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please can someone tell me how to use the rip vinyl part of vdj. i get sound but i get an error message that says impossable to save, what am i doing wrong?

Posté Sat 27 Oct 07 @ 4:26 am
what version do you use

which soundcard?

i use vdj 5 and i use a maya44 (usb). i run the program on a sony vaio, 3ghz, 1g ram, 80g harddrive. the intergrated soundcard is a realtek (just a line out,mic in, and a headphone jack). i use a berringer vmx1000, 5 channel plus to mics. any help is greatly acepted. thank u


ok i downloaded it and installed it(i think), what do i do now? thanks for any help

try to record , see what happens

still says impossiable to save. also where do i put that lame plugin at.

skyfxl wrote :

download and extract this to the virtual dj program folder


and aslo to the virtual dj folder in my documents


ok i did that and i started to record, when i go to save it i get an error message "impossible to save". what am i doing wrong? thanks for ur help

now it should be fine :)

thanks alot for ur help, vdj is the best program out i love this s@#t. works like a charm!!

Moderated by Lady Cameron
Sorry beatbreaker1 no email address is allowed from a demo user

hope to see you with us soon as a pro user :)

to become a PRO USER what do i have to do? thanks for your time.


I am having issues as well.... I can rip the vynl to pc and save it with no issues. My problem is the quality.... Either it is too low or too loud. Too much bass or too much treb.... Cant seem to find a happy medium...

Any suggested settings????


adjust the gain and volume sliders acordingly until it sounds correct for your record

yes i to had this problem, just do what skyfx said and it will be just fine. it may take a couple of trys but it will sound good.

Ok i have it configured like SKYfx said, but when the program starts i get "Impossible to find LAME encoder DLL" I am using the 20 day trial, waiting for my real version to arrive. I have copied the LAME encoder dll to the same directory as the exe and that doesn't help either. What is it looking for? Do i need to down load a diffrent version of the LAME as mentioned further up in this thread?

hi all , thanks for all the info in this post , i followed all instructions but programe still tell me impossible to save. ? using 4,0

please try the latest official demo you will find it has better results.
