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The mixer section of the MixDeck is a real hardware audio mixer and is not MIDI capable. It cannot control the on-screen software mixer (Volume sliders, EQ's, gain, etc.) or the video crossfader in VirtualDJ. Only the CD players are MIDI enabled.

industrochemco wrote :
I have VDJ7 Pro with a Numark Mixdeck. It works perfect!!! The only issue I seem to have though is that my crossfader doesn't move on the screen when I use it on my deck and my tracks are placed backwards on my screen. My left deck moves the right deck on the screen and vise versa. My my master, gain, treble, mid, and bass don't seem to work on the screen either. It all works perfect on my deck but on the screen it doesn't seem very responsive to everything. Everything else seems to work though very nicely. If anyone can help me out with this I would surely appreciate it.

Like support has said the mixer is not midi so nothing will move on your screen. The next time your playing and the decks are backwards just press the eject button and it'll switch them.

Hope that helps

I did my first show with the mixdeck last night. I played for 8 hours straight and had absolutely no problems! While playing I even was connected to the Internet, downloading some new music & had virus protection on. I must say I was a little scared with all the posts on here of it crashing and not running, but the night couldn't have went smoother.

If you're wondering I'm using VDJ LE
HP DV7-3187cl
Intel core I3. M330 @ 2.13GHz
Nvidia GeForce G 105M 512 MB dedicated / up to 2287MB
640 GB 5400 RPM hard drive / dual 320GB drives

Curious how far the CPU usage indicator in VDJ is for you guys when you are using the program? Mine barely has 4 bars the entire time I use the program

DJ Mikey P

Thats awesome! I can say the samething, this unit and VDJ together are SOLID!! My cpu is around 10% unless its loading a track then spikes up to around 30%, which aint bad.

Glad its working for you

First off my buddy with a mixdeck had the same problem anytime he used his HP laptop. It worked fine on others especially now that he has switched 2 a mac. So it could be the HP laptop might want 2 try a different one. But others said it was the windows vista that was on there.


Sorry 2 hijack this thread but what skin is that u r using in your picture I want that.

Hey industrochemco, i own the mixdeck as well, the mixer is not a midi mixer thus why on the screen of your laptop the crossfader, treb,mid, bass, gain etc... is not moving, but the two decks are thus why you can control the track and see it move on the screen, and another tip, if you ever want to record a set, you cant use VDJ, why because the crossfader on the mixer on the screen is in the middle, so so i you did record something using vdj, your going to hear track A through the main speakers and the next track that your cueing up will also be herd through the main speakers as well. Best way to record a set is to use a 3rd party recording software.

hope this helped! Good luck!

djjaggy wrote :
if you ever want to record a set, you cant use VDJ

WRONG! if your laptop has a "TRUE" linein (most laptops don't) you can use VDJ to record with. You'd just run a cable from the "Booth Out" to your "Line in" on your lappy. Next you go into "Advanced Config" and assign your decks (pick MixDeck ASIO for each) then for RECORD LOOPBACK you'd choose your line in from the options. Like I said this ONLY works if your lappy has a true line in.

Now if you have an IPOD TOUCH or IPHONE I use an app called IPRO RECORDER. Its a great, records in great quality and is super easy easy to use. Plus when your on a network it will automatically upload the mix to a site where you can share it with everyone to download. Only downfall is it records in WAV format. But it's well worth it.

If anybody has any questions hit me up


I have a Toshiba Satellite A665-S5170 Everything was GREAT, I've been using Virtual DJ for about 4 years. I have been running it on a Toshiba since day one. And now I have the model I already mentioned. This new Toshiba, I bought on Feb 16th 2011 and used it on a 5hour party with everything awesome except that someone hit my laptop and the music skipped as if I was playing a CD and it skipped. I took it back to best buy and they gave me a new one and it did the same thing so I did a little research and found out that the "(HDD Protection)" was on, So I turned it off and then that was fixed, However now It's freezing on me when I use it through MIDI (with Virtual dj) or when connecting an external hardrive directly on the Mixdeck, When It freezes If I try To close Virtual DJ the message "The Music Is Still Playing are You Sure You wish To Close Virtual DJ" appears. The first time it froze I was scrolling through my music on the external HD, The second time the External HD was plugged into the Mixdeck and again it froze, Anyway this is what is happening to me FRUSTRATED!!!!!!! Ohhhh I am running Windows 7 Home Premium. Help " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " "

Turn your HDD protection back on and keep ppl away from ur gear.

the software isnt working on my numark mix deck. I downloaded the latest version from your website. I have a Toshiba Satellite with windows 7 home Premium. Its a 64 bit not a 32 bit operating system. I went into the configurations. I set up the sound.
1: inputs: none
2: output: External mixer
3: soundcard : asio driver
and it plays the song for 1 sec, pauses, then plays for 1 sec, pauses,(Basically it stutters) it wont play the whole song.
Now my older dell laptop is a 32 bit operating system. it has windows xp service pack 3. When I use that laptop it works fine with no problem. Does anyone have any suggestion

what am i doing wrong? I am using vdj pro

@Rambo, do you have the "Ultra Low Latency" box checked? If not check that and see how it sounds then.

Let us know

i have virtual dj and it freezes with my mixdeck, i have firmware 038. help!!

What freezes?? Are you playing then all of a sudden it just freezes? Are you loading a track or searching?? Details bro, details!! Is the Mixdeck even connecting with VDJ?? Have you checked your download center and upgraded to the latest version??


I've been having the same problem with it freezing after like 3 hours or so using the MIDI. I have my MixDeck connected to my HP laptop running nothing but the bare essentials and VDJ Pro. This said, I haven't yet updated the firmware. Is this really the fix for the problem? Just yesterday it did it to me about 3 hours in at a gig. It was aweful. Fortunately enough I had a CD in so I was able to switch to the deck and get music on quickly while I did a restart, but it was incrediable embarrassing.

Hmm, not sure what's happening with your unit but I can say updating the firmware was the first thing I did when I got mine. Ive never had a freeze and some gigs have been about 5 to 7 hours long. Have you contacted Numark? I know people say there service sucks but they have actually called me back wry a fix, had a problem with my Virtual Vinyl box, give em a try.

Sorry I couldn't be more help

Hey dude I have that same problem I just got my new Numark Mixdeck and when I use it with VDJ 7 ...the knobs on screen do not respond when I move them on my Mixdeck and it also "jumps" suddenly it stops for a second and then it resume playing...... its funny cuz when I run VDJ 7 by itself without any MIDI controller it works perfectly fine please help! thnks


I use a mac book pro with unmark ns7 and it freezes on me too from time to time........ I dunno what the problem is........

can somebody please send me a email on how to get virtual dj to work with numark mixdeck express step by step from start to finish *****@*****

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