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djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
Ok edit the xml as followed. Add those bold actions.. This will elliminate the browser bug but you will notice a graphic bug on the topleft corner. Then you wiull have to chose between those 2 status.

<init action="page 'sampler' on & deck 1 leftdeck & deck 2 rightdeck & deck 1 leftcross 'only' & deck 1 leftvideo & deck 2 rightcross 'only' & deck 2 rightvideo"/>
<onit action="page 'sampler' on"/>


Further on that. I have noticed this browser bug during resize . And i had a way to fix it, but as you see another unavoidable graphic bug appeared. So i decided to leave the browser bug which can be solved by just pressing one of the pages buttons, and then you dont see the bug again. On the contrary the other graphic bug will allway sbe there, saying ..hallo !!! So its your choice, until the browser bug is fixed by the Team.


Posté Mon 01 Nov 10 @ 1:01 pm
i think its better to click once on the page button.. the image bug looks realy ugly ;)
The resizer tool has also a bug by editing the font and the selected color
When you tick to change the font and the color the check mark will be removed after
closing the window but you can change the color and the font easily by editing the xml file
by hand, i did that for the nomral v7 skin (im nearly blind so i need a bigger font size) ;)

Posté Mon 01 Nov 10 @ 1:11 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
Ok.. i found the way to eliminate the bug (browser & graphic) !

I will upload an update later tonight. I will include 1280X800 also.
So it will remain just the 1920X resolutions to cover all the laptops. I will not upload a fourth resolution since i am bounded to Skin Resizer Policy. But in case someone needs such a resolution, you can email me the Skin Resizer Results and i will make all the arangements plus replacing the bmp file with a HD image from source.

I also found a bug (beta testers.....??? hehehe ) When deck 4 is rightdeck, the highlighted sampler and FX do not light on!!

Stay tuned.

Posté Mon 01 Nov 10 @ 4:29 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005 is the update.

American Audio VMS4 Decks Pro ver 2.1
Res. 1440X900 & 1280X800 & 1366X768

Download Link.

- Added resolution 1280X800
- Fixed Browser bug at 1366X768, not appearing on startup. Permanent fix for any other different Resize resolutions with small height browser.(and no graphic bug this
- Fixed bug ,sampler & Fx not highlighted when deck 4 was rightdeck.

thanks for your feedback.

Posté Mon 01 Nov 10 @ 6:29 pm
Quote :
I also found a bug (beta testers.....??? hehehe ) When deck 4 is rightdeck, the highlighted sampler and FX do not light on!!

Höh? Never saw this before... And not now using the "old" Version... Testing it again and again, don´t know what u mean! Maybe only in other resulutions than mine?

Posté Mon 01 Nov 10 @ 7:36 pm
This is a great looking skin, thanks DJ Dad. I cant seem to get sound out of the 3rd and 4th channels with my VMS4. Could someone point me in the right direction? Thanks.

Posté Mon 01 Nov 10 @ 8:11 pm
DJDAD THAnk you very much for all that work! now the skin is perfect and working great!
you made my vdj7+vms4 complete!

Posté Mon 01 Nov 10 @ 11:53 pm
Hey....just wanted to thank you for all your hard work, the skin is wonderfull !!!!!!

Posté Tue 02 Nov 10 @ 2:27 am
therealmccoy wrote :
This is a great looking skin, thanks DJ Dad. I cant seem to get sound out of the 3rd and 4th channels with my VMS4. Could someone point me in the right direction? Thanks.

Here you´ll find the answer :-)

Posté Tue 02 Nov 10 @ 4:39 am
idj4himPRO InfinityMember since 2009
luv it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!t u

Posté Tue 02 Nov 10 @ 7:22 am

Loving the skin, tried it out last night and it all worked with 4 decks.

I did have a issue with the microphone it seemed that it is now turned on permatentlyon channel 1. I swapped the mic to channel 2 on the VMS4 and it was OK.

I couldn't seem to turn the mic volume down on the skin so I guess this is where the issue is coming from.

Any ideas ?

Posté Wed 03 Nov 10 @ 8:27 am
proartPRO InfinityMember since 2008

I've made a resized VMS4Pro Skin in 1920X1080. I have also done some Modifications:

1. Rightclick on Pause_Stop set First Beat. Holding Right Mouse-Button unloads the Song.

2. I have added a Countdown-Counter which shows the Time to Last Beat. (For me essential when mixing in the last 4 Beats or short after
the last Beat.) The Key Diff is removed (too less room for it ...sorry.)

3. I have modified the Top Section of the skin to add a Fadercurve-Element.

4. modified Rhythmview (all working in 1920X1080) looks nice.

Can you send me a PM where to upload or mail my Mod, if you are interrested.

Thank you for your exellent Job in making Skins for VDJ. Keep on coding.

Greets ProArt

Posté Wed 03 Nov 10 @ 9:49 pm
RichardMa wrote :

Loving the skin, tried it out last night and it all worked with 4 decks.

I did have a issue with the microphone it seemed that it is now turned on permatentlyon channel 1. I swapped the mic to channel 2 on the VMS4 and it was OK.

I couldn't seem to turn the mic volume down on the skin so I guess this is where the issue is coming from.

Any ideas ?

Any thoughts on this as it will cause me a problem on going


Posté Thu 04 Nov 10 @ 3:47 am
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005

Posté Thu 04 Nov 10 @ 11:12 am
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
I had a pm a few days ago from a VMS4 User, talking about the mixer channels order. I know that its quite weird to have chanels in order like 3,1,2,4 instead of 1,2,3,4. He also sugested an order like 1,3,2,4 if i remember correctly.

So, regarding the skin... i have made this skin according to the originally VDJ mapper. Is there anyone else that would like me to add another audio mixer panel with different (alternative) order? Making those aditional panels will not be easy, probably will take some extra time, what do you think?

My opinion... VMS4 is a 4 channel analogue mixer as well. Mixers always have the same chanel order 1,2,3,4. BUT in this case VMS4is not only adressed to 4decks Softwares, but also to 2DEcks Soft + 2 analague inputs. In the first case the order 1,2,3,4 is closer to reality, but in the 2nd case the order 3,1,2,4 is more apropriate.

Conclusion. I am about to add 1 more panel with different order (and only 1), so i need your guideness to this, which will it be?

Posté Sun 07 Nov 10 @ 7:15 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
RichardMa wrote :
I did have a issue with the microphone.... I swapped the mic to channel 2 on the VMS4 ...
I couldn't seem to turn the mic volume down on the skin so I guess this is where the issue is coming from.

Any ideas ?

I think VirtualDJ can handle only 1 MIC, so you will have to map VMS4 a little different. I m not sure if this will work.. Try to assign to both MIC1_GAIN & MIC2_GAIN the same action="mic_volume" and see if it works.


Posté Sun 07 Nov 10 @ 7:25 pm
DJ Franky, thanks so much for an awesome mapping!! This saves so much time! If anyone needs a mapping, email him.
DJDad, your skin is totally fantastic! & it's so exciting to finally be able to properly use all 4 decks!
One unexpected detail you put in that I really appreciate is the 20 or so tick marks in the waveform zoomer so one can precisely remember where one previously set it. I also really appreciate your adding the 1280x800, as that's what I use.
Thanks so much!
- Uri

Posté Sun 07 Nov 10 @ 10:21 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
In case you need to assign the Ch A & Ch B Crossfader Assign Selectors in VMS4...

If you have in the Sound Setup..
deck 1 Output 3&4
deck 2 Output 5&6
deck 3 Output 1&2
deck 4 Output 7&8

then assign ..
L_FX_ASSIGN_1 .... deck 3 leftcross 'only'
L_FX_ASSIGN_2 ... deck 1 leftcross 'only'
L_FX_ASSIGN_3 .... deck 2 leftcross 'only'
L_FX_ASSIGN_4 ... deck 4 leftcross 'only'

R_FX_ASSIGN_1 .... deck 3 rightcross 'only'
R_FX_ASSIGN_2 ... deck 1 rightcross 'only'
R_FX_ASSIGN_3 .... deck 2 rightcross 'only'
R_FX_ASSIGN_4 ... deck 4 rightcross 'only'

With these assignments VDJ Software will not handle the crossfader assign, but chosing the cross assign from the VMS4, these selections will be viewable in all skins that have Channel Assign feature.

Note. To assign the above actions, i sugest to select the Midi Keys from the Drop Down List in the Mapper section (VDJ Config-Mapper). Dont use the MidiLearn, you might get confused.

Posté Thu 11 Nov 10 @ 6:09 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
In case you run video...

then assign ..
L_FX_ASSIGN_1 .... deck 3 leftcross 'only' & deck 3 leftvideo
L_FX_ASSIGN_2 ... deck 1 leftcross 'only' & deck 1 leftvideo
L_FX_ASSIGN_3 .... deck 2 leftcross 'only' & deck 2 leftvideo
L_FX_ASSIGN_4 ... deck 4 leftcross 'only' & deck 4 leftvideo

R_FX_ASSIGN_1 .... deck 3 rightcross 'only' & deck 3 rightvideo
R_FX_ASSIGN_2 ... deck 1 rightcross 'only' & deck 1 rightvideo
R_FX_ASSIGN_3 .... deck 2 rightcross 'only' & deck 2 rightvideo
R_FX_ASSIGN_4 ... deck 4 rightcross 'only' & deck 4 rightvideo

Then assign the VMS4 crossfader as ..

fake_crossfader & video_crossfader


Posté Thu 11 Nov 10 @ 6:32 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
If you're not a crossfader dj, and you need the crossfader just for video, then..

set the VMS4 crossfader ch assign to OFF and assign the VMS4 crossfader as..

and use the PitchBend buttons like this..

PitchBend- .. action_deck 1 ? deck 3 leftdeck & deck 3 select & deck 3 leftvideo : deck 2 rightdeck & deck 2 select & deck 2 rightvideo
PitchBend+ .. action_deck 1 ? deck 1 leftdeck & deck 1 select & deck 1 leftvideo : deck 4 rightdeck & deck 4 select & deck 4 rightvideo

Posté Thu 11 Nov 10 @ 6:44 pm