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Forum: General Discussion

Sujet: NEW MIXING VIDEO - VDJ+Ext. Mixer - Page: 3

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"goatus" - hehe

what a waste of time !!!

2 things:

1. I am NOT a goatus
2. Mail sended to e-service

My opinion is that this forum is great BUT... Damn, why you need to know who I am? I just want to talk about music, programs, mixing, all others stuff, but I want to stay private... Damn! Undestand me people. I have bought full version of VDJ, long ago... I also have Atomix full version, I am mixing music for long time, and answer to your question how do I get updates? I have my old registred profile. OK.

If you tell me that it is a big problem for you to talk to me after all then... sorry, I will not post anything more OK.


If you do clear things up you are welcome to post anytime.Try and understand our point also and anyways if you did puschase then you should feel the same way.

I know that your area of the world is very dodgy to say the least when it comes to piracy...

at a guess I would say you are selling virtual dj illegally on the streets and by not entering your serial number you can get away with it, or perhaps you gave a copy to some friends.

I know you've called yourself serbian dj, but where exactly are you living?, serbia or bosnia?.

I ask you because I have an apartment in Sarajevo.

Bagpuss...I doubt he'd tell you where he lives. This guy is TOO bent on privacy.

serbian_dj: “I am NOT a goatus”

Guess what? I’m not O Double, but I am Double O.


If you are Double O, then I must be O Double…. Furthermore, this illustrates how easy it is to manipulate your identity here!


b.t.w. This forum is becoming too whack!!

I agreed before and will agree again Double O

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