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Sujet VDJ's new software exclusively for touch screen - Page: 3

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Dj Nutz system is not bad, but still to much to hual around. Way to complex. Not a good set up for an regular Joe. Unles you are somewhat inclined with computers, you would have a very hard time setting up that system. Where as a 27 inch flat schreen/all in one allows eveything to be done for you in regards to set up. I mean the technology is there for touch screen and DJ, hell Dj Nutz and I are doing it. It is up to virtual dj to add the multi touch feature to their software. Whoever does it will become very rich and happy. In regards to shooting themselves in the foot. Every get idea comes with the risk, if I had the knowledge of how to make a multi touch dj software. I take that risk, because I don't care what anyone says, many years back when I strated playingg of a laptop .vs a computer other dj's said that it was stuiped and never gonna work. And where are we now. Everyone uses a laptop with turntables or as I do a controller. There is a perfexct example, when I bought my controller dj's were like "ohhh that is silly " but yet they are all buying them now. Turntables are losing ground to these USB decks.

Now that I am using my touchscreen, dj have stood up and have been taking notice. EVERY DJ loves the idea, loves the look and loves the way the crowd wants to watch. When a dj plays on his computer it limits the amount of people who can watch. But my 27 HP IQ816 placed face up in the crate. Everyone comes to watch and everyone sees. ENUFF people ( including DJ's ) really enjoy the show now. It is not just about the music, but about the show. Over they years I have realized that Dj no longer have to show off their play skills physically, they just have to play the music. So touchscreen ( multi touch ) will force DJ's to have to be able to be able to put on the show .vs just playing the show. Because EVERYONE will be and is watching.

So only a real DJ's will want to go to touchscreen .vs the one who puts in a cd and calls himself a dj.


Kory aka Dj Fete

Posté Wed 27 Jan 10 @ 10:20 am
[quote=djfete]Dj Nutz system is not bad, but still to much to haul around. Way to complex. Not a good set up for a regular Joe. Unless you are somewhat inclined with computers, you would have a very hard time setting up that system.

Where as a 27 inch flat schreen/all in one allows eveything to be done for you in regards to set up. I mean the technology is there for touch screens and DJ, hell Dj Nutz and I are doing it. It is up to virtual dj to add the multi touch feature to their software. Who ever does it will become very rich and happy.

In regards to shooting themselves in the foot. Every get idea comes with the risk, if I had the knowledge of how to make a multi touch dj software. I take that risk, because I don't care what anyone says, many years back when I srrated playing of 2 laptops, then otsjuke on one laptop, other dj's said that it was stuiped and never gonna work. And where are we now. Everyone uses a laptop with turntables or as I did a controller.

Here is another perfect example, when I bought my controller dj's were like "ohhh that is silly " but yet they are all buying them now. Turntables are losing ground to these USB decks.

Now that I am using my touchscreen, dj have stood up and have been taking notice. EVERY DJ loves the idea, loves the look and loves the way the crowd wants to watch. When a dj plays on his computer with decks ect. it really limits the amount of people who can watch. But my 27inch HP IQ816 placed face up in the crate front and center where everyone and see it. WOW I mean everyonecomes to watch and everyone comes over and wants to see. Heck I even let them play with it to show the, what it can do and what I hope VDJ will improve ( multitouch )

ENUFF people ( including DJ's ) really enjoy the show now. It is not just about the music, but about the show. Over they years I have realized that Dj no longer have to show off their play skills physically, they just have to play the music. They hide somewhere off to the side or above the crowd where no one can really see whats going on. Hell they could have a cd in an dare just faking it ( I have seen that in real life ) LOL LOL so shameful....

So touchscreen ( multi touch ) will force DJ's to be able front and center and to be able to put on the show .vs just playing the show. Because you not going to invest in that technology just so you can hide in some dark corner or some dj booth above the crowd. If you invest in this technology you are wanting to start a new trend ( gimmick ) and therefore you must want to show off what you got and what you can do with it.

I mean I am sure they are people who will buy it and not want to be front and center, but do you buy a expensive car to hide in the garage? Not me ( not that I own an expensive car ) If you got it FLAUNT IT!!!!

So in my veiw only real DJ's will want to go to touchscreen software.vs the one who just puts in a cd and calls themselvels djs.


Kory aka Dj Fete

Posté Wed 27 Jan 10 @ 12:30 pm
johansPRO InfinityMember since 2005

I'm still convinced that multitouch is to be build into the software but who am I to say that it has nothing to do with the software if I don't know how the VDJ program is written. So from that point of view I say, adapt your software without realizing the difficulty of this.
But what I read between the lines is that VDJ claims that nothing has to be adapted on there software.
This is something I can't believe.
Mircosoft created an OS/driver with the capability of multitouch.
Touch screens are manufactured independent of the programs that you run on your PC.
HP, Packard Bell & others have made special applications (software) to show of the capabilties of multitouch.
So why would they make special software if it would work on all programs.

I believe if I would assemble a PC instead of buying a fully configured multitouch HP system, install win 7, install one of those adapted HP programs for multitouch, it should work in the same way as it would work on the fully configured HP system.
What i mean is that HP and others adapted/created software programs that can use the functions of multitouch.

So I'll stick to the idea that VDJ has to be adapted for multitouch.
Perhaps the knowledge how to do isn't yet in the house, and we can understand this. as we are talking om something totally new.
But at least we like to know whether it will be considered as a possible function in the future yes or no.

I'm convined, the DEV teams always listen to their customers and if it can be done, it will be done.
So let's all hope and pray.



Posté Thu 28 Jan 10 @ 5:58 am
Heres to praying.....


Posté Thu 28 Jan 10 @ 11:17 am
Well clearly this multi touch feature is a software issue. Since I have multi touch on my HP and infact there is a few software that runs the actual multitouch feature. It demostrates that it is a software problem. Only the multitouch software is multitouch on my computer. If it is a regular piece of software ( eg: solitare, VDJ, Mixvibes, Microsoft paint ) they still are one 1 touch application. You can't make something multitouch if it is not a multitouch software. Therefore Microsoft/HP have made the foundation for multitouch, they did the hard work. So now VDJ has to do their part and finish this journey for us.

Come on VDJ, I waiting bad bad bad for it!!!


KOry aka Dj Fete

Posté Thu 28 Jan 10 @ 3:59 pm
The cost of getting a good quality multitouch screen to run vdj would be the same if not more than getting some great hardware to control the software with...

Posté Sat 30 Jan 10 @ 5:13 pm
Well whaever the cost be it higher or lower , nothing replaces the way a dj looks l[playing on a touchscreen .vs, decks, consoles ect. As far as I know I am the only one here in Toronto using touch and the people are totally amazed by it. No matter that it is in it's infant form. Wait until someone comes along with multi-touch abilities. HP IQ816 $1500... Cosole and software $350..... Playing on a touchscreen for the crowd PRICELESS!!!!

Touchscreen Dj's, the only dj's known world wide LOL LOL

I just playing with ya'll.....


Kory aka Dj Fete

Posté Wed 03 Feb 10 @ 11:40 am
taylaPRO InfinityMember since 2007
fete please don't quote yourself especially when you make a post directly after the original, waste of space and annoying because people will read the damn same thing again... but carry on with this interesting thread really enjoying it.

Posté Wed 03 Feb 10 @ 3:04 pm
johans wrote :

But what I read between the lines is that VDJ claims that nothing has to be adapted on there software.

I don't think VDJ is claiming ANYTHING one way or another.. I don't even think its on their radar.. And if it is, its probably at the bottom of a "to do list" pages long..

The ability to "see" two mouse pointers is an OS & hardware driver issue..

as you posted
Quote :
others have made special applications (software) to show of the capabilties of multitouch

but that software only works on THAT machine right?

If microsoft didnt update their OTHER stock pieces of software to also work with it (but instead just went with "demo software"),
that tells me its not just a few lines of code that needs to be changed.. but a complete reworking of the visual interface (IE: the mouse input).

Like you guys, I also have no idea how VDJ is programmed.. but I can safely assume, that anything to do with its GUI is relying on COMMON code developed and tested over a decade ago..


Posté Wed 03 Feb 10 @ 4:03 pm
Not sure how the touch screen works, but I assume that there is a special screen that you have to use. Because I see that you can buy screen to turn your laptop into a touch. I don't think that VDJ needs to make software with 2 mouse, make it just for touchscreens only. That way the multi touch is usable with more than 2 points ( or fingers ) No that Microsoft has made this multi touch W7, you have no choice but to buy yourself a touchscreen to really get the full benifits of W7. I am 100% sure that all computer makers ( HP Toshiba, Acer ect ) are quit happy about the new W7. Either you buy the screen for your laptop to make touch or buy a new. The only winner her is the computer companies.

VDJ could be a huge winner if they score the title of being the first to make a multi touch dj software.



Posté Thu 04 Feb 10 @ 11:56 am
djfete wrote :
I don't think that VDJ needs to make software with 2 mouse, make it just for touchscreens only. That way the multi touch is usable with more than 2 points ( or fingers )

its the same thing.. Multi-touch is literally multiple mouse pointers being used simultaneously..

and right now 99% of the windows software out there is set up to just read a single pointer, (and it doesnt care if it comes from a trackpad, or trackball, or touchscreen).. To read from multiple pointers you either need the code to be given to you, or develop it from scratch.

Its gonna happen.. just not tomorrow.. ;-)


Posté Thu 04 Feb 10 @ 1:28 pm
Well I was speaking to Serato and they have explained that they are in the process of trying to incorperate a multi-touch dj software. I guess they understand that there is a huge market out here and that they would be the first. I sure woul love VDJ to beat them to the punch, but it seems to me that that is not gonna happen. I guess the beleive in the old saying, If you build it, they will come. I suspect a lot of DJ, maybe even myself will go just to try it out .

Come on VDJ don't go out like that!!!!


Posté Thu 25 Feb 10 @ 6:58 pm
please create a multitouch interface ( so VDJ will recognize two or more touchpoints on a multitouch screen. f.i. start 2 samples at the same time!
this way you can use the multitouch screen as a back up system for your midi controller. have a look at Bumptop Pro; it has 8 touchpoints.
also in small bars where the bartender has to play the music this will come out very handy. we have to think however about a good skin with only faders instead of rotating ones. t.i. for treble,mid and high levels etc.

Posté Mon 03 May 10 @ 12:18 pm
DJVORACUE userMember since 2009
VDJ Apps for the IPad. For backup...

Posté Thu 06 May 10 @ 12:16 pm
Nice bedroom dj project ;)
Have fun with fingers, then your hand, Good night !

Posté Sat 08 May 10 @ 10:14 am
And whats that supposed to mean????

Posté Sat 08 May 10 @ 2:29 pm
DJVORACUE userMember since 2009
Sp33DJr wrote :
Nice bedroom dj project ;)
Have fun with fingers, then your hand, Good night !

I thought it was a forum to talk about Virtual DJ.
The theme of "what YOU do with your hands", discuss it in other web. a Professional

Posté Sun 09 May 10 @ 6:26 pm
You may have an easier time encouraging an open source project to create a multitouch midi virtual device. E.g. an invisible rectangular layer would sit over the main decks/mixer (Virtual DJ / Mixxx, Tractor etc). Once the core system is developed someone could make a parser which uses the virtual midi device library so that it is automatically configured to work with whatever skin you're using. I haven't a clue how to do this but I think it should be possible.

Posté Sun 16 May 10 @ 7:38 am
I think at first VDJ should be able to accept 2 commands at the same time.

Posté Wed 19 May 10 @ 5:22 am
eurostudxl wrote :
I think at first VDJ should be able to accept 2 commands at the same time.

It already can via either MIDI or HID.

If someone built a touchscreen HID interface that could be used in a VDJ controller definition, unlimited touch points and movement could be detected and used..


Posté Wed 19 May 10 @ 9:38 am