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Forum: Old versions

Sujet: Cracked Versions!!!

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Hey guys... im really getting annoyed with the cracked versions of this program. I have seen cracked vers of many programs not concerning djing, but i've never been bothered about it.
But recently i have seen many of my friends playing around with cracked VDJ 3.0 and older versions and i cant help but to just get angry. They even play at clubs and get paid.
Is'nt there anything that can be done to really embarass this jack-as*es?
Common guys..i'm sure you would have had similar situations, forget about some of us using the cracked version before purchasing it...that would have been due to some situation with money.but these fellows have enough money but they still wanna use cracked version...
I really would like to tell the dev/support team to find such users and ban them...wat say?
and yeah i would love it if the crack can be made to embarass the user..maybe like...during a gig, all of a sudden stop the track, or start looping, or even play a secret sample "I'm a fake, and i use cracked version of this DJ software!"!!!!
anyways, sorry for the complaints..
hope many will agree.

Posté Fri 17 Jun 05 @ 2:02 pm
Cracked version users usually are of higher PC intelligence first of all.

These fellows find there way here like an exit ramp off a highway.
They come here for help, see the strength of the community, realize they are busted, see the bang for the buck ratio and usually come on as full version users with some really special skills that we all benefit from.
Just look at the plug ins and effects that users here have created, that says it all.

It's a concept that brings 'em in like using the right bait on that fishing trip.

It's all how you look at it, I felt the same way until I realized this. are making a lot of sense... you are right on that! Well, i guess it has its ups and downs...
anyways, i really dont like those who download cracks for VDJ just to use it and not help improve the software as u said....
anyways, its all how you look at it as you said!
Good Day...
Keep up the great work evryone!

"Cracked version users usually are of higher PC intelligence first of all."

mp3rick - LOL, usually the ones making the crack match your statement. And, they are the ones not using the software.

The ones that use the software are usually direct opposites of your statement, because they think they are getting a fully functional application. So, when they are STUPID enough to come here and ask for help then the rest of you comments become true.



That's the way I USED to think........

If crack users ARE intelligent, then they will realise that they cannot download any effects, so they make their own and use it for their personal usage...only the stupid ones realise that they cannot do much with the crack and finally realise that its better to purchase...

I think it depends on how the customer values the software, If my passion is dj'ing and I discover that vitual dj is the best program for me i'll certainly buy it, I can't understand those that don't, unless your intending to pay when you get money, but me and graphics software, I like to use graphics software for various things, but it's not a passion of mine, and I definately wouldn't pay the price of corel draw and the like, but if money is no object, then buy everything.


I think we are all on the same page in some way.

It is also kind of a special dude that finds his way here, call him a djgeek if you will.
The dj side of the cracker what brings him around as well as the minimal cost to own this, imo.

I think this topic has run its course.

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