Can someone help me configure my new VMS 4.1 with my MacBook computer.
Posté Sat 21 Jul 12 @ 9:15 am
Just posting this for anyone who is using a VMS4 running VDJ Pro on a PC/Windows 7. My mixer stopped working entirely just before a gig a few weeks ago. nightmare.
Just no sound/in mixer or headphones. Tried all kinds of updates etc.
It turns out that the new firmware update causes the USB cable to lose power... essentailly only limited power to the VMS4. After many calleds to American Audio (one agent was friendly but unable to help the other two were not friendly or helpful!), i finally had a VDJ agent remote into my computer and they believed I was having issues with the USB port - wasn't sure why.
But in any event suggested a powered USB 2.0 hub which I bought this morning and which has appeared to solve the problem - ie I can hear the music in my headphones and speakers again!
i have to say having the VDJ full support chat option was great!! Really wished I'd used that sooner but I kept thinking that American Audio would know more about THEIR own unit than the software people!
Anyway I hope this saves folks some time and effort if having issues with the VMS4 as described above!
Just no sound/in mixer or headphones. Tried all kinds of updates etc.
It turns out that the new firmware update causes the USB cable to lose power... essentailly only limited power to the VMS4. After many calleds to American Audio (one agent was friendly but unable to help the other two were not friendly or helpful!), i finally had a VDJ agent remote into my computer and they believed I was having issues with the USB port - wasn't sure why.
But in any event suggested a powered USB 2.0 hub which I bought this morning and which has appeared to solve the problem - ie I can hear the music in my headphones and speakers again!
i have to say having the VDJ full support chat option was great!! Really wished I'd used that sooner but I kept thinking that American Audio would know more about THEIR own unit than the software people!
Anyway I hope this saves folks some time and effort if having issues with the VMS4 as described above!
Posté Sat 21 Jul 12 @ 12:48 pm
I always use the 5v Adaptor which was included with the mixer, but it might be software problems or something. aslong you can stream analog audio to your vms then theres nothing worry about it. (atleast I think)
Posté Wed 25 Jul 12 @ 8:20 pm
Can you help me with binnary from PIC chip ? i tied to update firmware from my VMS4 and after that ... VMS4 dead. sorry for my bad english... thank you .
Posté Tue 26 Feb 13 @ 3:59 pm
You need to contact the American Audio support in that case.
Greets, Heiko
Greets, Heiko
Posté Tue 26 Feb 13 @ 4:02 pm
quilla333 wrote :
mine was given to me as a prize winner, and i have to say that AA sent me the microphones thingis for free and so far all i had is a loose slider control that i fixed miself but after all it has worked very solid for 2 years now. its not the best but if you treat it nice it will give you many good gigs without problems.
If you have some soldering abillities you can open and remove the parts from the MIC-Adaptors and include them in the VMS4 housing because there is much space. Just need to cut the PCB from the sockets for both mics and glue the adaptors electronic parts inside of the case.
Greets, Heiko
Posté Tue 26 Feb 13 @ 4:04 pm
is there any difference betwheen VMS4 and VMS4.1 inside parts ? like main CPU board ... faders ... or only SW difference ?
Posté Thu 28 Feb 13 @ 4:41 am
better soundcard, better mic out`s, stable power supplly more resistand against current variations
Posté Thu 28 Feb 13 @ 8:15 am
hola alguien tiene fotos de la targeta logica del amrican audio vms2
Posté Wed 10 Apr 13 @ 7:47 pm
Sorry, this forum is for English language messages only.
Please either post your message again in English or use the appropriate language forum at the bottom of to post in your own language.
Please either post your message again in English or use the appropriate language forum at the bottom of to post in your own language.
Posté Wed 10 Apr 13 @ 7:53 pm
j'ai un problème j'ais perdu mon CD et avec la licence instalation de ma consol vms4.1
merci de merde
merci de merde
Posté Sun 03 Jan 16 @ 1:25 am
I have a problem I board and lost my CD with my instalation license consol VMS4.1
thank you
thank you
Posté Sun 03 Jan 16 @ 1:27 am
Contact American Audio, or You can try support. You can not get license help from the forum, thank you.
Posté Sun 03 Jan 16 @ 1:41 am
Have an VMS4 and problems with knbos and faders by spilling liquid emem I will order the parts for replacement. The only negative point is the audio, the volume of the output is very low and the distortion facilitates the insertion of the height. You thought that 4.1 had this problem fixed. Could you have heard the difference between the two?
Posté Sat 12 May 18 @ 12:57 am