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... jail break my mac

Posté Sun 10 Jun 12 @ 5:16 am
Discussion of illegal activities is not permitted on the VirtualDJ forums. Please see the forum rules.

NOTE: You can install Windows legally on an Intel Mac alongside MacOS using BootCamp.

sorry, should of been more specific...but you new what i was talking about, thanks for not locking it.

how can i do this bootcamp... can i install it w7 instantly on my mac? i dont have a clue about doin this

The best place to start is Apple's own BootCamp pages:

You will of course need a valid Windows license to install (E.g: Retail version of Windows 7 Professional.)

Installation won't be 'instant' - It's the same as installing Windows from scratch on a new PC, but shouldn't take long.

Please also bear in mind that while your MacOS partition will be visible in Windows, you won't be able to write to it, so if your music is located there, the database won't be saved. If you use external drives, make sure that they are formatted FAT32 to allow use on both Operating Systems. See

i have a legit version of W7 pro and 1 OEM pro... what about an OEM,will that b ok to put on my mac?

am i gona lose my lion o/s if i partition my HD to put W7 and everything else on my system?

my ext drives are all FAT32, i made sure of that.

OEM can only be installed on the computer it was originally purchased with. It's not transferable, even if you dispose of the computer.

Retail can be installed on any computer of your choice, although obviously only one computer at any time.

You won't loose your Mac partition - BootCamp is an Apple product and automatically repartitions your disk to allow you to use both MacOS and Windows (You will obviously need sufficient free space to do this.)

Make sure that you perform a full backup of all files that are important to you before installing. You should have a regular backup anyway as a matter of course.

Support staff wrote :
OEM can only be installed on the computer it was originally purchased with. It's not transferable, even if you dispose of the computer.

does that mean the drivers for internet won't b available

it just means it is against the EULA of using windows to reinstall an OEM version of windows on another computer other than the original. If you purchase another license from microsoft then you are able to reinstall that on any other computer after you uninstall it from the current one.

Every driver is supported though so your software, bluetooth, wifi, video, sound etc... will operate just as it would on a windows native pc, you will essentially just have a better looking but underpowered pc compared to what you could get in a pc for the same money. Mac's certainly are pretty though...

i love my mac... my mate is gona help me out, he's in IT so thats a real big bonus for me.
another mate of his told me to download parallel or virtual box, which one should i go for

Parallels and Virtualbox are virtual machines that run on top of MacOS, so have the overheads of running both MacOS and Windows simultaneously as well as emulating a virtual PC. This means that they may not be fast enough to run a demanding application such as VirtualDJ.

Bootcamp is different because your Intel Mac boots and runs Windows natively, so has no additional overheads. It's also free with the exception of a license for Windows.

Parallels (or other VM) will not work. I've tried this and there are major issues with latency, available RAM & driver compatibility.

A bootcamp partition is simple to install and gives you the full resources of the machine in an independent session.

As above, be aware of the incompatibility between Windows & MacOS file systems, although there are softwares you can use in each OS to access the other partition and file systems.


thanks guys, this has really helped me out.... I'm going with just bootcamp.

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