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Does anybody know when the next update might be coming? I think I REALLY need it. Haha- lets just hope it fixes that crash problem.

Posté Thu 17 Mar 05 @ 9:03 pm

Bug fix patch is sorely needed. Screw more features...get what we already have working before complicating the problem.

Hey Tech you fooled me. I read that post title and got my hopes all up for nothing....


Seriously, I could really care less about any new features at all. I could care less about new controllers being supported, new skins engine, buttons or sliders or really just about anything. My three favorite things to gripe about are:

1. - Crash problem (obviously)
2. - Timestretch sound quality (or lack of)
3. - XP10 swap button is completely non-functional

Let's hope these all get addressed well in the next update,.. oh yeah, and that the update doesn't take 6 months.

You know an update is due when all the forum posts start surrounding the same 2-3 issues by the Power users and the new user posts are simply about setup and configuration.

Agree with all above comments.


That time stretch thing is a biggie! I've not bothered to really get into VDJ because of it. I bought the program late last year but after hearing the quality fo time stretching, I've stuck with CD until an update fixes it.

It has been a while since any updates. I'm sure I didn't buy OTS.... LOL

The timestretch soundquality defintely qualifies as annoying but to who? I know it bugs me personally but I've DJ'd more than a few parties and I've never heard a single complaint about the sound quality, in particular, the timestretch warble. But then again, what the heck do they know :-) ,... most of then couldn't tell a tune-in-key from a tune-a-fish.

Last update was on November 2004.

My guess is, it takes too long cause it's gonna be something important. Perhaps high quality master tempo, who knows...

But that's just my guess.

Bugs first. #1 priority


I agree, forget new features at this moment concentrate on crashies, controller latency, and time stretch quality.

Hell, I will send Atomix an additional $50 -- if that would help


They can have my $50 too.

If ONLY the crashes get fixed- i give $50 easy.

You all are quick to give your money away for bug fixes to a product you've already purchased.

This is a niche product with a small, tightly knitted community, so it is easy to imagine the dev team as a great group of guys who care about their customers--and they probably do. BUT...they are employees/owners first and foremost and if their customer base tells them, "Please take more of my money." they'd be fools not to do so.

Just a thought.

On another note, I do not find the information blackout and long delay between patches to be a good thing pointing toward some sort of huge mega-patch that will fix all our problems. I find it much more likely that they are either having a very difficult time with the bugs, or they are spending their time on something else they feel will be more profitable. For all we know, there will be no VDJ 3.0. For all we know, they are working out a deal to sell their company/technology to a bigger player. Who knows? If there is no information regarding progress, or even a list of what they HOPE to do, why do you assume they are working at all?

When a company gives me absolutely no information at all in this day and age when communication to your customers is so easy, fast, and cheap, I can only assume the worst: Telling me nothing is better for business than telling me what is really happening. Prospective customers are reading these boards...threads just like this one are costing them sales. Where are the company posts telling us it will all be ok, that they are working on solutions? Why is no representative of the company running damage control? Why would you spend all that time and money on going to a trade show to bring in new customers when they are just going to read these forums and see a bunch of threads about mysterious crashes and bugs without even acknowledgement from the company?

Maybe I'm just cynical, or still headshy from the whole VDJ Pro vs XP10 debate, but I'm a bit alarmed at where this product and company might be heading.

You are a very MEAN person. And I don't like you.

Hey -DONT- start fighting now...

Add to the bugs that need priority, the "drift" problem with TCV, and the "destorted" and "choppy" scratch sound produced with TCV.

@ technical : i don´t wanna start it again , but when i said i don´t like you (or your skills (btw skills with s is so yesterday) ) , you got pissed off for no reason - so think about it and stop dissing people if you can´t handle to be dissed yourself .

and it´s sad but true : the support staff doesn´t really care about their users . or have you ever read an answer from the support-team to a suggestion/problem etc ??? only sometimes you might get response .

i bought serato scratch some days ago (it´s worth the money !!) and they answer really quick if you have a question.

i don´t really need vdj anymore so i don´t care about an answer anymore .


So why are you here posting?
mmmmmm ba bye....

Really guys, I have spent years doing what you are doing now with other software manufacturers, it only gives you ulsers.
This is pioneering technology, either be a part of it, put up with the occasional pot holes in the road or get out it's that simple.

No development team is going to tip their hand or leak information as to what is going on or going to change, it just creates more headaches for them making the situation worse for all.

So try to be more patient, I personally haven't seen anything better out there.

Hey guys!!!

I have used a lot of products and also the Vdj demo . There is no better dj software than VDJ and if you thing that they do not care about users just go to other websites to see how long does an update takes (e.g Otsjuke which costs $300). And for the bugs ...there is no way to find a 100% bug free software with fast updates.

The thing is if you want that the development team to fix the bugs just be patient. Remember that VDj is a quite new software.

Personally I believe that the progress in this software is amazing and updates come out very fast if we compare with other software.

Except of these Vdj has the best price for more functionalities than others.

Since I am a programmer (student) myself know that to make a software like this is not easy...and it needs time and efford. I believe that the price for this software is outstanding.

When I have the money i will certainly buy the full version.

I hope that the VDJ team will continue that good work.

p.s If you think that is very bad that Vdj may crach and that is a reason not to buy it remember that you can have a bad mix with just a scratched cd and dj equipment that costs really expensive!!!!


hello guys : I don´t undrestand what is the problem ....VDJ works fine for me ...NO CRASHES ::NO BUGS ....and I work everyday with it .... I have my TCV without any problem WHAT´S UP ???

I have no crash too but it doesn't mean people can't have some ;-)

Crash problems most go. I know the new v3.0 will make all happy:))))))
No, give them sometime there working on it
