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ptr250PRO InfinityMember since 2008
Tonight I was playing my usual gig and four times VDJ froze. Twice I tried closing the program and relaunching. Both times it froze while I was loading deck b (a was playing). The third time I rebooted the computer (Vista takes forever to shut down & re-boot). I was able to play a couple songs before it froze up again. This time I shut down the program, unpluged the USB, plugged it in to another port and re-launched. This seemed to do the trick. I would rather this not happen again. Any suggestions?


Posté Thu 12 Mar 09 @ 11:31 pm
What spec is your system - what usb devices did you have plugged in??

Posté Fri 13 Mar 09 @ 5:36 am
ptr250PRO InfinityMember since 2008
Dell inspiron E1505 RMX

Posté Fri 13 Mar 09 @ 5:23 pm
AntzDjCUE userMember since 2007
I had this problem because my laptop is widescreen and the skins were automatically being stretched to fit, and putting stress on the whole system! It would all freeze as a track played etc etc. All sorts of problems. I just used a skin re-sizer and no problems anymore!

Posté Fri 13 Mar 09 @ 6:06 pm
ptr250 wrote :
Dell inspiron E1505 RMX

I would try some of the trouble shooting steps that include the "latency checker" in this forum. It sounds like you have conflicts in your laptop that that software can solve.

Posté Sat 14 Mar 09 @ 1:12 am
ptr250PRO InfinityMember since 2008
This problem is now getting to the critical stage! I did the latency test, all greens and yellows. I’m using a smaller skin. I must point out that I’ve been using this system, as is, for months and it has been rock solid. The computer I use is dedicated for DJ. I don’t surf the net with it, use it for email or any other normal computer use. I do download audio files from I Tunes and I have visited your website with it. The only new program is the latency checker which I down loaded after the problem started.

The only odd behavior I can remember is the night this problem started I mistakenly tried to load a song into a deck that was already playing. This has happened before, but I just hit no when the prompt asks and everything is fine. This time, by mistake, I hit yes. The song quit and the new one loaded. It seems ever since then the program freezes intermittently. Could I have corrupted my VDJ file? Is it possible to re-load the program and if so, how?

I need to have this problem resolved immediately Please help!


Posté Tue 17 Mar 09 @ 12:53 pm
DJAVIPPRO (OEM)Member since 2016
same problem here i triyed everithing latency, sound card, another and better pc it just freeze what version of vdj do you have ?

Posté Thu 19 Mar 09 @ 10:28 pm
me too.... no problem for months.... then BOOM crash and crash again... inspiron 1525... no real mods at all.... what the hell?

Posté Fri 20 Mar 09 @ 5:01 am
i have had similar, unexplained issues that seem to be related to USB traffic. you said you switched USB ports and things worked better that first night it happened. thats an important clue. do you know how to monitor your USB ports and the power they are drawing and bandwidth they are using?

have you plugged any other device into the USB port between gigs? like a micro storage device or camera or something? sometimes purging the USB ports device driver memory helps. do you know how?

Posté Fri 20 Mar 09 @ 9:53 am
this is not the case.... i changed USB hubs and it still does it... I dont get it... its worked fine for over half a year then this issue happens... always when im loading a track one will play then it will freeze and the song will keep playing but it just freezes then closes.... no updates to my pc at all

Posté Fri 20 Mar 09 @ 11:00 am
DJAVIPPRO (OEM)Member since 2016
1. i see that all of us here with the problem has DELL pc

2. i also worked with the vdj for three monthes with no problem AND THEN IT STARTED

3. i have a low latency, i cheked during a gig the max latency in the end was 648

then why it freeze ? someone had this problem and fix it ?

Posté Fri 20 Mar 09 @ 11:52 pm
AntzDjCUE userMember since 2007
Im on my fourth laptop, all different makes, and i've had this problem with all, (hence the change of laptops). I put it down to the software as no help or advice has been able to solve it. computers and vdj are unrelaible and you have no control over them if they want to throw a fit!
I've had no trouble since i got my dell xps a few months back, however since i got virtual vinyl last week, i now have problems! One of them being a glitch and system freeze when i load video to the empty/finnished deck, just like the problem this topic was started about. I use the latency checker, all greens and yellows too, until i load a vid and it goes to max on one bar as it glitches. I've tried all thats been suggested to me to no joy, and i've messed about with the settings no end.
It does seem people have a lot of trouble with virtual dj/cue, and mainly all the same problems, which is prob why people tried so hard to tell me not to bother with it, but i did'nt listen. At some point i've had most of the troubles listed in the help topics, and when i first got cue i hated using it, and never used it out, as it is so unreliable. Now im back to square one on my virtual vinyl with intermittant, unreliable, tempermental faults. And that bloody smiley face error message, that appears when you seem to need the software the most, and you have not touched your set up since you last used it with no problems! Strange, but common!.

Posté Sat 21 Mar 09 @ 2:28 am
i agree. i dont feel its a dell issue either. but whats weird is that on mine the problem is now consistent. over half a year with NO problems then BOOM!!! and I have no updates either on my laptop except for an upgrade from iTunes...

Posté Sat 21 Mar 09 @ 12:56 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
AntzDj wrote :
Im on my fourth laptop, all different makes, and i've had this problem with all, (hence the change of laptops). I put it down to the software as no help or advice has been able to solve it.

...and yet so many of us are using without issues.

AntzDj wrote :
computers and vdj are unrelaible and you have no control over them if they want to throw a fit!

Definately not true. I've had a grand total of *one* valid crash in the time I've been using VirtualDJ. Every other had been during skin or plugin development.

AntzDj wrote :
I've had no trouble since i got my dell xps a few months back, however since i got virtual vinyl last week, i now have problems! One of them being a glitch and system freeze when i load video to the empty/finnished deck, just like the problem this topic was started about. I use the latency checker, all greens and yellows too, until i load a vid and it goes to max on one bar as it glitches. I've tried all thats been suggested to me to no joy, and i've messed about with the settings no end.

I assume if you don't run video all is fine? You might want to read a few posts on DPCs however; generally excessive DPC latency is caused by a badly coded driver on the system since these are the highest users of DPCs. It's pretty much the reason DPCs exist. There is plenty of tracing you can do above and beyond a latency check to narrow down which driver it is and even what it is doing to cause the problem. Various procedures and applications have been mentioned on here in the past.

FWIW I use a Dell XPS M1730 and had major video issues, but eventually I managed to overcome them.

AntzDj wrote :
It does seem people have a lot of trouble with virtual dj/cue, and mainly all the same problems, which is prob why people tried so hard to tell me not to bother with it, but i did'nt listen.

In any walk of live the most vocal people are always the ones who have had issues. Your options for video mixing are limited, and all the other software available is relatively immature and has issues too. The only other solution I would trust for this style of DJ'ing would probably be SSL with VSL or ME on a Mac (not a PC). Mixmeister Fusion + Video also works well but is a completely different style of working.

AntzDj wrote :
At some point i've had most of the troubles listed in the help topics, and when i first got cue i hated using it, and never used it out, as it is so unreliable. Now im back to square one on my virtual vinyl with intermittant, unreliable, tempermental faults. And that bloody smiley face error message, that appears when you seem to need the software the most, and you have not touched your set up since you last used it with no problems! Strange, but common!.

Thats the thing, it's not common. I only have to look at the VDJ user map to see that most of the people on it in my part of the UK are people I have never ever seen post. If everyone had issues this board would be a lot busier!

Now if you're having issues then there are those of us here who are willing to try and help you. We are dependant on the teamers to decode crashguards for us - but other then that we can work most things out given a willing able participant and the time.

Posté Sat 21 Mar 09 @ 1:38 pm
AntzDjCUE userMember since 2007
There is nothing you can do if computers or software wants to have a fit! It's out of your hands, its a machine!! And my laptop now runs vista and vista is a load of dog s**t, but thats what was on it when i bought it. When i first got cue i hated it, I have had all the issues other members have had, it was unreliable. It was only when i picked up a ibm thinkpad t60 cheap that i had less problems, it seemed to run ok on this, but i still had the error messages now and then, error's with videos and glitches.
For about 6 months it was trouble free and was gigging for weeks with it, then all of a sudden, no end of problems again, and no matter what computer wizz kid i took it to and how bare i stripped the laptop, i still had problems. So i sold it and got the dell xps. It's been fine,except it's vista, and they DO thow paddys and does what it likes, but then look at the vista forums! All say the same. But i put it down to vista. Im not computer literate and have been through it with someone who is, and we've disabled everything. Thats when i found it was the skin auto stretching to the widescreen! So i used the skin re-sizer, problem solved.
My 2 issues now is just that glitch when loading video. I've tried whats been suggested like the accelerator and performance settings etc, and i have downloaded all the latest video drivers from the dell site etc.
And my numark virtual problem that im still waiting for numark to get back to me about.
And why do people get so touchy when a negative opinion is made about virtual dj? I agree, some people use it and get on well, but there is no way everybody has had it issue free? My main dissapointment was, i knew nothing about cue or the link between it and vdj when i bough it! I just saw it in the dj shop. I bought it, set it up, and had problems! And there was no after care. The idiots at the dj shop had no idea or how to help, there is no one to talk to and no one to phone! I felt so alone! And in a way still do. I appreciate all the forum help, but the software cost so much money it would be nice to have a phone line for help rather than have to wait days for someone to get back to you via e-mail.
I use my total control when out, and video works fine with this set up, it's only since i started to use virtual vinyl at home i'm having my glitch issue, but then im still waiting for numark to get back to me, as they say a new driver is in development, but i cant see how this will help me on my list of issues with virtual vinyl.

Posté Sat 21 Mar 09 @ 2:54 pm
DJAVIPPRO (OEM)Member since 2016
i dont use video in my vdj only audio and it freeze when i loading deck 1 once a gig. i really like working with vdj and wont to solve this problem if there someone here who had this problem and solve it please shere with us beacuse i see that im no the only one with this problem...

Posté Sat 21 Mar 09 @ 4:14 pm
still awaiting advice that can fix this song loading issue

Posté Mon 23 Mar 09 @ 9:58 am
wow over a month and no answer.... this is truly sad. i must say i wont trust virtual dj or atomix or Hercules again at this point and will be reselling my product.

Posté Tue 21 Apr 09 @ 10:26 pm
AntzDjCUE userMember since 2007
I feel like this sometimes too. There is no support other than this forum! You really are on your own. I've spent all that money on virtual vinyl, and virtual Dj. I've had no end of problems with both and no help at all apart from off the nice people on this forum. Numark have no idea whats wrong with my virtual vinyl and are no help, and the shop i bought it from refuse to refund me, even though i told them about the problem 3 days after i bought the device.
But when it all works I think it's a great concept. I feel It's just not reliable and i never trust it no more. I hardly use mine out anymore.

Posté Wed 22 Apr 09 @ 1:44 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
christo1972 wrote :
wow over a month and no answer.... this is truly sad. i must say i wont trust virtual dj or atomix or Hercules again at this point and will be reselling my product.

You haven't exactly provided any information to assist in troubleshooting your problem which may be completely unrelated to the other problems in this thread. Since you're having a crash, crash information would be useful for a start.

AntzDj wrote :
I feel like this sometimes too. There is no support other than this forum! You really are on your own.

There is:

* The forum
* Support Tickets
* Telephone Support

AntzDj wrote :
I've spent all that money on virtual vinyl, and virtual Dj. I've had no end of problems with both and no help at all apart from off the nice people on this forum. Numark have no idea whats wrong with my virtual vinyl and are no help, and the shop i bought it from refuse to refund me, even though i told them about the problem 3 days after i bought the device.
But when it all works I think it's a great concept. I feel It's just not reliable and i never trust it no more. I hardly use mine out anymore.

VirtualDJ is reliable providing the system it is used on is reliable and correctly configured for the task at hand.

AntzDj wrote :
There is nothing you can do if computers or software wants to have a fit! It's out of your hands, its a machine!!

Rubbish, there is almost always a cause and if you can find it you might be able to fix it or work around it.

AntzDj wrote :
And my laptop now runs vista and vista is a load of dog s**t, but thats what was on it when i bought it.

Vista isn't fantastic, but I ran it on a gig machine for ages without issues.

AntzDj wrote :
For about 6 months it was trouble free and was gigging for weeks with it, then all of a sudden, no end of problems again, and no matter what computer wizz kid i took it to and how bare i stripped the laptop, i still had problems.

It's not about stripping the laptop at all, the causes are often not faulty hardware but more operating system problems or crappy drivers.

AntzDj wrote :
So i sold it and got the dell xps. It's been fine,except it's vista, and they DO thow paddys and does what it likes, but then look at the vista forums! All say the same. But i put it down to vista.

Vista has it's share of issues agreed, but if your system is set up correctly it does work as a gig platform just fine.

AntzDj wrote :
Im not computer literate and have been through it with someone who is, and we've disabled everything. Thats when i found it was the skin auto stretching to the widescreen! So i used the skin re-sizer, problem solved.

I've posted this countless times on the forum, never maximize if you are using video! It usually breaks things badly!

AntzDj wrote :
My 2 issues now is just that glitch when loading video. I've tried whats been suggested like the accelerator and performance settings etc, and i have downloaded all the latest video drivers from the dell site etc.

What video card is it?

AntzDj wrote :
And why do people get so touchy when a negative opinion is made about virtual dj?

Because most of them are very one sided and state factually that VirtualDJ is unreliable, crap, they are getting no support etc. What they forget to point out is that this is their experience. They then often say that everyone is having these problems. There is nothing wrong with someone adding a counter to that is there? When I post in threads like this, I'm actually wanting to help people get working!

AntzDj wrote :
I agree, some people use it and get on well, but there is no way everybody has had it issue free?

...and that is why people get annoyed with posts like this. I have VirtualDJ running completely issue free with audio, video, multiple MIDI controllers and my own custom plugins. Many many many many other people also run without issues.

AntzDj wrote :
My main dissapointment was, i knew nothing about cue or the link between it and vdj when i bough it! I just saw it in the dj shop. I bought it, set it up, and had problems! And there was no after care. The idiots at the dj shop had no idea or how to help, there is no one to talk to and no one to phone! I felt so alone! And in a way still do.

Numark themselves have support you know, you can telephone them too.

AntzDj wrote :
I appreciate all the forum help, but the software cost so much money it would be nice to have a phone line for help rather than have to wait days for someone to get back to you via e-mail.

Numark have phone support, and Atomix have phone support.

Posté Wed 22 Apr 09 @ 4:51 am