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Sujet some of my video's stoped working after 5.2 is there a reason for that

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wizsaxPRO InfinityMember since 2005
Some of my video's stoped working after 5.2 is there a reason for that.

using vista, or xp or windows 7, that does not seem to be the prob....plenty of's just switching from 5.2 to any update!

Posté Mon 25 Oct 10 @ 10:59 am
wizsaxPRO InfinityMember since 2005
oh and by the way I can convert them but I HAVE TOO MANY TO CONVERT....


Posté Mon 25 Oct 10 @ 11:00 am
Convert to what, what format are they in now? Stopped how? Don't load, don't play, play for a few seconds?

Posté Mon 25 Oct 10 @ 10:18 pm
I also have the same problem and posted that with Frank yesterday.....

what it is they are vob files when we load them in 5.2 they work fine,.....but after 6 and above will not play!!!

when we load them they will not load but come up video....

when we go to browser a=into the file info....the bottom line says

impossible to open...


Posté Tue 26 Oct 10 @ 11:40 am
when we convert to avi, they work fine (THX)

Posté Tue 26 Oct 10 @ 11:41 am
It sounds like the path to that file has been lost, but you re-aquire it when you convert. Try config, and browser and fix the drives. I have lost some paths, but it is not because of vobs, because most of my vids are vobs. I have upgraded and do not have this problem.

Posté Tue 26 Oct 10 @ 1:56 pm
will try THX

Posté Tue 26 Oct 10 @ 2:24 pm
I also have the same problem

Posté Tue 26 Oct 10 @ 3:11 pm
It sounds like the path to that file has been lost, but you re-aquire it when you convert. Try config, and browser and fix the drives. I have lost some paths, but it is not because of vobs, because most of my vids are vobs. I have upgraded and do not have this problem.

I did try "Fix Database" did not fix the problem.....but THX for feedback!

still need help!

Posté Tue 26 Oct 10 @ 5:15 pm
Did you do all three of the options, fix, clean, and I forgot the other one? In Windows, verify the file is in the folder it says it is. In VDJ, reset that folder as favorite and try. I forgot to ask, does it play ANY vobs?

Posté Tue 26 Oct 10 @ 5:58 pm
Will try only did fix I do have other vob files that work

Posté Tue 26 Oct 10 @ 6:15 pm
So we know it is not the vob codec.

Posté Wed 27 Oct 10 @ 10:25 am
no luck still can not get the vids to load into vdj after ver 5.2 thx for trying any other ideas?


Posté Fri 29 Oct 10 @ 2:27 pm
I play vobs all night long, and do not have this issue. There has to be an issue with the database. I see you went from a 5 database to the 7. Can you try to re-install 7 again? I am running out of ideas, but know that a re-install has solved some of my issues. Don't give up, because if it works for me and others, then it will work for you.

Posté Fri 29 Oct 10 @ 2:47 pm

Posté Fri 29 Oct 10 @ 4:40 pm
did anyone find the fix for this??? still doesn't work..

Posté Wed 03 Nov 10 @ 6:31 pm
still waiting

Posté Thu 04 Nov 10 @ 7:04 am
have you tried navigating to them manually (going through computer > drive > dir > file) instead of searchin for them
to pinpoint if vdj is having trouble searching for them

Posté Thu 04 Nov 10 @ 8:43 am

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