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Sujet VIdeo in Browser

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mUd-VPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Is it possible to make an visual difference between video and normal audio files in the browser and playList section

the audio files are white
the video files can be green

Posté Sun 17 Jul 05 @ 3:26 pm
JeremKPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
There is already a visual difference between video and normal audio files. The video files have a little blue thingy on the disk whereas the audio files only have a grey disk.

But for these logos to be differenced, you must first analyse all your files.

Posté Sun 17 Jul 05 @ 4:36 pm
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
We also need a third for karaoke files, what a mess that makes during searches.

Posté Mon 18 Jul 05 @ 12:01 am
xeonPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
"The video files have a little blue thingy on the disk whereas the audio files only have a grey disk."

yes, that's right, but it is too small! if you don't look fully, you can load video instead of audio file.
This happened to me this saturday in our club. You can immagine what happen if you don't have computer specifications for playing videos ;) ... and right in the middle of set! I had to push stop, load another song and start playing it. But there was a few seconds of silence. Not good!

Dj Nikki

Posté Mon 18 Jul 05 @ 6:07 pm
frd1963PRO InfinityMember since 2004
There is also a little blue 'K' for karaokes and a little blue 'V' for videos, however, I agree that this is not sufficient. Not only is it too small, but if you have already played the song even just to set cues, etc, then the little blue letter becomes a little red 'X' just like any other file.

I am guessing that this will be improved in the next version as I have already seen several requests for this and several good suggestions for possible solutions.

However, I will share with you how I currently get around this problem. I keep different types of media (music, karaoke, video) in differently named top-level folders (ie "Music", "Karaoke", "Video") and then in the browser, just make sure you have at least the first letter of the path column visible so you can glance at it quickly to determine what type of file it is. Alternatively, you could keep the files and different drive letters (ie "M:", "K:", "V:") either by having separate drives or just partitioning your drive(s). In that case, you would just need the 'drive' column visible.

This doesn't help when a track is in the playlist panel however, because there is no column for pathname and you can't even right click on a file to see its 'file info' in the playlist.

Let's hope for a better solution, but hopefully this helps you in the meantime ;)

Posté Mon 18 Jul 05 @ 6:41 pm

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