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Sujet American Audio VMS4 Discussions - Page: 28

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hey there , am thinking of pulling the trigger on this controller but wanted to know if its easy to map the wheels to pitch bend or nudge rather than use the buttons ?

Posté Sat 04 Dec 10 @ 11:32 pm
DJ KozPRO InfinityMember since 2007
You can use the wheels as pitch bend or nudge out of the box without mapping. Just make sure the vinyl button is not lit.

Great unit. Wish they tested it in the real DJ world before releasing it.

Posté Sun 05 Dec 10 @ 12:36 am
DJ Koz wrote :
You can use the wheels as pitch bend or nudge out of the box without mapping. Just make sure the vinyl button is not lit.

Great unit. Wish they tested it in the real DJ world before releasing it.

thanks for the info!

Posté Sun 05 Dec 10 @ 4:38 am
anyone using this controller with a external sound card? having trouble mapping it :-/

Posté Wed 08 Dec 10 @ 9:04 pm
Ive resolved many issues ive had with the vms4, one thing im stumped on is setting up vinyl with the VMS4.

I have one TT plugged via RCA into midilog 2, switched chan 2 to analog, and it plays fine, very crisp and clear with the vms4's amplifier, i love it.
One problem is, recording in VDJ with it.
Whenever i play, it plays fine, i can mix etc, all works a treat, but when i record the vinyl isnt picked up, :/

Any idea's?

Posté Sun 12 Dec 10 @ 12:01 pm
You need the advance config setup with the inputs 1&2 of the VMS4 mapped to the Record Loopback. VDJ will then record anything that goes through master output...



Posté Sun 12 Dec 10 @ 12:57 pm
<3 cheers bro, worked like a charm.

Posté Sun 12 Dec 10 @ 2:14 pm

How to do this..What is the maping input to do this? As I do not know how to write this..

Posté Sun 12 Dec 10 @ 3:05 pm
ok so far so good with testing. the only thing i don't like is every time i load a track i have to hit play for it to start playing. i would like it how it is with my cdj's when it loads its already playing (cd spinning in cdj). is there something i can do to set it up this way or am i S.O.L?

Posté Wed 15 Dec 10 @ 7:00 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
you can map your load button as
load and play
but since the track will not be fully loaded when start playing, meaning that you will notice different gain (volume level) if you have set Gain to AUTO.

Posté Wed 15 Dec 10 @ 7:10 pm
cerriexPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Hello all.

I have been using my VMS4 for a almost 2 months now with no problems. However was wondering if anyone had an update on some issues yet?

1. Is there a way to browse the music library without using the inbuilt mouse? as you cannot change the speed or response time of the mouse. unless anyone knows how to do this is when i try it changes my laptop touchpad and does not change the vms4 mouse.

2. Is there any news on the touch sliders being fixed to work with VDJ? needle drop would be cool, or music library browsing.

3. Is there any news on the output level being fixed as the output level LEDs are on red as soon as you get anywhere near max volume.

Many Thanks


Posté Thu 16 Dec 10 @ 5:07 am
cerriex wrote :
1. Is there a way to browse the music library without using the inbuilt mouse? as you cannot change the speed or response time of the mouse. unless anyone knows how to do this is when i try it changes my laptop touchpad and does not change the vms4 mouse.

Yes there always has been. SHIFT+EFFECT knob and SHIFT+Sampler knob. One scrolls through folders and the other files - can't remember which does what though at the moment... And pressing them will, on the folder one select the folder and on the file one, load the track.

cerriex wrote :
2. Is there any news on the touch sliders being fixed to work with VDJ? needle drop would be cool, or music library browsing.

As far as I am aware these are currently unmappable with VDJ.

cerriex wrote :
3. Is there any news on the output level being fixed as the output level LEDs are on red as soon as you get anywhere near max volume.

TBH - I don't think this is gonna happen. I waited so long for this and was promised a replacement unit but it never came. So unfortunately I returned mine yesterday...

Hope this helps.


Posté Thu 16 Dec 10 @ 5:59 am
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
You can map the touchsliders as songpos, fx paramtrs, volume etc, but not as browser scrolling.

Posté Thu 16 Dec 10 @ 7:16 am
Thanks for that... Didn't realise...


Posté Thu 16 Dec 10 @ 7:37 am
cerriexPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Thanks for the info :O)

Havent been able able to map the tochsliders to anything yet.. but will try again. maybe i missed somthing.

cheers guys !

Posté Fri 17 Dec 10 @ 11:33 am
i mapped my touch sliders to "load and play" i don't like the TINY what they call a mouse pad. plus hitting SHIFT + LOAD is a PITA.

I used it last night for a high school formal and it worked GREAT except for one thing. i noticed the left wheel wouldn't react sometimes when i would go to scratch a track in. i would almost have to push it forward for it to go. even then it didn't always play. did anyone else have this issue? if not i'll be switching mine out monday at the shop for a dif one.

Posté Sat 18 Dec 10 @ 9:18 am
ok after using it last night for the 2nd time i noticed a few things. mic sounds like SHIT. I tried xlr and 1/4" cables with the same result. xlr was MUCH louder but still distorted none the less. what "quick fix" did they send everyone and did it solve the mic problem and how long did it take to arrive. 2nd thing i notice (could be the clubs speakers) but if i had the gain on the channels turned up i noticed some crackling/popping noise in the audio. if i turned the master gain all the way up and the channel gains down a bit it went away. not sure if this is another issue or just the speakers at the lounge. and lastly out of NO WHERE VDJ just shut down. no warning no crash report nothing just BAMMM off mid song. anyone have this happen?

It's unfortunate other than the few problems i noticed the unit worked GREAT! fader doesn't have the right curve to its settings for (cut) but i can work with that.

Posté Sun 19 Dec 10 @ 10:19 am
no one?

Posté Mon 20 Dec 10 @ 6:58 am
switched it out for a new unit doesn't have distortion with or without the transformer. i also switched out the fader with an Innofader and WOW what a sound difference. my cuts sound exactly like they should. I'm gonna run it with a cdj tonight to test TC control i think. So far GREAT work on this unit IMO.

Posté Tue 21 Dec 10 @ 3:04 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
Is the innofader still a midi crossfader or not ?

Posté Tue 21 Dec 10 @ 3:31 pm