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Sujet VirtualDj 8 Sneak Peak - Page: 19

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That's the problem, you always miss something.

Posté Tue 02 Oct 12 @ 10:23 am
OK thanks... I'll start reading more.

Posté Tue 02 Oct 12 @ 10:43 am

Posté Sat 06 Oct 12 @ 1:42 pm
Taken from the digitaldjtips article linked above:

It will also have coloured track waveforms, a feature also to be included – we can also exclusively reveal – in Virtual DJ 7.2. (Indeed, this is actually the only change in Virtual DJ 7.2 over Virtual DJ 7.1.)

Regarding release date, the Virtual DJ team say it’s getting closer, but the software has to be rock solid first, and it seems the company is quite happy to take however long it takes to achieve that. The latest word is Q2 next year.

Guess this will have to be confirmed by Atomix but that's what's in the article!

the news that Virtual DJ 8 will be the first multi-platform, multi-touch DJ app. That means that from the off, it will run on Windows, Mac and iOS



Posté Sat 06 Oct 12 @ 2:05 pm
As a windows, mac and iOS user it too made me go wow too!!

Thought things had gone quiet on the iRemote front- now I see why!!

Posté Sat 06 Oct 12 @ 2:52 pm
J-SnipPRO InfinityMember since 2006
I just read the entire indeed. Way to go TEAM!

Posté Sat 06 Oct 12 @ 6:34 pm
Where is the "Like" button when you need one?? LOL I cant wait, multi touch support will be badazz while using a touchscreen!! Way to go team!

Posté Sat 06 Oct 12 @ 6:40 pm
any update about VDJ 8?

Posté Wed 10 Oct 12 @ 3:12 am
ciocePRO InfinityMember since 2004

Posté Wed 10 Oct 12 @ 3:13 am
Video from BPM 2012 in the UK

Looking really good so far. Sample banks look amazing, macros that can trigger third party apps and lighting, and looks like elastic beat grid is there as well.

It will be well worth the wait

Posté Wed 10 Oct 12 @ 1:16 pm
I can not wait to get a hold of this!!

Posté Wed 10 Oct 12 @ 3:22 pm
why did i see the video in face book and not here? love the video is gone.. that was fast..

loved it. In 7.3 I would love to have the ability to use the new color code for the songs for the dirty versions and stuff..

Posté Thu 11 Oct 12 @ 12:31 pm
DJCULARPRO InfinityMember since 2012
still no more news on version 8?
i know its next year some time but is there anymore updates to version 7.2 or will that be it until version 8 drops?
cant wait for a better sound and better performance (Y)

Posté Fri 09 Nov 12 @ 5:33 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
7.2 has been out less than a month...

Posté Fri 09 Nov 12 @ 9:04 am
I have a question on inclusions for version 8. Does anyone know if we will be able to change (edit) tag names such as artist, title, genre, etc. directly from the files section or will be have to go into each song and edit each tag? It would be a gift from the gods to be able to edit tag information for each and even multiple songs and all tags from the main screen. Changing multiple songs tags such as their genre, year or artist at once woud be awesome too. This is a very time saving tool in other DJ apps and would recommend...if it's not already in the works...

Posté Fri 23 Nov 12 @ 9:22 am
we need openGL on virtual dj 8, to run with my nvidia geforce on desktop mode and get smooth waves, not only when y play with videos, please!! the optimus technology no switch even if i select the nvidia gpu to run with virtual dj that sucks!

Posté Thu 29 Nov 12 @ 7:04 am
I have i the last day many test , and my info is the Virtual dj is the best for low pc , i test it traktor and say only the germany company is ok she make good produkte the problems is by the comp and controllers I have the new pioneer ddj -wego and by virtual dj i have no problems

the only point is the sounds by virtual dj by rec you have good ears to see what is ok and what is to louds , one idea for virtual dj is

tune control one laudness control , the MP3 or many Songs have Div loudness and you come many over the red light

you need by works good feelings to can chance and works i have many houre make trainings and jet is alll ok the loudness is perfects

and the wave have a good power for studio

fazit Traktor 2 pro very cCPU hard to handels and not all controler aceept this programm
Virtual Dj is the best by all controlers and ableton ilike the programm very much

best reg Djane-Ansaya Sound over my works in Soundcloud

Posté Sun 27 Jan 13 @ 3:50 pm
I dont care how many VDJ version they bring out none of them will eer be better than SERATO. VDJ Sucks ASS!!!

Posté Sun 27 Jan 13 @ 11:13 pm
alewis1210 wrote :
I dont care how many VDJ version they bring out none of them will eer be better than SERATO. VDJ Sucks ASS!!!

Do you think we are supposed to believe this from you, an LE user!! Lol

Posté Sun 27 Jan 13 @ 11:50 pm
I'm not usually one to comment on these kinda posts, but if VDJ is that bad, why are you even here on the forums?


Posté Mon 28 Jan 13 @ 2:08 am