed 24 Jan 07 @ 2:02 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
dont worry about it


Posté Wed 24 Jan 07 @ 2:43 pm

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